Individual Mandate Delayed, Sebelius Lies to Congress


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Individual Mandate Delayed, Sebelius Lies to Congress

March 12th, 2014

As Kathleen Sebelius lies to Congress today, stating there will be no delay to the individual mandate, the delay has AREADY been made official.

She stated HHS doesn’t have the statutory authority to delay the mandate or the enrollment period, which is correct, yet it has already criminally done just so. From the Wall Street Journal:

This latest political reconstruction has received zero media notice, and the Health and Human Services Department didn’t think the details were worth discussing in a conference call, press materials or fact sheet. Instead, the mandate suspension was buried in an unrelated rule that was meant to preserve some health plans that don’t comply with ObamaCare benefit and redistribution mandates. Our sources only noticed the change this week.

That seven-page technical bulletin includes a paragraph and footnote that casually mention that a rule in a separate December 2013 bulletin would be extended for two more years, until 2016. Lo and behold, it turns out this second rule, which was supposed to last for only a year, allows Americans whose coverage was cancelled to opt out of the mandate altogether.

In 2013, HHS decided that ObamaCare’s wave of policy terminations qualified as a “hardship” that entitled people to a special type of coverage designed for people under age 30 or a mandate exemption. HHS originally defined and reserved hardship exemptions for the truly down and out such as battered women, the evicted and bankrupts.

But amid the post-rollout political backlash, last week the agency created a new category: Now all you need to do is fill out a form attesting that your plan was cancelled and that you “believe that the plan options available in the [ObamaCare] Marketplace in your area are more expensive than your cancelled health insurance policy” or “you consider other available policies unaffordable.”

This lax standard—no formula or hard test beyond a person’s belief—at least ostensibly requires proof such as an insurer termination notice. But people can also qualify for hardships for the unspecified nonreason that “you experienced another hardship in obtaining health insurance,” which only requires “documentation if possible.” And yet another waiver is available to those who say they are merely unable to afford coverage, regardless of their prior insurance. In a word, these shifting legal benchmarks offer an exemption to everyone who conceivably wants one.

Barry said he’d veto a delay to the individual mandate, and blamed Republicans for shutting down the government, went to the Supreme Court to have the FINE redefined as a TAX in order to make it Constitutional,


Here is Kathy, lying to Congress, via The Hill:


Sebelius ruled out the changes during testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, where Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) noted the administration has made dozens of other changes or delays to the law.

Given the problems caused by ObamaCare's faulty website last year, Brady asked Sebelius directly if delays to the individual mandate or enrollment deadline would be next.

“No, sir,” Sebelius responded.

Read more: Sebelius says mandate won't be delayed | TheHill
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[ame=]Kathleen Sebelius: Delay of health care law 'not an option' - YouTube[/ame]
14 days ago news bro? slow work day?

Yet slavery is an important issue.......:cuckoo:

Yes, having universal health care is just like slavery.

So, since you are against gummit supported health care, you are going to renounce your veteran's benefits, government job and other benefits, right.

I mean, we wouldn't want a rugged individualist like yourself "enslaved" to an evil government.
14 days ago news bro? slow work day?

Yet slavery is an important issue.......:cuckoo:

Yes, having universal health care is just like slavery.

So, since you are against gummit supported health care, you are going to renounce your veteran's benefits, government job and other benefits, right.

I mean, we wouldn't want a rugged individualist like yourself "enslaved" to an evil government.

Dude. STFU.

I think you're smart enough to know the difference between welfare and veterans' benefits.

If not you need to take down that avi, because it's an insult to those of us who have served.
Fact is, nothing this administrations says can be trusted.

We will see if the delays are not just a smoke screen. The tax still has to be paid. If you don't obtain health care by the end of the month you'll find out in your next tax return if you have to pay a tax.

Course you won't know that until after the election.

Unless you pay your taxes quarterly.
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Dude. STFU.

I think you're smart enough to know the difference between welfare and veterans' benefits.

If not you need to take down that avi, because it's an insult to those of us who have served.

