Inhumane Science & Technology

I see children that do not do well in school because they have ADD [so their parents claim] sitting in front of a video game and playing for hrs !!! most cases it's a copout by both the parents and their spoiled kids !!

Well, from my side I see lazy teachers also trying to force a diagnosis. My son has a learning disability and his teachers lied to try and force an ADD diagnosis so they wouldn't have to deal with him in their class of 33 students.

Furthur, I think it is more than just "lazy teachers." It is more like a conspiracy to dehumanize, and the perpetrators have figured it is better to get folks at a young age - that way people grow up never knowing how they should have been that they never were. I have seem some very normal children being labeled ADD or autism (though with good command of speech and language) that just leaves me dumbfounded:

Children are supposed to be very active and inquisitive, which is why they need parents and teachers to help give them some structure in life. To stigmatize children as ADD or autistic for simply being children and wrongfully drug to render them docile is diabolic!

Therefore I tell parents: If the school system makes vaccines (the commonly used medium in this sadistic game) mandatory and starts stigmatizing your child, then go elsewhere or simply home school your child. Several of our prominent inventors and thinkers were home schooled.

Well, I think people should be stigmatized for not getting their children vaccinated. I think it is selfish and very bad parenting.
OMGorsh and that seems to be an inappropriate call with misaligned judgement. NOT all vaccinations are necessary for all children and most are only required if the children are within the public sectors.

Vaccinations do seem to be common sense and necessary on many levels but understandably not on all. Those who are educated enough to make the judgement calls about their children's vaccinations should be able to do so without bureaucratic bullshit from anyone. Our soldiers are necessarily vaccinated, without question, and our children who are within the public systems and such most probably benefit more from being vaccinated than if they were to not be.

I happen to like the idea of our impoverished children getting vaccinated and being fed whatever supplimental vitamins and minerals they need to develop and transform successfully. I am not supportive of every vaccination available, but most likely because I don't know enough about such.

It should never be made mandatory, however, for those who are outside of the public sectors. Always an option, just not required.

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