Indonesia deploys warships/planes 'against' Australia

More like execution-shred its children, deny others of them parole, and terrorise their families and most of its population in the process.

You mean execute drug dealers. That's people who murder for profit, including murder children with their drugs. In this case, an attempt to murder Australians.
You should thank Indonesia for getting rid of your problem.

All we see from this poster is extreme hate and silly arguments.
Hate, as we so often see, is commonly the product of an inadequate life or an inability to cope with some aspect of the hater's life or personality.
I would be less than shocked to find out this poster is a closet gay, unable to come out and live the life they want because they're disgusted with their sexuality.
If that's the case, be yourself.
You don't have to be ashamed at what you are, get into bed with others of your own sex and enjoy a good old romp with them.

Of course, if it's your life that's a bit crap, you should get off the sofa, tidy up the empty beer cans and go out and get some real friends.
Try to avoid talking about hate as the vast majority of normal people will just see you as a pointless twat and make some excuse to leave the room.

I hope this helps.
Whenever a nation has extreme internal strife, it always seeks another to push the blame onto. Indonesia is also the nation in Asia with the most Muslims. Sharia law is causing many non-Muslims from fleeing and that is what the Imams oppose.

Indonesia has far too many interior problems to be risking a fight with anyone!

And Australia does have allies that will come to her aid if needed.

There is an attempt to introduce strict Muslim based laws in one very small section of Indonesia. The vast majority of Indonesians reject such things as extremist rubbish.

There is no extreme internal strife in Indonesia.

Every so often, the communists try to destabilise things, using union power as a tool. This has always been short lived and failed to do much except cause some traffic jams.

Some Muslim extremists try it on, sometimes as fas as a bomb but mostly a pretty small bunch of fucking idiots known as the FPI (Muslim defenders).
They have a seriously bad reputation and, in reality, are thugs for hire, out for the cash.
The Bali bombers have all been shot.

There are other conflicts, Freeport comes to mind but, whist they get on the news because they're unusual, they are pretty small affairs in reality.

In fact, the vast majority of Indonesians do exactly the same as the vast majority of Australians, they go through school, uni, get married, try to look after their family as best they can but have sod all interest in war.

Some poster here are using blind hate and/or blind stupidity to create an impression of an Indonesia packed with radicals who want nothing more than to see Australia destroyed.

A load of old bollocks.


Islamic Militant Convicted in 2002 Bali Bombings Released From Prison | Fox News

Islamic Militant Convicted in 2002 Bali Bombings Released From Prison

An Islamic militant jailed for the Bali bombings that killed 202 people was released from prison Thursday as part of Indonesia's independence day celebrations, and 11 others linked to the blasts had their sentences reduced.


Plenty of Islamic militants still in Indonesia, it seems.
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Islamic Militant Convicted in 2002 Bali Bombings Released From Prison | Fox News

Islamic Militant Convicted in 2002 Bali Bombings Released From Prison

An Islamic militant jailed for the Bali bombings that killed 202 people was released from prison Thursday as part of Indonesia's independence day celebrations, and 11 others linked to the blasts had their sentences reduced.


Plenty of Islamic militants still in Indonesia, it seems.

You really shouldn't believe Fox.
Harborers of Bali bombers get jail term | The Jakarta Post

The Denpasar District Court sentenced on Wednesday three more people to jail for harboring and assisting Bali bombers while they were fugitives.

Sukastopo, Eko Hadi and Puryanto received three years, four years and four years and eight months respectively in separate trials after judges found them guilty of obstructing the police's investigation of the bomb attacks

They weren't convicted of bombings, more for hiding the bombers.
Personally, I see little difference and would like to have seen them executed because they, in assisting bombers after the fact, are equally guilty.
However, you should be happy because you support not giving the death sentence to killers.

Islamic Militant Convicted in 2002 Bali Bombings Released From Prison | Fox News

Islamic Militant Convicted in 2002 Bali Bombings Released From Prison

An Islamic militant jailed for the Bali bombings that killed 202 people was released from prison Thursday as part of Indonesia's independence day celebrations, and 11 others linked to the blasts had their sentences reduced.


Plenty of Islamic militants still in Indonesia, it seems.

You really shouldn't believe Fox.
Harborers of Bali bombers get jail term | The Jakarta Post

The Denpasar District Court sentenced on Wednesday three more people to jail for harboring and assisting Bali bombers while they were fugitives.

