

Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
This was last month when the pope visited America

Nuns are busy manufacturing Jesus cookies for Pope Francis I

Nuns are busy cooking up some Jesus

This is the real flesh of Jesus Christ

Pope Francis I is coming to America to address a joint session of Congress here in about a week and also to address the United Nations. He needs to have Jesus ready for his masses so everyone can feast on the flesh of Christ.
Notice how Christ is made with flour and water and he is baked on a stove or waffle iron apparatus. He is then dampened, cut, and bagged and sealed. Then the priests and the pope will change these wafers into the actual body of Christ which later on is evacuated and flushed down the toilet. It's called TRANSUBSTANTIATION and it is a rather interesting concept for those you interested in science and spirituality:

The News UNIT: Nuns are busy manufacturing Jesus cookies for Pope Francis I

guno, instead of irrational attacks on non-Jews why don't you consider the faults of your own ethnic group?

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

Jewish child molesters that are never on the NEWS - WHY?


Woody Allen’s Adopted Daughter Details Alleged Abuse |

Woody Allen with daughter he molested

Brave Israeli soldiers beating children

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They need to quit that old age teaching, and make it more symbolic. Instead of a gross thought , it can be made into a beautiful thing of sharing of the bread of life with all. I have had Priests tell me its a spiritual thing and frankly most of us in US were not taught transubstantiation in my generation. Even my altar boy nephews were not taught that.
guno, instead of irrational attacks on non-Jews why don't you consider the faults of your own ethnic group?

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

Jewish child molesters that are never on the NEWS - WHY?


Woody Allen’s Adopted Daughter Details Alleged Abuse |

Woody Allen with daughter he molested

Brave Israeli soldiers beating children

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Feel free to start your own thread this is about jesus cookies
History of Christians putting Jews in ovens is frightening indeed.
Actually Christians saved Jews

Rabbi Says Pope Saved More Jews From Holocaust than Schindler

despite the fact Jews killed millions of Christians.

Stalin's Jews

Delta4Embassy, why do you lie all the time?

Stalin was a christian and went to a christian seminary to become a priest

Stalin's birth name in Georgian was Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (იოსებ ბესარიონის ძე ჯუღაშვილი). He was born an ethnic Georgian; Georgia was then part of the Russian Empire. The Russian-language version of his birth name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Иосиф Виссарионович Джугашвили).

Ioseb was born on 18 December 1878[1] in the town of Gori in the Tiflis Governorate of the Russian Empire (today in Georgia). His father was Besarion Jughashvili, a cobbler, while his mother was Ketevan Geladze, a housemaid. As a child, Ioseb was plagued with numerous health issues. He was born with two adjoined toes on his left foot.[13] His face was permanently scarred by smallpox at the age of 7. At age 12, he injured his left arm in an accident involving a horse-drawn carriage, rendering it shorter and stiffer than its counterpart.

Ioseb's father slid into alcoholism, which made him abusive to his family and caused his business to fail. When Ioseb's mother enrolled him into a Greek Orthodox priesthood school against her husband's wishes, Ioseb's enraged father went on a drunken rampage. He was banished from Gori after assaulting the police chief. Besarion moved to Tiflis, leaving his wife and son behind in Gori.

When Ioseb was sixteen, he received a scholarship to attend the Tiflis Spiritual Seminary, the leading Russian Orthodox seminary in Tiflis; the language of instruction was Russian
guno, instead of irrational attacks on non-Jews why don't you consider the faults of your own ethnic group?

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions

Jewish child molesters that are never on the NEWS - WHY?


Woody Allen’s Adopted Daughter Details Alleged Abuse |

Woody Allen with daughter he molested

Brave Israeli soldiers beating children

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Feel free to start your own thread this is about jesus cookies
Actually the topic of this thread is the same as all your other threads: How much you hate Gentiles.

So much fun exposing your ignorant bigotry.
History of Christians putting Jews in ovens is frightening indeed.
Actually Christians saved Jews

Rabbi Says Pope Saved More Jews From Holocaust than Schindler

despite the fact Jews killed millions of Christians.

