Individual Mandate Delayed, Sebelius Lies to Congress

Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.

Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Democrats foster an image that being black is depressing, of course being black means being negative. Talking about it and the real causes of it brings immediate attacks of racism.

Yea, theyre single parent families are just cuz theyre black huh?

You're simple.
No, I was just asking why you'd post a headline that was 14 days old was all.

Slavery isn't yesterday's news. Its effects are widely shown in the most poverty stricken areas of the Country.

Slavery has nothing to do with poverty today.

Poverty has literally been encouraged by the left. They need it to maintain their base.

Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

I thought they got 40 acres and a mule.
Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Be careful; intellectually dishonest left-wing nutjobs will accuse you of wanting a return to the days of slavery if you point out the Black nuclear family was stronger before Progressives started "helping" them. An accusation of racism is easier than them having to look themselves in the mirror

The black nuclear family is what taught todays black family to be how it is.

Who else raised them?

Think before you speak.

Those families were not happy. Those families were treated as third rate citizens, and they taught their children that spite and the culture that came with that spite has exacerbated itself to the point it is at today - and luckily many can get themselves out of that situation.
Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Democrats foster an image that being black is depressing, of course being black means being negative. Talking about it and the real causes of it brings immediate attacks of racism.

Yea, theyre single parent families are just cuz theyre black huh?

You're simple.

he didnt say that; you race-card using losers who cant handle the truth are so predictable
Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Democrats foster an image that being black is depressing, of course being black means being negative. Talking about it and the real causes of it brings immediate attacks of racism.

Yea, theyre single parent families are just cuz theyre black huh?

You're simple.

he didnt say that; you race-card using losers who cant handle the truth are so predictable

No, the idiot thinks that being a single mom is advantageous monetarily thus women seek to be single moms en masse. That's a completely depraved train of thought and not worthy of discussion at all.

I was wrong, you aren't smart enough.

Guess you didn't know what that contract meant when you enlisted.

BTW, all of us have to pay for my benefits. My income is still taxable. I have no disabilities. That's beside the point. It's just like severance pay or a retirement package. You agree to give up some of your rights to get those benefits. It isn't welfare.

You have to give some things up to get the other kinds of welfare, too.

Frankly, you were paid for the time you served. Anything else is welfare.

It's politically popular welfare, I'll give you that. I owuldn't vote to end it. Not when there are rich people to tax the bejezus out of.

But it's payment for doing nothing because you belong to a certian group.

So it's a little hypocrtical for you to whine about everyone else at the government trough when you are bellying up to it yourself.
Slavery has everything to do with poverty today.

Deep thinking gets you there. How many generations of living a depraved life do you think it takes before it becomes your actual culture, and a taboo that would be difficult to break?

When the slaves were freed, did most of them get full employment and a great opportunity to advance? Or did it start out with them having to scrape to get by, still being discriminated against and hated en masse - and then they learn to be spiteful/resentful of all that is around them and develop an entirely NEW culture unique to America?

It's easy to judge without putting thought into anything and sticking to corny assed partisan schticks.

Nonsense. Slavery is a political tool. Anyone who was around in the 40s and 50s knows that the black community has deteriorated. Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this.

Democrats foster an image that being black is depressing, of course being black means being negative. Talking about it and the real causes of it brings immediate attacks of racism.

Yea, theyre single parent families are just cuz theyre black huh?

You're simple.

Single income families are poorer families.

This has all been addressed at nauseam.
Yea, theyre single parent families are just cuz theyre black huh?

You're simple.

he didnt say that; you race-card using losers who cant handle the truth are so predictable

No, the idiot thinks that being a single mom is advantageous monetarily thus women seek to be single moms en masse. That's a completely depraved train of thought and not worthy of discussion at all.

You're just making stuff up now.

Throwing a hissy-fit.
If this law is so great why isn't everyone running to sign up for it and why do they have to delay yet again. Obama picks and choses what laws he wants to follow which is ILLEGAL.. I hope the REP take the Senate and keeps the house and they Kick his sorry ass out of office right to a jail cell

I was wrong, you aren't smart enough.

Guess you didn't know what that contract meant when you enlisted.

BTW, all of us have to pay for my benefits. My income is still taxable. I have no disabilities. That's beside the point. It's just like severance pay or a retirement package. You agree to give up some of your rights to get those benefits. It isn't welfare.

You have to give some things up to get the other kinds of welfare, too.

Frankly, you were paid for the time you served. Anything else is welfare.

It's politically popular welfare, I'll give you that. I owuldn't vote to end it. Not when there are rich people to tax the bejezus out of.

But it's payment for doing nothing because you belong to a certian group.

So it's a little hypocrtical for you to whine about everyone else at the government trough when you are bellying up to it yourself.

It's clear you never read your contract before signing it.

Your retirement is an incentive to sign away your life for a set period.

I guess a SSG who failed to stay in doesn't' know what happens when you retire.