Sukastopo, Eko Hadi and Puryanto received three years, four years and four years and eight months respectively in separate trials after judges found them guilty of obstructing the police's investigation of the bomb attacks

They weren't convicted of bombings, more for hiding the bombers.
Personally, I see little difference and would like to have seen them executed because they, in assisting bombers after the fact, are equally guilty.
However, you should be happy because you support not giving the death sentence to killers.

I do...and I supported not execution-shredding the Bali bombers.
I am nothing if not consistent.
Indonesia should've just locked them away in a hard time prison on Java, where they were going to send Schapelle Corby until her supporters [which includes sections of the media] screamed with outrage.
There she would've been forced to eat rats and bugs etc to survive...and have likely died in a short time.
Good enough for the nice Christian girl, then it would've been good enough for the Muslim terrorists.
More like execution-shred its children, deny others of them parole, and terrorise their families and most of its population in the process.

You mean execute drug dealers. That's people who murder for profit, including murder children with their drugs. In this case, an attempt to murder Australians.
You should thank Indonesia for getting rid of your problem.

All we see from this poster is extreme hate and silly arguments.
Hate, as we so often see, is commonly the product of an inadequate life or an inability to cope with some aspect of the hater's life or personality.
I would be less than shocked to find out this poster is a closet gay, unable to come out and live the life they want because they're disgusted with their sexuality.
If that's the case, be yourself.
You don't have to be ashamed at what you are, get into bed with others of your own sex and enjoy a good old romp with them.

Of course, if it's your life that's a bit crap, you should get off the sofa, tidy up the empty beer cans and go out and get some real friends.
Try to avoid talking about hate as the vast majority of normal people will just see you as a pointless twat and make some excuse to leave the room.

I hope this helps.

No help at all. :)

It's Indonesia that's doing all the hating...and many people have just about had enough of them.

Closet gay?

Get into bed with men?

We're quite able to detect and punish our own drug smugglers, without any interference from Indonesia.
It was our AFP feds who informed Indonesia about the Bali9 in the first place...against their charter.
They stand condemned.

Sentencing our children to death is nothing but pure hate from Indonesia.
Likewise is making war on Schapelle Corby for something the Australian govt did.
Whenever a nation has extreme internal strife, it always seeks another to push the blame onto. Indonesia is also the nation in Asia with the most Muslims. Sharia law is causing many non-Muslims from fleeing and that is what the Imams oppose.

Indonesia has far too many interior problems to be risking a fight with anyone!

And Australia does have allies that will come to her aid if needed.

There is an attempt to introduce strict Muslim based laws in one very small section of Indonesia. The vast majority of Indonesians reject such things as extremist rubbish.

There is no extreme internal strife in Indonesia.

Every so often, the communists try to destabilise things, using union power as a tool. This has always been short lived and failed to do much except cause some traffic jams.

Some Muslim extremists try it on, sometimes as fas as a bomb but mostly a pretty small bunch of fucking idiots known as the FPI (Muslim defenders).
They have a seriously bad reputation and, in reality, are thugs for hire, out for the cash.
The Bali bombers have all been shot.

There are other conflicts, Freeport comes to mind but, whist they get on the news because they're unusual, they are pretty small affairs in reality.

In fact, the vast majority of Indonesians do exactly the same as the vast majority of Australians, they go through school, uni, get married, try to look after their family as best they can but have sod all interest in war.

Some poster here are using blind hate and/or blind stupidity to create an impression of an Indonesia packed with radicals who want nothing more than to see Australia destroyed.

A load of old bollocks.


[ame=]Muslims Attack Christian Minority in Indonesia - Christian Persecution - YouTube[/ame]

Muslims Attack Christian Minority in Indonesia - Christian Persecution
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Muslims Attack Christian Minority in Indonesia - Christian Persecution

The law, as stated in the video, allows freedom of worship for Christians.
The FPI, as I've mentioned many times, are a bunch of unpopular extremist twats.
Basically, they're a mob for hire.
They block church building sites and try to get rid of existing churches but, if you pay them a bribe, they fuck off and bug some other poor fucker.
You can also hire them to mob attack people you're trying to steal land from and various other illegal activities.

FPI diversifies business to land conflicts | The Jakarta Post

The Islam Defenders Front (FPI), notorious for its violent raids supposedly in support of sharia, is diversifying. The Islamic defenders are now available for hire to defend your disputed property.