Stalin's Jews

Delta4Embassy, why do you lie all the time?

Stalin was a christian and went to a christian seminary to become a priest
Wow are you dumb. Of course Stalin renounced any religious belief he might have had and became a fanatical atheist.
History of Christians putting Jews in ovens is frightening indeed.
Actually Christians saved Jews

Rabbi Says Pope Saved More Jews From Holocaust than Schindler

despite the fact Jews killed millions of Christians.

Stalin's Jews

Delta4Embassy, why do you lie all the time?

Was that before or after the Pope helped Nazis flee Germany for South America?

Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape

"Red Cross and Vatican helped thousands of Nazis to escape
Research shows how travel documents ended up in hands of the likes of Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie in the postwar chaos"
Now back to the topic: Why does guno obsessively attack non-Jews while covering up the crimes of his own ethnic group?

Consider Jewish racism for example.

Racism in Israel

Ugly racism from inbred supremacist losers:

Meanwhile, in fdr's Concentration Camps.... | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

More racism from Israelis: Israel admits forcing birth control shots on Ethiopian women

R. Austen, "African Enslavement in History of Blacks and Jews"

Israeli War Profiteering in Africa: Follow The Money Trail
Think of all the suffering caused by greedy Israelis!
Last edited:
Here’s a story that will destroy your hopes for a reasonable humanity.

Webster Cook says he smuggled a Eucharist, a small bread wafer that to Catholics symbolic of the Body of Christ after a priest blesses it, out of mass, didn’t eat it as he was supposed to do, but instead walked with it.

This isn’t the stupid part yet. He walked off with a cracker that was put in his mouth, and people in the church fought with him to get it back. It is just a cracker!

Catholics worldwide became furious.

Would you believe this isn’t hyperbole? People around the world are actually extremely angry about this — Webster Cook has been sent death threats over his cracker. Those are just kooks, you might say, but here is the considered, measured response of the local diocese:

Well, you could have a priest compare this event to a kidnapping.

“It is hurtful,” said Father Migeul Gonzalez with the Diocese. “Imagine if they kidnapped somebody and you make a plea for that individual to please return that loved one to the family.”

Nuns are busy manufacturing Jesus cookies for Pope Francis I

Let's see if your world view on this can be altered somewhat. The nuns were making communion wafers. I've done this myself when I lived in a parish where the parishioners prepared the bread for communion, but the end result was more bread-like than the thin, perfectly shaped wafers. Whatever the shape, it is made with loving hands.

Jesus taught that just like God nourished his people with manna in the desert, he was able to nourish us with his own body, blood, soul, and divinity through the bread and wine of the consecrated host. This can be compared to a mother nourishing her infant. The mother isn't digested and evacuated; her nourishment is taken in, used by the baby, and what is not used is evacuated.

Christ nourishes his people through the consecrated bread and wine. This is spiritual nourishment and emphasizes a fundamental truth that is only experienced very imperfectly in this world: We within God; God within us. (In Him we live and move and have our being.)

The bread and wine, before consecration, and after consumption that is evacuated, are called the "accidents." Personally, I think in today's language, "incidentals" may present a more accurate description, but whatever we call it, it is still anything that is not part of our spiritual nourishment.

In the Catholic Church, we have seven sacraments, which are prayers that involve not only spiritual prayer, but also the use of our physical senses--visible signs of the invisible reality taking place. We might say God gave these sacramental prayers to us who are visual learners. ;)

A final thought: If you were visiting an Indian Reservation, and were asked not to walk in a certain area because it was their holy grounds, would you proceed to go and stomp all over it, perhaps taking a moment to relieve yourself? If you think you would not do this on an Indian Reservation, perhaps remember that religious beliefs held close to a people's heart is also holy ground, and tread a bit more carefully? I know for a fact Jews, out of great respect, try to block thoughts of God when defecating. Yet you unload like this with another people, when we would be happy to answer any honest/respectful questions you might have.
Nuns are busy manufacturing Jesus cookies for Pope Francis I

Let's see if your world view on this can be altered somewhat. The nuns were making communion wafers. I've done this myself when I lived in a parish where the parishioners prepared the bread for communion, but the end result was more bread-like than the thin, perfectly shaped wafers. Whatever the shape, it is made with loving hands.