I'd be willing to bet that any guy who sacrificed long enough to receive something you obviously distain would be happy to put your lying ass straight on the issue.
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he didnt say that; you race-card using losers who cant handle the truth are so predictable

No, the idiot thinks that being a single mom is advantageous monetarily thus women seek to be single moms en masse. That's a completely depraved train of thought and not worthy of discussion at all.

You're just making stuff up now.

Throwing a hissy-fit.

your own words


"Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this."
No, the idiot thinks that being a single mom is advantageous monetarily thus women seek to be single moms en masse. That's a completely depraved train of thought and not worthy of discussion at all.

You're just making stuff up now.

Throwing a hissy-fit.

your own words


"Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this."

Thank you for quoting me.

Now tell how it's wrong. A simple biased opinion on your part has little or no relevance.
UR right leftard; our bad. i forgot; the people you claim to have the best interests of at heart; are too stupid to help themselves right? they never wanted to be single parents; and could do nothing to control themselves from that outcome?

isnt that what you're saying moron?
You're just making stuff up now.

Throwing a hissy-fit.

your own words


"Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this."

Thank you for quoting me.

Now tell how it's wrong. A simple biased opinion on your part has little or no relevance.

Tell me how it's right!~

You really think women are out there having babies for $$ en masse? Really? Empirical evidence of their motives, pls. TIA
Any time some one starts comparing how REPs and LIBs have dealt with "The White Man's Burden" I ask: "Have you ever heard of Gov. George Wallace?" That shuts any LIB up if they are sentient enough to know who Wallace was.
UR right leftard; our bad. i forgot; the people you claim to have the best interests of at heart; are too stupid to help themselves right? they never wanted to be single parents; and could do nothing to control themselves from that outcome?

isnt that what you're saying moron?

I don't play politics, so as soon as you address me the correct way I'll address whatever point you're flailing out there.
Any time some one starts comparing how REPs and LIBs have dealt with "The White Man's Burden" I ask: "Have you ever heard of Gov. George Wallace?" That shuts any LIB up if they are sentient enough to know who Wallace was.

Anecdotes shouldn't shut any thinking person up. They're also wholly irrelevant, usually.
your own words


"Most of poverty in the black comunity has to do with single parent families. 70% of all blacks are born without both parents living in the same household. Social welfare regulations encouraged this."

Thank you for quoting me.

Now tell how it's wrong. A simple biased opinion on your part has little or no relevance.

Tell me how it's right!~

You really think women are out there having babies for $$ en masse? Really? Empirical evidence of their motives, pls. TIA

Maybe of you stopped assigning claims I never made to me I'd listen to you.

The left has encouraged the black community to have children out of wedlock with seemingly well-intentioned regulations. If income levels in the household go above a specific level benefits are reduced or cut off. This encourages the poor to not work. Obamacare literally punishes you for making too much. Welfare, same thing.

Why is it many legal immigrants, Italians, the Irish, Vietnamese, Cambodians, all have done pretty well, yet the black community still suffers?

Could it be that they are constantly "helped" but not encouraged to succeed?
Thank you for quoting me.

Now tell how it's wrong. A simple biased opinion on your part has little or no relevance.

Tell me how it's right!~

You really think women are out there having babies for $$ en masse? Really? Empirical evidence of their motives, pls. TIA

Maybe of you stopped assigning claims I never made to me I'd listen to you.

The left has encouraged the black community to have children out of wedlock with seemingly well-intentioned regulations. If income levels in the household go above a specific level benefits are reduced or cut off. This encourages the poor to not work. Obamacare literally punishes you for making too much. Welfare, same thing.

Why is it many legal immigrants, Italians, the Irish, Vietnamese, Cambodians, all have done pretty well, yet the black community still suffers?

Could it be that they are constantly "helped" but not encouraged to succeed?

Nobody encouraged anybody to have children "out of wedlock."

Grow up, dude. The anecdotes of welfare makes people lazy only work for the few scummers who take advantage. Newsflash: people generally DONT WANT TO BE ON WELFARE.

Tell me how it's right!~

You really think women are out there having babies for $$ en masse? Really? Empirical evidence of their motives, pls. TIA

Maybe of you stopped assigning claims I never made to me I'd listen to you.

The left has encouraged the black community to have children out of wedlock with seemingly well-intentioned regulations. If income levels in the household go above a specific level benefits are reduced or cut off. This encourages the poor to not work. Obamacare literally punishes you for making too much. Welfare, same thing.

Why is it many legal immigrants, Italians, the Irish, Vietnamese, Cambodians, all have done pretty well, yet the black community still suffers?

Could it be that they are constantly "helped" but not encouraged to succeed?

Nobody encouraged anybody to have children "out of wedlock."

Grow up, dude. The anecdotes of welfare makes people lazy only work for the few scummers who take advantage. Newsflash: people generally DONT WANT TO BE ON WELFARE.


Grow up??

Try getting a new response. You're wearing that one out.

And fyi, some people want to be on public assistance. My Sister-in-law dreamed of the day she could kick back and collect her food stamps, her government cheese, and her welfare check. The easier you make it to qualify the more want to take advantage of it.
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