The extremist group is now fighting housing developer PT Alam Sutra over disputed land in Paku Alam village, South Tangerang. Hundreds of FPI members were involved in a violent clash with the company’s security guards and police when they tried to invade the land on the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension Day, June 6. Two police officers were injured and 11 FPI members arrested.

bianco really needs to get a clue before posting bullshit and looking like a fucking idiot.
So when Oz heard that Indo was going to attack them, what did they do? Laugh?

Indo deployed warships to patrol its border area, not to invade or attack Australia.
Australian warships entered Indonesian waters; not the other way around.

This really gets me.
The whole thread is based on a lie, even the thread title is wrong but loons still rant on as if Indonesia has done something wrong.
Every country has the right to defend its borders against warships from other countries entering illegally.
So when Oz heard that Indo was going to attack them, what did they do? Laugh?

Indo deployed warships to patrol its border area, not to invade or attack Australia.
Australian warships entered Indonesian waters; not the other way around.

This really gets me.
The whole thread is based on a lie, even the thread title is wrong but loons still rant on as if Indonesia has done something wrong.
Every country has the right to defend its borders against warships from other countries entering illegally.

Muslim countries have no rights. Well, maybe the right to receive our bombs, but that's it!
So when Oz heard that Indo was going to attack them, what did they do? Laugh?

Indo deployed warships to patrol its border area, not to invade or attack Australia.
Australian warships entered Indonesian waters; not the other way around.

This really gets me.
The whole thread is based on a lie, even the thread title is wrong but loons still rant on as if Indonesia has done something wrong.
Every country has the right to defend its borders against warships from other countries entering illegally.

Muslim countries have no rights. Well, maybe the right to receive our bombs, but that's it!

What a moronic post.
So when Oz heard that Indo was going to attack them, what did they do? Laugh?

Indo deployed warships to patrol its border area, not to invade or attack Australia.
Australian warships entered Indonesian waters; not the other way around.

This really gets me.
The whole thread is based on a lie, even the thread title is wrong but loons still rant on as if Indonesia has done something wrong.
Every country has the right to defend its borders against warships from other countries entering illegally.

As I showed you earlier in this thread, Indonesia made threats;

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.


An assertion by Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday that Australia’s right to stop asylum-seeker boats as a “matter of sovereignty” seems to have further antagonised Jakarta.

A Defence Ministry official warned the tow-back policy may soon ignite conflict. “Now that we have three frigates on the border, a clash could be imminent, as our Navy will prevent the towing-back,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


The people-smuggling boats will be towed the edge of Indonesian waters, and pointed at Indonesian land.
The new govt has had enough of people-smuggling rackets eminating from Indonesia.

Indonesia shoots at the Australian Navy in international waters to prevent the towing back, at its own peril.
It would sink Australian ships and kill Australian sailors, as Japan did when its mini subs invaded Sydney harbour and fired torpedoes about.
Indonesian navy has subs and Cruise missiles...any Australian ships trying to go to Indonesia to shoot back would likely be destroyed.

There's more than one way to fight a war.
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As I showed you earlier in this thread, Indonesia made threats;

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.


An assertion by Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday that Australia’s right to stop asylum-seeker boats as a “matter of sovereignty” seems to have further antagonised Jakarta.

A Defence Ministry official warned the tow-back policy may soon ignite conflict. “Now that we have three frigates on the border, a clash could be imminent, as our Navy will prevent the towing-back,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


The usual "official" who they can't name. Yep, convincing but only if you happen to be a fucking idiot.

Now to the "threat".

Tension with OZ escalates as RI deploys warships | The Jakarta Post

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.

The Flankers have a maximum range of some 3,000 kilometers. The sea border lies some 1,000 km from Makassar. At Mach 1, or the speed of sound, the Flankers would reach the border in little over an hour.

Darwin is 1495.08km from the air base. That makes it just about reachable but with no time over Australia before having to return, and not even enough time to drop a bomb on a sheep farm or Dunny's pub.
The root of this problem is easy, you're a root.
As I showed you earlier in this thread, Indonesia made threats;

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.


An assertion by Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday that Australia’s right to stop asylum-seeker boats as a “matter of sovereignty” seems to have further antagonised Jakarta.

A Defence Ministry official warned the tow-back policy may soon ignite conflict. “Now that we have three frigates on the border, a clash could be imminent, as our Navy will prevent the towing-back,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


The usual "official" who they can't name. Yep, convincing but only if you happen to be a fucking idiot.

