Inflation rate maybe down... but down from what?

So while inflation rate has declined almost everyone including the biased MSM keep forgetting something...
Prices don't decline... they just don't go up as much... The average prices as the below shows have increased each year.
Trump inflation rate 2017 --2.1% 2018--1.9% 2019--2.3 2020--1.4% --- Average for 4 years:1.93%
Biden inflation rate: 2021 --7.0% 2022--6.5% 2023--3.4 2024--2.9% ---Average for 4 years: 4.11% a 113% Increases in inflation!
BUT what most people forget is the prices of goods DON"T decline! They just don't rise as much!
So for example peanut butter Increased from 1/2021 40.7%...
Peanut butter priced at $2.48 in 1997 → $4.76 in 2024 a price increase of 91%
Now for the few of you that still don't understand... Biden/Harris brag that inflation has gone down... RIGHT but the RATE has gone down!
The price has NOT declined.
Peanut butter over 40% increase in just 4 years!
Gas/Diesel both used in delivering peanut butter plus everything else to the supermarkets have since Biden/Harris took office.. 40% to 50% increase!
Remember those prices haven't gone down... just haven't increased as much!
And when it comes to the cause of this?
The following is a major cause because whenever people talk about destroying fossil fuels... even dummies know that means prices will skyrocket!
Biden said "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019,

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what is your point?

This the same thing that happens after every bout of inflation.
OK Biden's average for 4 years has been 4.11%
Trump's average for 4 years was 1.93%
4.93%- 1.93% = 2.18%
divide 1.93%/2.18% equals..113% INCREASE!! Here let me make it simpler.

4.93% is greater than 1.93% by 2.18%... agree?
Then what is the increase of 4.93% over 1.93%???
GEEZ I've been taught divide the increase 2.18% by the starting point 1.93% and WAL LA!

The increase is 113%!

But in case you don't still comprehend. let's make it simpler.

What percent increase in 10 to 30?
Increase by 20... ok???
If you have 10 pencils and you buy 20 more what percent of more pencils do you have now?
Hmmmm... 10 divided into 20? 200%!
Or another way you have 1 sock. find the other sock now you have 2 socks.
How many more socks do you have? 2/1 equals 200%!
Now again... Trump average inflation rate for 4 years... 1.93%
Biden's average inflation rate for 4 years..4.11%
Increase from Trump's average of 1.93% by Biden's 4.11% is hmmm 2.18% INCREASE under Biden!
So what was the % increase to 4.11% of 2.18% ? Divide 2.18% increase by 1.93% and guess what?
That’s some tortured shot there.

Bottom line is that inflation is 2.3%.

What would you want? It can’t GET much lower without causing economic problems.

And Trump’s policies would INCREASE inflation according to the Wall Street Journal
Inflation was caused by a sudden drop in demand due to the pandemic, followed by a tremendous surge in demand afterward.

It was also caused by the Fed holding interest rates too low for too long.

Consumer expenditures (demand) rose to an all time high after the pandemic.

As a result in the spike of spending and consumerism, the number of shipping containers and the number of container ships at our California ports surged tremendously to record highs. This overwhelmed the system.
And all that has been shaken out of the system.

Which has put inflation down to 2.3 %. Right where it was in 2019.

Yes 2.3. The chart above was from early in 2024. It has dropped since then
Your point you are not including is that Trump's mismanagement of the pandemic caused worldwide inflation.

That and in the US the amount of free money given out during 2020 made it even worse here. But it is a waste of time with the MGAG cult members like HM, their god is incapable of wrong doing.
That and in the US the amount of free money given out during 2020 made it even worse here. But it is a waste of time with the MGAG cult members like HM, their god is incapable of wrong doing.
The problem with that post? It WASN’T worse here
At least the deficit decreased under Obama while it doubled under Trump BEFORE Covid and with a Republican House and Senate his first two years.

Trump added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama.

So it looks like the retarded party members are the ones who bleev Republicans are fiscally responsible.
FACT: NOT my opinion or guesses... Directly from Congress' Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget!
It’s also the case that the government accumulated $7.8 trillion of gross federal debt while President Trump was in office, though much of this is unrelated to President Trump’s actions.
However, much of this borrowing was due to policies put in place before President Trump took office or due to unexpected changes in circumstance.
Debt was already projected to grow by about $3 trillion for the four years of his term when President Trump took office, and some of the additional debt accrued was also the direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession
It’s also important to note that the government was holding an unusually large $1.6 trillion in cash when President Trump left office, which inflated the growth in debt relative to the deficit run during his time in office.

Of the $8.4 trillion President Trump added to the debt,
  • $3.6 trillion came from COVID relief laws and executive orders,
  • $2.5 trillion from tax cut laws, and
  • $2.3 trillion from spending increases,
  • with the remaining executive orders having costs and savings that largely offset each other.

