Indocrtination or Education?

And about this guy David Horowitz....

From 2005:
Right-wing activist David Horowitz, the president of Students for Academic Freedom (SAF), which purports to fight anti-conservative bias on the nation's college campuses, has admitted that a story highly publicized by his group concerning alleged events at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) "appears to be wrong," and that "our presentation of this case appears now to have had several faults." Horowitz made the concession in an article posted on, his online magazine, on March 15, under the headline, "Correction: Some of Our Facts Were Wrong, But Our Point Was Right."

On March 14, in a post on his blog titled "A new Brock slander goes round the web (and is refuted here)," Horowitz had accused Media Matters for America, which raised questions about whether the Colorado story was true in a March 7 item, of "slander" and insisted the story was true. Despite Horowitz's March 15 concession that the story is not true, the false attack on Media Matters is still posted on his blog.

The Horowitz about-face appears to have been prompted by a report, also posted March 15, on, which describes itself as "the online source for news, opinion and career advice and services for all of higher education," that refuted nearly all of the claims Horowitz and his SAF group had made regarding a student's purported allegations of political bias against her criminal justice professor at the UNC. Horowitz and SAF had alleged that a student in "[a] criminology class at a Colorado university," when asked on a midterm essay exam to explain "why President Bush was a war criminal," received a failing grade for answering instead why Saddam Hussein was a war criminal, and that this constituted anti-conservative bias. However, quoted a UNC spokeswoman as saying that "the test question was not the one described by Horowitz, the grade was not an F, and there were clearly non-political reasons for whatever grade was given." All the information the university had "was inconsistent with the story Horowitz has told about this incident," the website reported having been told by the UNC spokeswoman. The article also reported that the professor Horowitz and SAF attacked, Robert Dunkley, is a registered Republican.
I remember when communism was the big bad boogeyman.

I am glad that we don't indoctrinate our children with that fairy tale anymore.
well just be glad that it is the children of liberals that suffer the most. keep your kids away fom theirs, and them, and yours will be fine.
well just be glad that it is the children of liberals that suffer the most. keep your kids away fom theirs, and them, and yours will be fine.

oh my you brought you sick child abuse fantasies to yet another thread.
well just be glad that it is the children of liberals that suffer the most. keep your kids away fom theirs, and them, and yours will be fine.

oh my you brought you sick child abuse fantasies to yet another thread.

wow, first you talk about what you want to do to fifth graders now this? god help the kids who are around when you decide what youre going to do with that noose, or maybe youve already done it and decided to call yourself that after your deviant acts.
well just be glad that it is the children of liberals that suffer the most. keep your kids away fom theirs, and them, and yours will be fine.

oh my you brought you sick child abuse fantasies to yet another thread.

wow, first you talk about what you want to do to fifth graders now this? god help the kids who are around when you decide what youre going to do with that noose, or maybe youve already done it and decided to call yourself that after your deviant acts.

really seek help before you go too far child abuse is not a joking matter.
oh my you brought you sick child abuse fantasies to yet another thread.

wow, first you talk about what you want to do to fifth graders now this? god help the kids who are around when you decide what youre going to do with that noose, or maybe youve already done it and decided to call yourself that after your deviant acts.

really seek help before you go too far child abuse is not a joking matter.

you really need to get yourself under control, god only knows what youve done "noose"
wow, first you talk about what you want to do to fifth graders now this? god help the kids who are around when you decide what youre going to do with that noose, or maybe youve already done it and decided to call yourself that after your deviant acts.

really seek help before you go too far child abuse is not a joking matter.

you really need to get yourself under control, god only knows what youve done "noose"

you bring up, out of no where, child abuse in 2 different threads, seriously i hope you dont actually seek to put such kaos into the lives of children. get some help, seriously.
really seek help before you go too far child abuse is not a joking matter.

you really need to get yourself under control, god only knows what youve done "noose"

you bring up, out of no where, child abuse in 2 different threads, seriously i hope you dont actually seek to put such kaos into the lives of children. get some help, seriously.