Now to the "threat".

Tension with OZ escalates as RI deploys warships | The Jakarta Post

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.

The Flankers have a maximum range of some 3,000 kilometers. The sea border lies some 1,000 km from Makassar. At Mach 1, or the speed of sound, the Flankers would reach the border in little over an hour.

Darwin is 1495.08km from the air base. That makes it just about reachable but with no time over Australia before having to return, and not even enough time to drop a bomb on a sheep farm or Dunny's pub.
The root of this problem is easy, you're a root.
The root of the problem is that muslims are living in a fantasy world if they think they can take Oz and the rest of us and turn us all into carpet kissers.
Abbott Rails Against State Broadcaster Over Asylum-Seeker Coverage - The Jakarta Globe

Abbott is doing his nut because the Australian press can see he's an idiot.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott launched a scathing attack on national broadcaster ABC on Wednesday, accusing it of taking “everyone’s side but Australia’s” in coverage of asylum-seekers and the Edward Snowden leaks.

His comments follow government criticism of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation late last year after it broke a story about Australian spying on Indonesia, which sparked a major diplomatic crisis.

More recently, the conservative leader has been unhappy with ABC reports about asylum-seekers’ claims they were tortured by the Australian navy during an operation at sea.

It doesn't matter how wrong the Australian government is, according to Abbott, they have to spout the correct propaganda line.

As I showed you earlier in this thread, Indonesia made threats;

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.


An assertion by Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday that Australia’s right to stop asylum-seeker boats as a “matter of sovereignty” seems to have further antagonised Jakarta.

A Defence Ministry official warned the tow-back policy may soon ignite conflict. “Now that we have three frigates on the border, a clash could be imminent, as our Navy will prevent the towing-back,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


The usual "official" who they can't name. Yep, convincing but only if you happen to be a fucking idiot.

Now to the "threat".

Tension with OZ escalates as RI deploys warships | The Jakarta Post

“If we notice any border violations, our air base in Makassar will be ready. Australia is reachable from there.” Hadi was referring to the Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force Base in the South Sulawesi provincial capital, which is the base of the 11th squadron, consisting of 16 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-27/30 Flankers.

The Flankers have a maximum range of some 3,000 kilometers. The sea border lies some 1,000 km from Makassar. At Mach 1, or the speed of sound, the Flankers would reach the border in little over an hour.

Darwin is 1495.08km from the air base. That makes it just about reachable but with no time over Australia before having to return, and not even enough time to drop a bomb on a sheep farm or Dunny's pub.
The root of this problem is easy, you're a root.
The root of the problem is that muslims are living in a fantasy world if they think they can take Oz and the rest of us and turn us all into carpet kissers.

Tell me, are you a moron for a living or is it just a hobby?
Still, apart from your stranger interests, perhaps you can explain what military incursions into Australia INDONESIA is guilty of.

I think Australia bugged the Indonesian president's phone and Australia sent warships into Indonesian waters illegally.

Perhaps poster can explain what Indonesia did to Australia.
The usual "official" who they can't name. Yep, convincing but only if you happen to be a fucking idiot.

Now to the "threat".

Tension with OZ escalates as RI deploys warships | The Jakarta Post

Darwin is 1495.08km from the air base. That makes it just about reachable but with no time over Australia before having to return, and not even enough time to drop a bomb on a sheep farm or Dunny's pub.
The root of this problem is easy, you're a root.
The root of the problem is that muslims are living in a fantasy world if they think they can take Oz and the rest of us and turn us all into carpet kissers.

Tell me, are you a moron for a living or is it just a hobby?

So you agree with me?
Still, apart from your stranger interests, perhaps you can explain what military incursions into Australia INDONESIA is guilty of.

I think Australia bugged the Indonesian president's phone and Australia sent warships into Indonesian waters illegally.

Perhaps poster can explain what Indonesia did to Australia.

Indonesia is guilty of basically threatening to start a war over Australia's towing back to Indonesian waters people-smuggling boats loaded up with asylum-seekers/illegal immigrants/economic immigrants call them whatever you like.

Indonesia bugged the Australian embassy, spied on Australia.
Indonesia basically did nothing much to stop the people smuggling boats from leaving its shores. Allegations of corruption in Indonesia have been made.

Plenty of Indonesian boats in Australian waters, fishing illegally.

Indonesia has many sins.

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