Indoctrination works! Millenials the most pro transgender group

Spoken like a Nazi, the most reviled and despicable philosophy of the 20th century.

Yeah. Because all the Social Welfare spending and "equality" programs in the Western world over the last Century, especially Socialism itself, have led us to such a wonderful society... .. broke, immoral, and rapidly circling the toilet drain of history at the hands of a culture (Islam) that does believe in Right and Wrong and enforces it with a swift, brutal and unrelenting hand.
Spoken like a Nazi, the most reviled and despicable philosophy of the 20th century.

Yeah. Because all the Social Welfare spending and "equality" programs in the Western world over the last Century, especially Socialism itself, have led us to such a wonderful society... .. broke, immoral, and rapidly circling the toilet drain of history at the hands of a culture (Islam) that does believe in Right and Wrong and enforces it with a swift, brutal and unrelenting hand.
High praise for fundamentalist Islam.
High praise for fundamentalist Islam.

I have high praise for ANY culture that put the enforcement of Morals and Values at its forefront. I would prefer to see it detached from religion, but one takes what one can get these days.
High praise for fundamentalist Islam.

I have high praise for ANY culture that put the enforcement of Morals and Values at its forefront. I would prefer to see it detached from religion, but one takes what one can get these days.
Enforcement of morals and values. Who would be the arbiter? Who gets to decide what is moral and what is immoral? Which values should be enforced? And what punishment meted out for infractions?
Enforcement of morals and values. Who would be the arbiter? Who gets to decide what is moral and what is immoral? Which values should be enforced? And what punishment meted out for infractions?

They should be enshrined in the Founding documents of the country and enforced by society at large through public humiliation and shunning. If that doesn't work, the LEOs need to get involved.
Enforcement of morals and values. Who would be the arbiter? Who gets to decide what is moral and what is immoral? Which values should be enforced? And what punishment meted out for infractions?

They should be enshrined in the Founding documents of the country and enforced by society at large through public humiliation and shunning. If that doesn't work, the LEOs need to get involved.
Do you think it's reasonable to expect the morals and values of 18th century landed gentry to be in precise alignment with 21st century Americans? Where else have you seen consistency of morals and values over a span of 250 years?
Do you think it's reasonable to expect the morals and values of 18th century landed gentry to be in precise alignment with 21st century Americans? Where else have you seen consistency of morals and values over a span of 250 years?

No. I believe it's Right and Proper (reasonable has nothing to do with it) to expect the morals and values of 12th century Anglo-Norman culture to be carried out and enforced in society.
Do you think it's reasonable to expect the morals and values of 18th century landed gentry to be in precise alignment with 21st century Americans? Where else have you seen consistency of morals and values over a span of 250 years?

No. I believe it's Right and Proper (reasonable has nothing to do with it) to expect the morals and values of 12th century Anglo-Norman culture to be carried out and enforced in society.
Serfdom, the subjugation of women, the divine right of kings and aristocracy are hardly acceptable if we put 'freedom' in the mix.
Spoken like a Nazi, the most reviled and despicable philosophy of the 20th century.

Yeah. Because all the Social Welfare spending and "equality" programs in the Western world over the last Century, especially Socialism itself, have led us to such a wonderful society... .. broke, immoral, and rapidly circling the toilet drain of history at the hands of a culture (Islam) that does believe in Right and Wrong and enforces it with a swift, brutal and unrelenting hand.
High praise for fundamentalist Islam.
There is nothing wrong with Islam that couldn't be fixed with a few Trident missiles.
Spoken like a Nazi, the most reviled and despicable philosophy of the 20th century.

Yeah. Because all the Social Welfare spending and "equality" programs in the Western world over the last Century, especially Socialism itself, have led us to such a wonderful society... .. broke, immoral, and rapidly circling the toilet drain of history at the hands of a culture (Islam) that does believe in Right and Wrong and enforces it with a swift, brutal and unrelenting hand.
High praise for fundamentalist Islam.
There is nothing wrong with Islam that couldn't be fixed with a few Trident missiles.
A push button Final Solution?

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