NOTE $2.5 trillion by INCREASING the amount Americans kept in their pockets from the IRS!

Dummies like you don't do any research you just open your dumb ass mouth and wait for shit to drop in!

Wow moron, did you just seriously average in recession inflation for comparison?
I did very simple arithmetic ! Something dummies evidently like you don't comprehend!
AGAIN for your attention span deficit of less than 8.5 seconds..
Biden's average for 4 years has been 4.11%
Trump's average for 4 years was 1.93%
4.93%- 1.93% = 2.18%
divide 1.93%/2.18% equals..113% INCREASE!! Isn't that simple enough?
I did very simple arithmetic ! Something dummies evidently like you don't comprehend!
AGAIN for your attention span deficit of less than 8.5 seconds..
Biden's average for 4 years has been 4.11%
Trump's average for 4 years was 1.93%
Your simple arithmetic makes for very stupid economic comparison.


If Biden had a historic recession his inflation average would OF COURSE be lower as well, instead inflation was high globally due to pent up demand, breakdown of supply chains and distortions in consumption that were all after-effects of a historic pandemic that lowered inflation in 2020.

Recessions are BAD, cause contraction of demand and deflation. Do you get it dumb dumb?
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Your simple arithmetic makes for very stupid economic comparison.


If Biden had a historic recession his inflation average would OF COURSE be lower as well, instead inflation was high globally due to pent up demand, breakdown of supply chains and distortions in consumption that were all after-effects of a historic pandemic that lowered inflation in 2020.

Recessions are BAD, cause contraction of demand and deflation. Do you get it dumb dumb?
What is a "historic recession"... the one caused by Obama's 1995 redlining lawsuit against Citibank that caused Fannie/Freddie to extend loans to groups of people that never paid the loans back thus causing

How Obama Bankrupted Black Homeowners​

Before the crisis, Obama pushed thousands of credit-poor blacks into homes they couldn't afford. As a civil-rights attorney, he sued banks to rubberstamp mortgages for urban residents.
Many are now in foreclosure. In fact, the lead client in one of his class-action suits has since lost her home and filed bankruptcy.

Is that the "historic recession" you are alluding to?
You don't know who this guy is I'm sure..Former House Banking Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) tenaciously opposed efforts to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage giants that were bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of between $148 billion and $363 billion!
Barney Frank in 2021 he re-canted his support for Fannie and Freddie MAE!!
This is what Frank said in 2021.... after he and his boyfriend profited ! a recent CNBC interview, Frank told me that he was ready to say goodbye to Fannie and Freddie.
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it." He then added, "I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."

So what does this Democrat inspired by Obama's lawsuit in 1995 have to with the FACTS that
Biden INCREASED INFLATION 113% over Trump's!
In 2021, the democrats tried to pass a Build Back Better bill that according to some estimates could exceed $5 trillion, if the temporary programs in it were made permanent. Which they would if the democrats were in control. So, ask yourself a question: what will the democrats do in 2025 and beyond with a democrat in the White House and if democrats control Congress? How high will inflation go then? I think it would be a lot higher than it is now.
don't ever trust healthmyths posts without fact checking, ever
Says a slow brained person who hardly ever provides FACTS! Totally ignorant of how to use the Internet, which by the way I created web pages in the late 1990s when there were only 45 million internet users...worldwide!
So please pay no attention to Slow horse!
In 2021, the democrats tried to pass a Build Back Better bill that according to some estimates could exceed $5 trillion, if the temporary programs in it were made permanent. Which they would if the democrats were in control. So, ask yourself a question: what will the democrats do in 2025 and beyond with a democrat in the White House and if democrats control Congress? How high will inflation go then? I think it would be a lot higher than it is now.
Remember the two historic Biden comments that have DIRECTLY affected Americans either by the killings of Americans by illegal criminals that have WALKED into the US after Biden stopped building Trump's walls.
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " September 2019

OR the direct effect of increased prices due to the other statement that Biden GUARANTEES TO DESTROY FOSSIL FUELS!
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Both of these historic and devastating statements have directly killed Americans and raised all our prices!
Your facts, healthmyths, are helter skelter, and when looked ac critically just don't make sense.
Talk about "heater skelter"! 15 words and you can't all of them spell correctly!
How about that for looking "critically"??? GEEZ... you make a dumb ass comment and can't even spell correctly much less PROVE the what doesn't make sense!

OK Biden's average for 4 years has been 4.11%
Trump's average for 4 years was 1.93%
4.93%- 1.93% = 2.18%
divide 1.93%/2.18% equals..113% INCREASE!! Here let me make it simpler!
FACTS! NOT guesses!



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