Infidel Lives Matter

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Infidel Lives Matter
By Eric Allen Bell
Infidel Lives Matter - by Eric Allen Bell Infidel Lives Matter - by Eric Allen Bell

About 1,400 years ago a mentally ill illiterate desert dweller, a Jew-hater suffering from auditory hallucinations, dictated a best seller entitled “The Holy Quran”. Out of this book came a tyrannical political system and a fanatical religious ideology called Islam. The word Islam means “submission”. The Quran also produced a brutal legal system called the Sharia. Since the author of the Quran, a blood thirsty rapist, pedophile and slave owner named Muhammad, first began his homicidal mission - to force the unbeliever to submit to Islam - approximately 270,000,000 people have been killed in his name.

Today, the leader of the most powerful country in the world, Barack Hussein Obama, has declared Islam to be a religion of peace and told the United Nations that, “The future has no place for those who would slander the prophet of Islam”. We are in big trouble. The leader of the free world is more concerned with protecting the feelings of the followers of Muhammad than protecting the lives of his majority Infidel constituency. Somehow in all that channel changing chatter, the voices are mostly absent which say that Infidel Lives Matter.

As the public education system in America slowly celebrates Islam more and more, while white washing it’s horrific history, we raise a generation who have forgotten that Infidel Lives Matter.

Every Islamic hell hole on the on the globe today is the result of brutal Quranic conquest. History has forgotten that those who are now forced to submit to Islam in those nations, used to be Infidels. They were allowed to speak up and object to the sadistic teachings of Muhammad, until enough of them had forgotten that Infidel Lives Matter.

Remember, the word “Islam” literally means “submission” and its stated mission is to force the entire world to submit to Islam. Remember that today Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, although a careful read of the Islamic scriptures makes it self-evident that Islam is really more of a political system, with some religious overtones. Remember and don’t forget that you are free to say whatever you want about Muhammad, in print in pictures and in film and you do not have to submit. Remember when they twist your words, tarnish your reputation, call you names and threaten your life that Infidel Lives Matter.

Over its 1,400 year bloody history, after the followers of Muhammad attack a land for Islam, they build victory mosques. Since the Twin Towers were hit by devout Muhammad maniacs on 9/11 - new mosque construction in America has nearly doubled! The writing is on the wall for all who have the courage to see. This rapidly growing phase in the cultural expansion of Islamic Law in America is made possible by the silent voices – the voices that should be shouting from the mountain top that Infidel Lives Matter, but instead would rather not know what a mosque even is.

Since 9/11 there have been approximately 25,000 acts of brutal Islamic terrorism. That means on average several per day, taking the lives of roughly 2,000,000 people. And after each act of Islamic brutality, political leaders and media talking heads immediately change the narrative, to warn us about an imaginary wave of “Islamophobia” rather than to just come out say that Infidel Lives Matter and we have finally had enough. No. Like the wife who cannot leave the wife beater, we make excuses “He didn’t mean it” and “He wasn’t really being himself” and “He is trying to change” and “Well, maybe I deserved it”. But the fact is that Infidels do not deserve the bullying of Islam but a bully will not back down until he is defeated – and this bully will not be defeated until enough of us come to realize that Infidel Lives Matter.

The Islamic President of Turkey said that “The mosques are our barracks”. Turkey is a country with more journalists behind bars than nearly any other, while enjoying the reputation of being the most moderate Muslim country in the world. What is meant by that quote, about the mosques being barracks? And what is a mosque exactly?

A mosque is place where the Sharia is taught. Sharia is brutal and sadistic and runs counter to human rights. A mosque is a place where sedition and treason are taught, and this runs counter to the preservation of American values, ideals and our very survival. A mosque is a place where superstition is taught, and this runs counter to reason and rational thinking. A mosque is a place where Islam, meaning "submission" is taught. And submission runs counter to Liberty. Liberty means that you own you. Liberty is one of the founding principles upon which the free world stands. Islam and Liberty cannot coexist. It’s a zero sum game where only one can win – and we can only win when we remember that Infidel Lives Matter.

