Indoctrination works! Millenials the most pro transgender group

You do realize that you and your ossified attitude is on the way out, right?

That's fine. Once I'm gone I don't give a fuckywhat you people do with the world. If/when your immorality becomes the unopposed norm, I'll leave this world on my own terms.
How is it intolerant to accept the scientific fact that a male isn't and can never be a female?

I thought liberals were all about science.
Perhaps that's why the Puritans, the Shakers, and all the other members of the Righteous Stick Up Their Asses club have done so well down through the ages.

Maybe some of us don't believe our reward is of fhis world but in another. That this is the test, which so many fail, for something better.
Perhaps that's why the Puritans, the Shakers, and all the other members of the Righteous Stick Up Their Asses club have done so well down through the ages.

Maybe some of us don't believe our reward is of fhis world but in another. That this is the test, which so many fail, for something better.
If you believe the only path to salvation is through deprivation, how can you possibly make a joyful noise?
If you believe the only path to salvation is through deprivation, how can you possibly make a joyful noise?

Not Salvation..... Enlightenment. Not Deprivation.... Propriety. It's not about making a Joyful Noise. It's about Living a Proper Life.

It's about Morality, not Religion.
If you believe the only path to salvation is through deprivation, how can you possibly make a joyful noise?

Not Salvation..... Enlightenment. Not Deprivation.... Propriety. It's not about making a Joyful Noise. It's about Living a Proper Life.

It's about Morality, not Religion.
Does your morality include demeaning and, effectively, shooting those you find to be 'mental defectives'?

What kind of "morality" would that be?
Does your morality include demeaning and, effectively, shooting those you find to be 'mental defectives'?

What kind of "morality" would that be?

Yes it does. The type of morality where, when I enter is unable let or unwilling to take care of oneself, and no family member, friend, or private organization can be found to care for the individual, that person is removed from Society, for Society's own good.
I wonder if brainwashing them with liberalism has something to do with them thinking that women have penises?

For Millennials, a consensus on transgender bathroom use

This is what happens when you have a no tolerance policy for bullying in schools.

When kids arent bullied out of their weirdo behavior combined with parents who think its ok to do whatever you want with no limits..... then you get this nonsense that we have today.
Does your morality include demeaning and, effectively, shooting those you find to be 'mental defectives'?

What kind of "morality" would that be?

Yes it does. The type of morality where, when I enter is unable let or unwilling to take care of oneself, and no family member, friend, or private organization can be found to care for the individual, that person is removed from Society, for Society's own good.
So you have the morality of a Nazi.

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