Individual Mandate Delayed, Sebelius Lies to Congress

That may have been true in the past, but not since the 70s.

When do you figure they've had enough advantages thrown at them?

When do you figure all of the favoritism and special treatment will be enough?

When the tables are completely turned and Whites become disadvantaged?

Just wondering.......

How about when things are truly equal? That would seem fair.

Here's the real problem, though. It's not just the racism, which there is still plenty of. It's the like-mindedness of people in power, who tend to be mostly white and male.

Great example. I knew a manager, whom I don't think is one tiny bit racist. Yet three people left our department over a short period. A Chinese woman who had been with the company a decade, a black lady who had been with us a couple of years, and a white girl who had interned with us for the summer.

Guess which one he made the time to attend the going away lunch for?

And as managers go, this guy was one of the better ones. I've seen enough douchebag managers to completely cure me of Republican Stupidity, but this guy is mostly okay. But even the best of them still think tribally.
14 days ago news bro? slow work day?

sometimes the obama deranged run out of new material.

or maybe drudge or rushbot mentioned it.....

SAME to YOU. A LIE is a LIE. Truth has no time limit. WHY do you people live on and IN lies? Truth hurts your Liberal cause, and YOU can't stand it, can you?

Throwing out some useless trinket of information doesn't help your case.

That would mean that the other 60% that collect food stamps in the SNAP program don't have jobs. I've had several renters that were on section 8. 3 generations in a family, no jobs. My buddy at work has the same situation across the street from him at home. And we have a president that encourages it.

It would seem to me that if you were happy to cash their checks, you were doing more to encourage it than Obama has done.

Again, for a guy who bitches so much about government spending, you seem to have your hand out for it pretty often.
OP_ No lie- HHS doesn't have the authority, but the president does.

Most of the vets I know joined because it was a good deal or their other choices sucked. Thank you for your service, especially if it included combat.
If the individual mandate was the lynchpin of Obamacare, as they argued, then delaying it is detrimental to bringing universal low cost health insurance to all Americans.
Why do Sibelius and Obama hate Americans so much?
I am hearing that Obabble will give Putin until 15 April to attack and take over Ukraine otherwise sanctions will be increased.
If this whole Obamacare implementation was not so pathetic this would actually be funny.
I don't know, it just seems to me Obama pushes back every supposed deadline he sets. It makes it so that it might be better if just muttered incomprehensibly every time he spoke, so that he can never be accused of going back on his word.
I mean, WTF, Muttering Incomprehensibly is the International Language of Politicians.

RE: "So, since you are against gummit supported health care, you are going to renounce your veteran's benefits, government job and other benefits, right."

??? What if someone agrees to genital sex under certain conditions, does that mean they "automatically" consent to
anal sex, oral sex, public sex, sex with an animal, and all other forms or conditions that sex could be participated in?
And if they object to these "other forms of sex," does that mean they can't consent to normal heterosexual sex?

Where I MIGHT apply your logic to, is for people who want "govt out of health care choices"
but then want to mandate policy for ALL CITIZENS. Logically if you only want to pay for health care under certain conditions (like covering birth control, maternity, pre existing conditions or recovery for recreational drug abuse) then you should pay and manage resources and policies through your OWN programs where YOU control those terms and conditions.

The side that I see arguing for that is the OPPOSITION to ACA who WANT to keep "health care choices up to the people directly"
and NOT hand the controls over to federal mandates and regulations. The side I see handing over control to the
govt are the liberal/Singlepayer advocates who then yell when other taxpayers affected don't agree to the same terms.

So THOSE PROPONENTS of govt health care are the people I think you should be addressing:
how can you be "prochoice" when it comes to reproductive care
but then give govt control over all areas of health care?

14 days ago news bro? slow work day?

Yet slavery is an important issue.......:cuckoo:

Yes, having universal health care is just like slavery.

So, since you are against gummit supported health care, you are going to renounce your veteran's benefits, government job and other benefits, right.

I mean, we wouldn't want a rugged individualist like yourself "enslaved" to an evil government.

What gets me is a lot of the same people who complain about religion causing
people to be slaves to some external deity or idol, turn around and make Government their God and expect everyone to follow the same religion.

They yell "separation of church and state" if they are forced to follow someone else's
religious policy or deity they don't believe in,
but when people don't believe in govt controlling health care
and instead believe in "individual freedom to pay for their own"
(similar to arguments about "anyone can be moral and responsible without
going through Jesus to follow God") then those opposing "beliefs"
"aren't valid and don't count."

they politically exclude people, without thinking twice,
when these same people argued the religious right and Christians were doing this.

I don't get why they can't see the parallel,
that they are doing the very thing they yelled about,
with "prochoice" arguments against imposing "prolife" beliefs through govt,
or "atheist" arguments against prayer, crosses, or creation references in public institutions.

now when it's THEIR turn to impose beliefs in "singlepayer health care through govt"
while opposing views are yelling for freedom not to be imposed on and penalized,
suddenly those beliefs "aren't real" and these people "don't really object to the policy."


Are these the SAME liberals who protest when people downplay "rape" by assuming
a woman "wasn't really objecting when she said no". But when "political opponents"
say "no, we do not consent" suddenly it's OKAY to override their protests and force decisions and will against theirs?

That's the part that shocks me. like finding out people's brains
have a disconnect button or switch that can't be turned on once they shut it off.

I already thought I was a stranger on the wrong planet.
Now I'm not even sure I'm in the right universe!
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Breaking for Rush/Fox/Beckbots- over 50% of Syrian chemical weapons have been turned over, and it's on schedule. You believe a ton of bs...
Now that the Individual Mandate has been delayed, does that make Sebelius a "Terrorist" who hates sick people?
You do realize all the problems with the O-Care website are the fault of corporations, right?
lolThe individual mandate has not been delayed, just the end of the open signup. Now begins the closed sign up.
Lies to get this piece of crap passed.... Obama: 48 million uninsured.
Lies about keeping our plan.... Obama: If you like your plan you can keep your plan..
Lies about keeping our doctor... Obama: If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
Lies about what would be considered a success regarding signups...Sebelius on video saying 7 million.
Then she says she never said it.
Lies about the latest delay in signing up.... Sebelius lies before Congress saying there are no new delays..
You do realize all the problems with the O-Care website are the fault of corporations, right?

You do realize that Obama signed the bill that Reid and Pelosi rammed through Congress without anyone getting a chance to read it, don't you?
You do realize all the problems with the O-Care website are the fault of corporations, right?

You do realize that Obama signed the bill that Reid and Pelosi rammed through Congress without anyone getting a chance to read it, don't you?

I'm wondering if anyone that voted for it's passing read it.
I'm sure Obama didn't before he signed it.
He signed it because Valerie told him to...
You do realize all the problems with the O-Care website are the fault of corporations, right?

You do realize that Obama signed the bill that Reid and Pelosi rammed through Congress without anyone getting a chance to read it, don't you?

Does anyone not realize this bill is a total clusterfuck?
A total affront to liberty. The Democrats are going to lose BIG. They can't hide from this. The wrath of the people is forthcoming.
A bill now law that affected this whole country and it was built on lies...
You do realize that Obama signed the bill that Reid and Pelosi rammed through Congress without anyone getting a chance to read it, don't you?

Does anyone not realize this bill is a total clusterfuck?
A total affront to liberty. The Democrats are going to lose BIG. They can't hide from this. The wrath of the people is forthcoming.

I know you are right about the wrath of the people...but the Big Government bureaucracy is going to do everything it can to not have a free election.

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