Infected Stephanopoulos Goes for Walk to Infect Others

Only positive thing is he’s contagious in Leftard Hamptons.
Oh look, another idiot thread from you that needs destroyed.

Stephanololous tested as cleared of the virus last week. He is now a plasma donator for the antibodies.
Only positive thing is he’s contagious in Leftard Hamptons.

Nothing new with leftist hypocrites, Fredo Cuomo did the same thing.

At least, all those depressed pigeons that miss shitting on people are gonna get their chance to cheer up.
me, I still don't believe any of it. you're sick stay home, it's a concept that has always worked. If you wish to go out, do so to avoid others. This is america, not Fking China, we can go out, we can assemble. you wish to take a risk go out. IT'S OUR COUNTRY
Nopsie's CIA.
The Chinese have provided drones to 22 different state law enforcement agencies. The US just showed it still believes Chinese-made drones are a security risk

The Feds have grounded them now, thank goodness.
If you go to street level view on Google Earth and see all the imagery mapped out, the Chinese state can do that in real time.

But NSA and CIA have the 'Hubble-like' satellite views- they can do facial recocognition, read licence plates or see what kind of tomatoes are growing in your backyard if they want. So China probably already has that too.
All the time we've (and when I say "we" I mean globalism enthusiasts) have been signing much of America away to China (selling off Hollywood, moving out manufacturing base, buying their slave made junk, etc.) they have been infiltrating all aspects of the country with spies all the time preparing for a war they believe is inevitable.

If there are golden sun rays behind all the dark bleak corona clouds it may be America is
waking up to what China is all about. Some people are too stupid and incapable of waking up . They should be deported to China along with a lifetime supply of Mama Wang's Bat Noodle Soup (Now with 37% more corona virus).

May they rot in the authoritarian hell they all seem to like so much.

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