Inflation costing extra $175 per month

Prices for feeder cattle are about the same as they were a year ago, maybe even a little less. Much less than they were three years ago. Corn prices are up about 50% over their low last summer but only slightly higher than they were when feeder cattle were much more expensive. This is a supply chain problem. Lack of workers, lack of truckers, and that due to lack of pay. But why should the producers give a shit. They get more money by producing less. Hell, you pay more to somebody for doing less what the hell do you expect. The solution is simple. QUIT BUYING.
Trouble is, just quit doing anything is the solution to everything nowadays. Quit going to restaurants, quit going to school, quit going to work. Quit buying nice things, quit going anywhere they have mandates, which is everywhere some places.

I don't think quitting living is really the solution to getting America back.
One of my tenants had her car break down, it was the transmission. I warned her about buying an American made car when she was looking, but she didn't take my advice. The transmission blew at 61,000 miles.

She was willing to spend the thousands to get it fixed because she loved her car, but the transmission place told her one of the critical parts she needed would take four months to get. She's a single working mom and couldn't afford to be without a car for several months. She had no choice but to trade it in dirt cheap and buy another car.
She was lucky she could find one to buy! The Journal says there simply aren't any cars to buy, new or used. Shortages, shortages. Housing shortages, too.
She was lucky she could find one to buy! The Journal says there simply aren't any cars to buy, new or used. Shortages, shortages. Housing shortages, too.

Supply and demand, when supply goes down the price point goes up. We oughta have a thread on what to stock up on. I got a bad feeling that hard times are acomin'.
Supply and demand, when supply goes down the price point goes up. We oughta have a thread on what to stock up on. I got a bad feeling that hard times are acomin'.
I do, too. I canned a lot of meals this summer, with garden veg., and we have filled the freezers. And keep well up on all the paper goods, meds, etc.
For households earning the US median annual income of about $70,000, the current inflation rate has forced them to spend another $175 a month on food, fuel and housing, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

Great job Bidumb, as long as Americans have money it'll be considered "transitionary".

Inflation costing US households extra $175 per month, economist says
It's FAR MORE that 175 per month for me. I fill up my tank 3 times a week.
I eat out 5 times a week.
I buy lumber and related materials at least once per week.

Supply and demand, when supply goes down the price point goes up. We oughta have a thread on what to stock up on. I got a bad feeling that hard times are acomin'.
It's not supply and demand.

It is a artificially broken system because of GOVERNMENT INTRUSION.

You remove the lockdown bullshit and all the mandate nonsense along with paying people to NOT WORK and the "supply" problem vanishes.

This disaster is 100% government induced.....BY DESIGN
She was lucky she could find one to buy! The Journal says there simply aren't any cars to buy, new or used. Shortages, shortages. Housing shortages, too.

Correct which contributes to inflation. I didn't check it out yet, but I've heard that used cars are carrying their highest value in decades due to demand. People can't get new cars at a reasonable price at a reasonable time yet alone custom made like we did just two years ago.
It's not supply and demand.

It is a artificially broken system because of GOVERNMENT INTRUSION.

You remove the lockdown bullshit and all the mandate nonsense along with paying people to NOT WORK and the "supply" problem vanishes.

This disaster is 100% government induced.....BY DESIGN
There are 11 million open jobs with 4.8% unemployment, backed up ports as far as the eye can see and car preorders half a year out, what is it you think needs to be re-opened to reduce inflation???

No matter the season or cause, all you got is your thought-free "gobamint intrusion!" chants.
There are 11 million open jobs with 4.8% unemployment, backed up ports as far as the eye can see and car preorders half a year out, what is it you think needs to be re-opened to reduce inflation???

No matter the season or cause, all you got is your thought-free "gobamint intrusion!" chants.
Why did people suddenly leave work over the last year and why didn't they return?