I hope you turn that "noose" over to the authorities so that you can never use it again
you really need to get yourself under control, god only knows what youve done "noose"

you bring up, out of no where, child abuse in 2 different threads, seriously i hope you dont actually seek to put such kaos into the lives of children. get some help, seriously.

I hope you turn that "noose" over to the authorities so that you can never use it again

seriously seek treatment its not too late.
you bring up, out of no where, child abuse in 2 different threads, seriously i hope you dont actually seek to put such kaos into the lives of children. get some help, seriously.

I hope you turn that "noose" over to the authorities so that you can never use it again

seriously seek treatment its not too late.

yes you should , dont wait, youre demtia is oozing
seriously seek treatment its not too late.

yes you should , dont wait, youre demtia is oozing

my demtia? seriously seek help,these child abuse fantasies can be dealt with when you get help from a good psychiatrist, they will probably just up your doseage.

blaming others for your perversion isnt going to help. go have yourself comitted, its for the good of society
yes you should , dont wait, youre demtia is oozing

my demtia? seriously seek help,these child abuse fantasies can be dealt with when you get help from a good psychiatrist, they will probably just up your doseage.

blaming others for your perversion isnt going to help. go have yourself comitted, its for the good of society

i can tell by your posting style and inability to come up with different things to say towards me than those being put forth towards you by me that you are probably not too bright, it appears i actually hit a nerve and stumbled upon reality bringing up your only being educated up till the fifth grade.
my demtia? seriously seek help,these child abuse fantasies can be dealt with when you get help from a good psychiatrist, they will probably just up your doseage.

blaming others for your perversion isnt going to help. go have yourself comitted, its for the good of society

i can tell by your posting style and inability to come up with different things to say towards me than those being put forth towards you by me that you are probably not too bright, it appears i actually hit a nerve and stumbled upon reality bringing up your only being educated up till the fifth grade.

i can tell by your posting style that youre a deviant fucker and i dont really have anything else to say to you other than for you to put away your noose and get some treatment.
my demtia? seriously seek help,these child abuse fantasies can be dealt with when you get help from a good psychiatrist, they will probably just up your doseage.

blaming others for your perversion isnt going to help. go have yourself comitted, its for the good of society

i can tell by your posting style and inability to come up with different things to say towards me than those being put forth towards you by me that you are probably not too bright, it appears i actually hit a nerve and stumbled upon reality bringing up your only being educated up till the fifth grade.

This why we can scroll, noose. I see the avatar and vrooom........right over the entire post, no is good.
blaming others for your perversion isnt going to help. go have yourself comitted, its for the good of society

i can tell by your posting style and inability to come up with different things to say towards me than those being put forth towards you by me that you are probably not too bright, it appears i actually hit a nerve and stumbled upon reality bringing up your only being educated up till the fifth grade.

i can tell by your posting style that youre a deviant fucker and i dont really have anything else to say to you other than for you to put away your noose and get some treatment.

there goes that originality again, banality you are a hoot, its nice to see the under educated and mentally slow being able to use the internet.
blaming others for your perversion isnt going to help. go have yourself comitted, its for the good of society

i can tell by your posting style and inability to come up with different things to say towards me than those being put forth towards you by me that you are probably not too bright, it appears i actually hit a nerve and stumbled upon reality bringing up your only being educated up till the fifth grade.

This why we can scroll, noose. I see the avatar and vrooom........right over the entire post, no is good.

sounds like a good idea this cat has something seriously wrong with him.
i can tell by your posting style and inability to come up with different things to say towards me than those being put forth towards you by me that you are probably not too bright, it appears i actually hit a nerve and stumbled upon reality bringing up your only being educated up till the fifth grade.

i can tell by your posting style that youre a deviant fucker and i dont really have anything else to say to you other than for you to put away your noose and get some treatment.

there goes that originality again, banality you are a hoot, its nice to see the under educated and mentally slow being able to use the internet.

you still garggling marbles or is that something else you have in your mouth? did you use your noose on it? sick fuck.

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