Inflation costing extra $175 per month

Maybe, but if you took out a mortgage ten years ago, you're paying a lot less on your mortgage with inflation.
The problem is housing is being being priced out of people's eligibility now. Many can not purchase homes unless we start with the games that caused the 2008 crisis. Those who purchased a home a decade ago even with a crash of prices are still paying a fair price to live with a roof over their head. Not so good for recent buyers if the worse happens. This is affecting apartments. And there are people struggling with the increases.
My wife and I are on a fixed income and our rent went up last month $100. Food and gas have gone up here in Texas, and imagine that prices for just about everything that gets shipped or trucked will too. The COLA increases for SS and my pension isn't nearly enough to cover the higher cost of living.
My wife and I are on a fixed income and our rent went up last month $100. Food and gas have gone up here in Texas, and imagine that prices for just about everything that gets shipped or trucked will too. The COLA increases for SS and my pension isn't nearly enough to cover the higher cost of living.
Rent is higher then that in increases in many place. Believe me. And many people were getting help with their payments the last year or two and those who get social program payments.
Inflation is picking up steam, perhaps because of all the shortages. We went to BJs Warehouse Store yesterday and there were NO big meat pieces, like whole sirloins or racks of ribs ---- that whole area was empty as were several other meat areas. No detergents of the kind we use. Several other things missing.

But --- they had some nice, thick Porterhouse steaks: two steaks for $42. Now THAT is inflation. We have filled our freezers earlier, recognizing that the prices are going up as the shortages worsen.
Prices for feeder cattle are about the same as they were a year ago, maybe even a little less. Much less than they were three years ago. Corn prices are up about 50% over their low last summer but only slightly higher than they were when feeder cattle were much more expensive. This is a supply chain problem. Lack of workers, lack of truckers, and that due to lack of pay. But why should the producers give a shit. They get more money by producing less. Hell, you pay more to somebody for doing less what the hell do you expect. The solution is simple. QUIT BUYING.
Is that also Biden's fault?

I am paying for gas what I was 2 years ago, but I drive 70 less miles a day so I have no complaints.

Last summer I had two 18 year old boys living in my house, now it is the wife and I so I guess I have not really noticed the food differences either.

We are pretty lucky

I do not blame Biden for inflation sans the gas prices and everything associated with delivering goods...oooops. It is his fault after all.
For households earning the US median annual income of about $70,000, the current inflation rate has forced them to spend another $175 a month on food, fuel and housing, according to Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

Great job Bidumb, as long as Americans have money it'll be considered "transitionary".

Inflation costing US households extra $175 per month, economist says

It'll climb higher than this!
Just remember that our Gov't will put citizen's 2nd, illegals 1st!!

You nasty-ass law abiding taxpayer's need to be put in your MF'ing place!

Feel better?
I entirely agree ---- we can't get the trash picked up, late all the time, we had to stop our subscription to the newspapers, no one will deliver it, all my seed companies send what I order late or not at all, half their stock "sold out" --- I keep saying to Himself that the consequences from the government lockdowns and mandates are going to be MUCH worse than people realized, and here it comes.

One of my tenants had her car break down, it was the transmission. I warned her about buying an American made car when she was looking, but she didn't take my advice. The transmission blew at 61,000 miles.

She was willing to spend the thousands to get it fixed because she loved her car, but the transmission place told her one of the critical parts she needed would take four months to get. She's a single working mom and couldn't afford to be without a car for several months. She had no choice but to trade it in dirt cheap and buy another car.
Everyone wants someone doing the $15 to $20 per hour low paying jobs and complains when people aren't doing them. So what you want is someone to sacrifice for YOU. Pfffft on that.
One of my tenants had her car break down, it was the transmission. I warned her about buying an American made car when she was looking, but she didn't take my advice. The transmission blew at 61,000 miles.

She was willing to spend the thousands to get it fixed because she loved her car, but the transmission place told her one of the critical parts she needed would take four months to get. She's a single working mom and couldn't afford to be without a car for several months. She had no choice but to trade it in dirt cheap and buy another car.

Hey Ray, what do you know about shipping and trucking costs? The higher cost of gas has to be a big factor in the higher prices we pay at the grocery or any other store, true?
Hey Ray, what do you know about shipping and trucking costs? The higher cost of gas has to be a big factor in the higher prices we pay at the grocery or any other store, true?

Everything we buy has a transportation cost from your car to that small can of mushrooms in the grocery store. During the Bush years they forced lower sulfur diesel fuel on us while at the same time, forcing truck manufacturers to make them greener. It added 10K to the cost of trucks. A little later they regulated all trucks must use Diesel Emission Fluid (DEF) which was another added cost.

Prior to the low sulfur fuel, diesel fuel was about a buck less than gasoline. After the mandate, it shot up to a buck a gallon more and is still more expensive than gasoline today. Because of all the green shit, trucks were breaking down every month. My employer gave up and started to lease them. The dealership took care of all the problems which 95% of the time, was some pollution gadget gone haywire.

He had no choice but to pass these costs to our customers who made products you and I buy in the store every day. On average (city/ highway) my tractor got about 6.5 miles to the gallon.

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