If you can't figure it out you shouldn't be on the internet
Those earning the median income of $70,000 can afford the inflationary increase in prices. What about we poor schmucks who don't make that much? The truth is, Fuck Joe Biden's inflation is taking a bigger chunk out of our asses than it is the upper middle income-earners. I drive a car that gets almost 40 mpg and spent almost $30 fuckin' dollars to fill up the tank today. I can remember during the Trump presidency how it cost about $18 for the same amount of gasoline.

So fuck that cocksucker Joe Biden. May flaming gobs of fuck be heaped upon his head forever and ever, amen. May he be anally-ravaged by a rabid badger, a weasel with a skin condition, and a dog suffering from mange, all successively in a row, and within one hour. May his dog die, may his Kunt of a wife develop anal warts and grow a 12" dick, may his crackhead son overdose on crack and be found dead with a big black dildo up his ass, may the whole damned Biden family be infected with scabies, rabies, mange, erectile dysfunction, psoriasis, syphilis, and every other fuckin' disease I hear about in the TV commercials every night.

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Ok. I'm going to take a few deep breaths and go to my happy place now.
It’s good to have someone to blame all your own failures on.
We cook all our meals to heck with the restaurants. They don't deserve our money nor do any other businesses
Why did people suddenly leave work over the last year and why didn't they return?

If you can't figure it out you shouldn't be on the internet
DEADLY PANDEMIC shut down a lot of elbow-to-elbow economic activity. You don't know that?

I've asked you a question about today - what is it you think needs to be re-opened today to reduce inflation???

You didn't answer, because you don't have one, pretty much everything IS open from governing perspective, so maybe you should go get some other bumper sticker shpiel to account for reality.
I've asked you a question about today - what is it you think needs to be re-opened today to reduce inflation???

Being closed is not the problem. Everything is open today. The problem is not being able to get labor to do the jobs.
For households earning the US median annual income of about $70,000, the current inflation rate has forced them to spend another $175 a month on food, fuel and housing, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

Great job Bidumb, as long as Americans have money it'll be considered "transitionary".

Inflation costing US households extra $175 per month, economist says
Democrats destroyed the economy and tens of millions of lives to grab power.

They burned the country down for what will be two years of power.

They're deranged sociopaths, and MUST be stopped.
Being closed is not the problem. Everything is open today. The problem is not being able to get labor to do the jobs.

It's not THE problem, international supply chain disruptions are about a lot more than just labor.

But on the domestic labor supply the theory was that unemployment benefits are discouraging people from looking for work.

Now the Federal benefits have expired, so we've had lofty projections for job gains for the last two months...except that didn't happen and number of people looking for work actually dropped, bringing unemployment down to 4.8% in Sep.
It's not THE problem, international supply chain disruptions are about a lot more than just labor.

But on the domestic labor supply the theory was that unemployment benefits are discouraging people from looking for work.

Now the Federal benefits have expired, so we've had lofty projections for job gains for the last two months...except that didn't happen and number of people looking for work actually dropped, bringing unemployment down to 4.8% in Sep.

Most of our supply chain is domestic and not international. If our unemployment rate were 3.2%, then you might have a point. A lot of parts and supplies are still made in the US and that's where the problem is. Yes, the federal unemployment stopped in September, but that doesn't mean people are not collecting anything. They may still be on state unemployment or made so much money during the federal unemployment they saved enough to stretch out not working for several weeks if not a few months.
There are 11 million open jobs with 4.8% unemployment, backed up ports as far as the eye can see and car preorders half a year out, what is it you think needs to be re-opened to reduce inflation???

No matter the season or cause, all you got is your thought-free "gobamint intrusion!" chants.

We can start with your brain, however I wouldn't phrase that as reopened. You're wrong. Everything is slow as fuck beyond the wealthiest among us, because your demonicrats have decided globalization with control by the few is the way to go. A Demonicrat economy is one where the middle class and small business are extinct.

Things are fucked up everywhere, but at least Amazon delivers chinese goods within two days. No wonder Bezos loves the Demonicrats.

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