Innocent man killed after police go to wrong house.

This is how police officers are trained and as the expansion of people with guns expands it's going to have to change. They are trained to shoot as soon as you see a gun. The problem is over and over the courts are ruling that people have a right to be armed.

The cops can't just start firing because they see someone exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

Especially when it is people in their own homes, under illegal attack by those police.
What were they defending themselves from? The man never fired his weapon at them, hell he didn't even point it at them.

That's what you want. You cheered when the cops killed an unarmed woman who didn't even HAVE a weapon to point at them. Just like you cheered when the cops killed George Floyd, who was also unarmed. It's what you like.
Thats still no excuse to shoot them

And he would not have if he’d bothered to find out they were cops
So he doesn't know who is banging on his door at midnight, but he is supposed to go and see if is a burglar or the police. Think about that for a minute.
How is it that in this thread, I am finding myself in full agreement with mostly left wrong-wing trash, who usually stand solidly on the side of criminals and against the side of human beings; while my fellow conservatives are openly siding with violent subhuman criminal shit who murdered an innocent homeowner in his own home?

There is something very, very, very wrong with this picture.
How is it that in this thread, I am finding myself in full agreement with mostly left wrong-wing trash, who usually stand solidly on the side of criminals and against the side of human beings; while my fellow conservatives are openly siding with violent subhuman criminal shit who murdered an innocent homeowner in his own home?

There is something very, very, very wrong with this picture.

You have misunderstood the argument all around.

Breanna Taylor was an innocent party. The cops lied, broke into her home and killed her.

Elijah McClain was an innocent young man simply walking home from the store.

Andre Hill was a guy hanging out in his garage. The police killed him.

What made those cases different from this one?
You have misunderstood the argument all around.
Breanna Taylor was an innocent party. The cops lied, broke into her home and killed her.
Elijah McClain was an innocent young man simply walking home from the store.
Andre Hill was a guy hanging out in his garage. The police killed him.
What made those cases different from this one?

As far as I understand, all are pretty much the same sort of case—a police officer, acting, at best, with a depraved-heart indifference, ends up killing an innocent person. At best, such cases are manslaughter, if not outright murder. With the power and authority that a police officer has to have, comes a great responsibility to exercise due care with the use of that power.
As far as I understand, all are pretty much the same sort of case—a police officer, acting, at best, with a depraved-heart indifference, ends up killing an innocent person. At best, such cases are manslaughter, if not outright murder. With the power and authority that a police officer has to have, comes a great responsibility to exercise due care with the use of that power.

And yet you seem to think we were wrong to protest those police actions.
And yet you seem to think we were wrong to protest those police actions.

No, not at all.

You were wrong to protest against situations in which an actual piece of subhuman criminal shit got into a fight with police, and lost, such as George Floyd.

And you were wrong for engaging in violent acts of destruction, violence, and terrorism against innocent people who were not a party to any cause of which you were protesting.

And by those acts, you severely undermined and discredited any message that you might ever have hoped to make via legitimate protests for legitimate causes.
No, not at all.

You were wrong to protest against situations in which an actual piece of subhuman criminal shit got into a fight with police, and lost, such as George Floyd.

There is still no excuse to keep your knee on his neck while people are yelling at you that he was in a medical distress.

Arrest him? Yes. Kill him? No.

And you were wrong for engaging in violent acts of destruction, violence, and terrorism against innocent people who were not a party to any cause of which you were protesting.

And by those acts, you severely undermined and discredited any message that you might ever have hoped to make via legitimate protests for legitimate causes.

And yet it worked. The cops that killed Taylor, McClain and others are being held accountable where they wouldn't have in the past.
There is still no excuse to keep your knee on his neck while people are yelling at you that he was in a medical distress.

Arrest him? Yes. Kill him? No.

And yet it worked. The cops that killed Taylor, McClain and others are being held accountable where they wouldn't have in the past.

Murdering 20 innocent people, injuring over 1,000 cops, and destroying $2 billion in property is not a legitimate form of protest. It's terrorism.
Uniformed officers identify themselves and knock on the door and the guy comes to the door with a gun? It seems that the Officers acted correctly regardless of the wrong address.
Once on scene, officers mistakenly approached 5305 Valley View Avenue instead of 5308 Valley View Avenue," state police said in a statement.

The officers don't even understand something as basic as street addresses. Odd on one side, even on the other.

The video shows three responding officers approaching a house with an address clearly posted and illuminated and knocking three times on the door.

The address is clearly posted, how do they make this mistake?

Body camera footage shows police in New Mexico going to wrong address and fatally shooting homeowner

I'll be willing to bet we find out she never fired any shots.

"Hands up," an officer yells as they begin immediately firing at Dotson. The officers back up and tell dispatch a man is down in the doorway.

They never give him a chance to comply.
i apologize for asking a question I dont know the answer to

But I did try to find the answer

The question is how many police calls does the PD in new mexico receive?

One innocent man was killed by police but how many people were saved by police intervention?

I think the answer is that the net gain to public safety is enormous
Would you make this same argument to rationalize plane crashes?

Yea, this plane crashed and 400 people were killed..but why doesn't anyone talk about all of the planes that don't crash
The wrong door. They then blew a guy away believing he was protecting his house which is his protected 2nd amendment right.

No. He did what he is legally allowed to do.
I posted a story about a homeowner who shot a kid in the head thru his door and then shot him again.....all because the kid was knocking at the wrong door....

I guarantee you the same folks chastising the homeowner for not assessing the situation in this New Mexico story; will have a completely different attitude towards the homeowner in the story I posted...

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