I'm smart enough to know that veteran's benefits (of which I take none) are just a form of "popular' welfare.

You see, that's the problem with a lot of you guys on the right - You want to preserve the "Welfare" you approve of - Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, Medicare - while denying the welfare benefits of "those people" - Food Stamps, Section 8, MedicAid.

but frankly, you slop down government benefits the rest of us have to pay for with all the gusto of a welfare queen in the projects.
Most if not all politicians and government bureaucrats lie. The problem is most of the MSM allow Ds to lie regularly and often, without being exposed and criticized.

If the MSM treated Ds like they treat Rs, more Americans would realize that their government is nothing more than a criminal enterprise on par with organized crime.
Fact is, nothing this administrations says can be trusted.

We will see if the delays are not just a smoke screen. The tax still has to be paid. If you don't obtain health care by the end of the month you'll find out in your next tax return if you have to pay a tax.

I'm just wondering who these people are who aren't getting coverage who can, who are refusing on "principle".

I am sure that everyone on this board who spends every day whining about "ObamaCare" is already getting health care from a job or buying a policy himself.
only about 1 million of people who have signed up for obamacare are people who didnt have insurance before

libs are failures who lie to themselves

Dude. STFU.

I think you're smart enough to know the difference between welfare and veterans' benefits.

If not you need to take down that avi, because it's an insult to those of us who have served.

I'm smart enough to know that veteran's benefits (of which I take none) are just a form of "popular' welfare.

You see, that's the problem with a lot of you guys on the right - You want to preserve the "Welfare" you approve of - Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, Medicare - while denying the welfare benefits of "those people" - Food Stamps, Section 8, MedicAid.

but frankly, you slop down government benefits the rest of us have to pay for with all the gusto of a welfare queen in the projects.

I was wrong, you aren't smart enough.

Guess you didn't know what that contract meant when you enlisted.

BTW, all of us have to pay for my benefits. My income is still taxable. I have no disabilities. That's beside the point. It's just like severance pay or a retirement package. You agree to give up some of your rights to get those benefits. It isn't welfare.
Slavery is an important issue, good call.

Hey, by your measurement, if it's more than a day or two old it's irrelevant.

No, I was just asking why you'd post a headline that was 14 days old was all.

Slavery isn't yesterday's news. Its effects are widely shown in the most poverty stricken areas of the Country.

yes good ol democrats legacy of racism, Jim Crow, and failure will be with us for the foreseeable future
Slavery is an important issue, good call.

Hey, by your measurement, if it's more than a day or two old it's irrelevant.

No, I was just asking why you'd post a headline that was 14 days old was all.

Slavery isn't yesterday's news. Its effects are widely shown in the most poverty stricken areas of the Country.

Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.
Hey, by your measurement, if it's more than a day or two old it's irrelevant.

No, I was just asking why you'd post a headline that was 14 days old was all.

Slavery isn't yesterday's news. Its effects are widely shown in the most poverty stricken areas of the Country.

Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.

Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.
No, I was just asking why you'd post a headline that was 14 days old was all.

Slavery isn't yesterday's news. Its effects are widely shown in the most poverty stricken areas of the Country.

Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.

Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Democrats foster an image that being black is depressing, of course being black means being negative. Talking about it and the real causes of it brings immediate attacks of racism.
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No, I was just asking why you'd post a headline that was 14 days old was all.

Slavery isn't yesterday's news. Its effects are widely shown in the most poverty stricken areas of the Country.

Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.

Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

you mean we are still feeling the effects of Democrat Party racism today?

bowl me over with a feather!1
it gets worse; Progressives (regressive people who thing they are progressive) now run the cities where lots of minorities live; and they are now the deadliest places for Black and Hispanic Americans

idiots and hypocrites
Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.

Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Be careful; intellectually dishonest left-wing nutjobs will accuse you of wanting a return to the days of slavery if you point out the Black nuclear family was stronger before Progressives started "helping" them. An accusation of racism is easier than them having to look themselves in the mirror

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