Jesus taught that just like God nourished his people with manna in the desert, he was able to nourish us with his own body, blood, soul, and divinity through the bread and wine of the consecrated host. This can be compared to a mother nourishing her infant. The mother isn't digested and evacuated; her nourishment is taken in, used by the baby, and what is not used is evacuated.

Christ nourishes his people through the consecrated bread and wine. This is spiritual nourishment and emphasizes a fundamental truth that is only experienced very imperfectly in this world: We within God; God within us. (In Him we live and move and have our being.)

The bread and wine, before consecration, and after consumption that is evacuated, are called the "accidents." Personally, I think in today's language, "incidentals" may present a more accurate description, but whatever we call it, it is still anything that is not part of our spiritual nourishment.

In the Catholic Church, we have seven sacraments, which are prayers that involve not only spiritual prayer, but also the use of our physical senses--visible signs of the invisible reality taking place. We might say God gave these sacramental prayers to us who are visual learners. ;)

A final thought: If you were visiting an Indian Reservation, and were asked not to walk in a certain area because it was their holy grounds, would you proceed to go and stomp all over it, perhaps taking a moment to relieve yourself? If you think you would not do this on an Indian Reservation, perhaps remember that religious beliefs held close to a people's heart is also holy ground, and tread a bit more carefully? I know for a fact Jews, out of great respect, try to block thoughts of God when defecating. Yet you unload like this with another people, when we would be happy to answer any honest/respectful questions you might have.
I know for a fact Jews, out of great respect, try to block thoughts of God when defecating.

you know for a Fact? :cuckoo:
Nuns are busy manufacturing Jesus cookies for Pope Francis I

Let's see if your world view on this can be altered somewhat. The nuns were making communion wafers. I've done this myself when I lived in a parish where the parishioners prepared the bread for communion, but the end result was more bread-like than the thin, perfectly shaped wafers. Whatever the shape, it is made with loving hands.

Jesus taught that just like God nourished his people with manna in the desert, he was able to nourish us with his own body, blood, soul, and divinity through the bread and wine of the consecrated host. This can be compared to a mother nourishing her infant. The mother isn't digested and evacuated; her nourishment is taken in, used by the baby, and what is not used is evacuated.

Christ nourishes his people through the consecrated bread and wine. This is spiritual nourishment and emphasizes a fundamental truth that is only experienced very imperfectly in this world: We within God; God within us. (In Him we live and move and have our being.)

The bread and wine, before consecration, and after consumption that is evacuated, are called the "accidents." Personally, I think in today's language, "incidentals" may present a more accurate description, but whatever we call it, it is still anything that is not part of our spiritual nourishment.

In the Catholic Church, we have seven sacraments, which are prayers that involve not only spiritual prayer, but also the use of our physical senses--visible signs of the invisible reality taking place. We might say God gave these sacramental prayers to us who are visual learners. ;)

A final thought: If you were visiting an Indian Reservation, and were asked not to walk in a certain area because it was their holy grounds, would you proceed to go and stomp all over it, perhaps taking a moment to relieve yourself? If you think you would not do this on an Indian Reservation, perhaps remember that religious beliefs held close to a people's heart is also holy ground, and tread a bit more carefully? I know for a fact Jews, out of great respect, try to block thoughts of God when defecating. Yet you unload like this with another people, when we would be happy to answer any honest/respectful questions you might have.
So manufacturing crackers then swinging incense around it and a priest saying Abra Kadabra make it into jesus?
you know for a Fact? :cuckoo:

Yes, for a fact, because I do have friends of the Jewish faith who have explained how they endeavor to always keep their thoughts on God, adding there are situations where always is inappropriate. This is from Orthodox Jews. Do you follow a branch of Judaism that teaches this differently?

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