Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

I simply remembered Rusty Bowers from the Jan 6th hearings, and Georgia is easy because of Trump's call to Kemp. Nevada also I believe but I'm to lazy to really look at it atm.
I think one reason that many repub are in denial is the amount of time that has passed since J6 and trump's efforts to overturn the election. Well, the wheels of justice often move very slowly, but they do keep moving. I think Garland drug his feet on J6, but in is defence, it was the largest DOJ investigation ever. Over 1,000 people have been charged. Now the Big Fish is in the tank.
So now if you have two advisors, each with a different opinion, and you choose to take the advice of the one Democrats don’t agree with, the DOJ will come after you and try to imprison you?
Trump was also lying about non-existent ‘fraud’ in an attempt to compel Pence to reject the electoral votes.

From the indictment:

‘On December 29, as reflected in the Vice President’s contemporaneous

notes, the Defendant falsely told the Vice President that the “Justice Dept

[was] finding major infractions.”’

Evidence of Trump’s crimes both compelling and damning.
Trump was also lying about non-existent ‘fraud’ in an attempt to compel Pence to reject the electoral votes.

From the indictment:

‘On December 29, as reflected in the Vice President’s contemporaneous

notes, the Defendant falsely told the Vice President that the “Justice Dept

[was] finding major infractions.”’

Evidence of Trump’s crimes both compelling and damning.
You can’t go by what the indictment says. Smith is a political attack dog whose cases are ridiculous. When he went on the attack against our Republican Governor, his charges was so insane that the SCOTUS overturned the conviction 9-0.
Translation: My propagandists have told me it's ridiculous. I don't have the courage or intellectual bandwidth to read it myself.
I have read it now. Pititful WHat do you think is the most damning part?
I have read it now. Pititful WHat do you think is the most damning part?
I know what the most damning to our Constitution it is - that our words and what we think can land us in jail if the Democrats don’t like it.
I know what the most damning to our Constitution it is - that our words and what we think can land us in jail if the Democrats don’t like it.
You never watched Law and Order dumbass? They advise you that anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law like every fucking episode. 😄
You can’t go by what the indictment says. Smith is a political attack dog whose cases are ridiculous. When he went on the attack against our Republican Governor, his charges was so insane that the SCOTUS overturned the conviction 9-0.
It helps Smith's case that most, if not all, of the witnesses against trump were trump devotees and voted for trump. That cannot be interpreted as part of the fictitious "deep state."

Yes! This indictment should have been bought a year ago. Garland drug his feet and did nothing for months, while trump continued to fan the flames of his cult's anger. The professor is totally correct, trump is playing the long game. Our legal system is not built for the Long Game. If a repub is elected in 2024, he/she will wipe out these charges with a single signature and millions of dollars and man hours go up in smoke. That is trump's quest.

But if he is the nominee, I just do not see him winning. If a Dem wins, trump would still drag out the process for years.

You can’t go by what the indictment says. Smith is a political attack dog whose cases are ridiculous. When he went on the attack against our Republican Governor, his charges was so insane that the SCOTUS overturned the conviction 9-0.
He went after John Edwards, Robert Menendez, and Sheldon Silver ALL Democratic Politicians. So how do you get to He's biased against Republicans?

Second, overturning a conviction on appeal isn't at all unusual. Nor does it make the charges levied insane. At least it needed to go through 2 levels of appeal to get to be overturned. Durham for instance handed down 3 indictments and lost 2 of them in short order. I'm pretty sure you defend him still.
Arizona, Georgia, spring to mind right of the bat as Republican controlled. But feel free to prove otherwise.
Katie Hobbs-Democrat -Was SOS of Arizona in 2020

Georgia looks like it was Republican-controlled, but Zuckerberg paid for the poll workers and centers.
He went after John Edwards, Robert Menendez, and Sheldon Silver ALL Democratic Politicians. So how do you get to He's biased against Republicans?

Second, overturning a conviction on appeal isn't at all unusual. Nor does it make the charges levied insane. At least it needed to go through 2 levels of appeal to get to be overturned. Durham for instance handed down 3 indictments and lost 2 of them in short order. I'm pretty sure you defend him still.
Smith's convictions went through 2 levels of appeals and were overturned.

He also was behind the IRS targeting of consertives in 2010. He's a corrupt shitbag.

Lois Lerner had to step down, and the IRS got sued and lost, but Jack Smith skated right away from that mess he created.

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