Islam is anti-human rights, anti-reason, anti-liberty and anti-free speech. Islam is the most intolerant belief system in the world! Nothing is more xenophobic than Islam. Islam is the biggest hate group in history and it target is the Infidel. And we as Infidels must destroy Islam and destroy it absolutely if we are going to leave a free world to our children and grandchildren. We must end Sharia in our time. And we must take control of the media narrative until the message becomes abundantly clear that Infidel Lives Matter.

Islamic blasphemy laws dictate that no one, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, be permitted to criticize the pedophile prophet Muhammad. And recently we have seen yet another wave of brutal attacks, by devout followers of Islam, against those would simply draw a picture of his image. Islam is the ultimate tyrannical system – its body count unmatched by any other. And the history of Germany in the thirties and forties has shown us what happens, when we take too long to finally respond appropriately to tyranny. Islam and freedom cannot coexist. Islam has to go because the cruel must not dominate the civilized world and because Infidels Lives Matter.

I started writing this article after taking in the news of the latest shootings in Denmark, aimed at a conference on free speech and blasphemy laws. And in that same afternoon, as I put the finishing touches on this, a news story just broke out that the Islamic State just executed dozens of Christians, beheading them, following the commandments of the Quran.

Islam teaches that no government is legitimate unless it submits to Islam. And Islam is what is taught in mosques. Mosques teach sedition and treason. Therefore, the logical, reasonable and appropriate action for law enforcement is to raid all mosques in America. Arrest the Islamic Clerics and interrogate them. Determine if they are teaching what Islam preaches, with regard to forcing the world to submit to Islamic Law (Sharia). Tolerance of those who seek to destroy our way of life will be the death of us. A radical enemy requires a radical response. And we can tap into that radical quality in ourselves, the one which demands personal freedom, only when we know in our hearts and we believe that Infidel Lives Matter.

Infidels, which are those people who do not submit to Islam, are being tortured, raped and killed, all over the world, at an unbelievable pace. There are Infidel heads on stakes and blood flowing in the streets, as churches and synagogues are burned to the ground, atheists executed and homosexuals hanged.

But if you were raised by a Baby Boomer or a Gen Xer in America, there is a good chance you were raised to be ashamed of being an American. And you very likely believe that we deserve what the terrorists are doing to us. And if you continue to hold this belief, you will eventually lose your freedom. Don’t let anyone take your sense of self-worth away. If you are an Infidel then you are someone who has not yet been forced to submit to Islam. And if you want to retain this freedom then it is crucial you know it and see it and say it and believe it that Infidel Lives Matter.

The supporters of Liberty have made the world a better place. In the past 30 years, poverty, starvation and illiteracy have dropped dramatically as the result of political and economic systems which value personal freedom. Islam is the enemy of personal freedom. Wherever Islam thrives, the world becomes a living hell.

The time has come to draw a line in the sand. The time is now for people of courage and conviction to rise up and say “enough”. We must stop tolerating that which is intolerable. We must stop trying to coexist with that which seeks to destroy us. The tyrannical teachings and fanatical followers of Muhammad are a plague upon this world. And the only hope for destroying this plague are the Infidels. Infidels are the hope for humanity. And so now, more than ever, Infidel Lives Matter.

Infidels of the world, it’s time to heed the call. The Information super highway is our battlefront. Get onto to Twitter. Get on to Facebook. Spread articles which tell the dirty secrets about Muhammad. Post videos which expose the radical truth about moderate Islam. Share offensive picture memes of Muhammad. Use social media to spread information around the world. You can do it and you must do it because freedom is paid for in installments, by each generation. Spread the truth about Islam far and spread it wide and spread it like Napalm. The enemy of Islamic brutality is Information. Become a soldier of the Information Age and carpet bomb the internet with information. Don’t just think about this. Do it. Because Infidel Lives Matter.
This is the problem: No one wants to touch this subject with a ten foot pole because we are afraid of being KILLED. What is happening to us?

Think the analogies to the Nazis are ridiculous? THINK AGAIN.
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