Indisputable difference of quality of life in the inner cities compared to the suburbs

Breaking news! More crime in places where larger numbers of people live closer together! Why, in the entire history of mankind, has no one ever uncovered this startling phenomenon?
its due to climate change...huddling together keeps them warm
This isn’t about race or political party. It’s about a nation that has lost it’s sense of priorities. When you allow a small rapacious oligarchy to control a nation, this is but one consequence.



You got anything to say on this thing. You guys are part of the problem right now. You keep on claiming that there’s racism in America that the white man is the problem. You got anything to say to the poor white man starving on the streets?

Got anything to say about how the east side of Buffalo is.? For 2 miles it’s a stretch of liquor stores, smoke shops, corner stores with people loitering outside the stores doing nothing. Some of them are intimidating regular every day Americans.

And the politicians are telling the people of the inner city that “racism is the problem”. Guess what that doesn’t put money into the pocket of the workingman. It Creates division, it leads to drug addiction and violence.

Guess where the politicians in Buffalo live? …in the rich suburbs. You don’t see them down in the inner cities with the workingman.

This status quo has been going on for decades, and it has been amplified in the past three years. It’s completely and utterly unacceptable.

when is the east side of Buffalo going to get healthy restaurants, bars, and nightclubs, a situation where people feel safe to walk down the street.?

I’ll tell you what it’s going to take we need to learn from the American past we had that in the 1950s and the 1970s. Back in those days many people in the inner cities were working factory jobs and they were set for life. The homes were beautiful. The streets were beautiful. Now there’s potholes all over the place, deserted homes. You three guys get on the Right side of history.
Tell us Frank, why is it that every immigrant that comes to America comes to the Hood to open up shop. Why don't they open all these liquor stores, service stations, restaurants, etc. out in the suburbs?

Why aren't the police on foot patrols 24/7 to clean these areas up? Why is it that when the residents complain about it, nothing is done.

Why is it that we don't see folks on the corners selling drugs in predominately white communities? Why is it we don't see women on the streets prostituting in predominately white areas?

Whites are the privileged class, how do you allow a white man to be on the streets starving, how is that black folks fault?
Hell...I lived in a NYC suburb most of my life and have taken busses in to the city since I was 15-16...went there as a young adult for restaurants and concerts...later worked all throughout the city as an HVAC mechanic.

Never once had a problem
The curse of capitalist greed.

When 10% of the citizenry owns 90% of the wealth. Your country is going to rapidly deteriorate.
You could write a book on this topic and just scratch the surface.

But succinctly.

There is a societal break down in America's major metropolitans.

Crime isn't just is in many instances glorified.

The two parent family unit has been destroyed.

Police and law and order are vilified.

Outsourcing of manufacturing overseas has left a huge divide in opportunity for those without specialized skills and education.

Excelling in educational pursuits is not prioritized.

Without adjustments in these areas, the situation will only get worse.

What are the Democrats solutions?

Defund the police.

Prop up a failing education system because the teachers union supports Democrats financially.

Decriminalize theft, prostitution and drug dealing.

Normalize the single mother.

Destigmatize welfare.

A course of action tantamount to replacing all the firetrucks with semi tankers full of gasoline to put out burning buildings.

IOW...idiocy doomed to accelerate the collapse.
I live in Central Florida.

I have a friend that works for IBM. We coached Little League baseball together. He lived in a different city but worked out of an office in Orlando. This was before Disney fucked up Orlando so bad like it is today.

He got a chance for a big promotion. The only thing was that he had to go to the main office in New York City.

IBM gave him a great raise and an executive relocation package. He bought a house in I think was Connecticut and commuted by train to the city each day.

After two years he said piss on that and took a demotion to relocate back to Florida to his old job. He hated it. He said the area where he lived was OK but the city sucked donkey dicks.
I live in Central Florida.

I have a friend that works for IBM. We coached Little League baseball together. He lived in a different city but worked out of an office in Orlando. This was before Disney fucked up Orlando so bad like it is today.

He got a chance for a big promotion. The only thing was that he had to go to the main office in New York City.

IBM gave him a great raise and an executive relocation package. He bought a house in I think was Connecticut and commuted by train to the city each day.

After two years he said piss on that and took a demotion to relocate back to Florida to his old job. He hated it. He said the area where he lived was OK but the city sucked donkey dicks.
What a dumbass.
America's falling apart because there is no money to rebuild. Most of the money goes to the few at the top. A handful of billionaires have most of the money and they buy off congress critters to make sure they get as many tax breaks as possible.

Tell us Frank, why is it that every immigrant that comes to America comes to the Hood to open up shop. Why don't they open all these liquor stores, service stations, restaurants, etc. out in the suburbs?

Why aren't the police on foot patrols 24/7 to clean these areas up? Why is it that when the residents complain about it, nothing is done.

Why is it that we don't see folks on the corners selling drugs in predominately white communities? Why is it we don't see women on the streets prostituting in predominately white areas?

Whites are the privileged class, how do you allow a white man to be on the streets starving, how is that black folks fault?
Blacks accept a certain amount of crime because many of them are involved in criminality in some way or another. The females are very tough and they want men that are tougher than they are so they sex up thugs. This leads to violent youth terrorizing the city and chasing away business. Here in Detroit, they scream if a white person offers to help clean it up ( look at how they attacked Trump for offering to clean up Chicago). When a white person has a conflict, they usually ARGUE and then get violent while a Black goes from Conflict right to Violence.
Immigrants open up shop in the Hood because the rent is dirt cheap and immigrants can take the violence and crime.
BTW there are tons of immigrants opening up businesses in the suburbs since Biden is giving them small business loans.

No need for foot patrols in the suburbs because civilized people do not let their demon youth run wild all night long and most suburbanites will sell dope in subdued ways. Women dont prostitute because they will get busted in a white area but not in a blac k area as the cops usually tolerate crime in the hood else they would have to arrest most people there.

Blacks are lucky to be in America period ! I have never seen an African peasant driving a Mercedes or Lexus in the Frica but you see that all day long here in the States.

We will never see an honest conversation about this because that would entail blacks taking responsibility for their bad behavior and that is never going to happen
Blacks accept a certain amount of crime because many of them are involved in criminality in some way or another. The females are very tough and they want men that are tougher than they are so they sex up thugs. This leads to violent youth terrorizing the city and chasing away business. Here in Detroit, they scream if a white person offers to help clean it up ( look at how they attacked Trump for offering to clean up Chicago). When a white person has a conflict, they usually ARGUE and then get violent while a Black goes from Conflict right to Violence.
Immigrants open up shop in the Hood because the rent is dirt cheap and immigrants can take the violence and crime.
BTW there are tons of immigrants opening up businesses in the suburbs since Biden is giving them small business loans.

No need for foot patrols in the suburbs because civilized people do not let their demon youth run wild all night long and most suburbanites will sell dope in subdued ways. Women dont prostitute because they will get busted in a white area but not in a blac k area as the cops usually tolerate crime in the hood else they would have to arrest most people there.

Blacks are lucky to be in America period ! I have never seen an African peasant driving a Mercedes or Lexus in the Frica but you see that all day long here in the States.

We will never see an honest conversation about this because that would entail blacks taking responsibility for their bad behavior and that is never going to happen
You should change your name to Dr Don'tknow.
Just saying my friends....

It is what it is


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