Innocent Man Marcellus Williams Execution in Hands of Supreme Court

Do you support the state killing innocent citizens?

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So many? Completely Innocent?

Got any numbers to back that broad and probably completely wrong statement up?

Also don't go digging 100 years in the past for examples.

Don't have to.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, up to 4.1% of all people on death row are innocent. Which means, the government is committing murder.

"Statistics likely understate the actual problem of wrongful convictions because once an execution has occurred there is often insufficient motivation and finance to keep a case open, and it becomes unlikely at that point that the miscarriage of justice will ever be exposed. For example, in the case of Joseph Roger O'Dell III, executed in Virginia in 1997 for a rape and murder, a prosecuting attorney argued in court in 1998 that if posthumous DNA results exonerated O'Dell, "it would be shouted from the rooftops that ... Virginia executed an innocent man." The state prevailed, and the evidence was destroyed."

For raw numbers, we know of about 200 innocent people who were put on death row, some executed and later found innocent, others found innocent before execution.

I don't think 200 is a small number. Killing ONE innocent person is too much. Over HALF of those exonerations were black.

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Don't have to.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, up to 4.1% of all people on death row are innocent. Which means, the government is committing murder.

"Statistics likely understate the actual problem of wrongful convictions because once an execution has occurred there is often insufficient motivation and finance to keep a case open, and it becomes unlikely at that point that the miscarriage of justice will ever be exposed. For example, in the case of Joseph Roger O'Dell III, executed in Virginia in 1997 for a rape and murder, a prosecuting attorney argued in court in 1998 that if posthumous DNA results exonerated O'Dell, "it would be shouted from the rooftops that ... Virginia executed an innocent man." The state prevailed, and the evidence was destroyed."

For raw numbers, we know of about 200 innocent people who were put on death row, some executed and later found innocent, others found innocent before execution.

I don't think 200 is a small number. Killing ONE innocent person is too much. Over HALF of those exonerations were black.

Then put the death penalty on hold.

But many of the legislatures will not do that.

Thus, there will be grievous errors at times, because humans are not overly concerned with fairness.
Then put the death penalty on hold.

But many of the legislatures will not do that.

Thus, there will be grievous errors at times, because humans are not overly concerned with fairness.

Which is why I am a die hard republican, actually a libertarian, who is 100% against the death penalty.

I cannot support the possible execution of an innocent person. I WILL NEVER BUDGE ON THAT. How the right can act like a babies life matters, and call THEM innocent, but an innocent ADULT finding themselves on death row, you get "Oh well, such is life. Can't win 'em all."

Which is why I am a die hard republican, actually a libertarian, who is 100% against the death penalty.

I cannot support the possible execution of an innocent person. I WILL NEVER BUDGE ON THAT. How the right can act like a babies life matters, and call THEM innocent, but an innocent ADULT finding themselves on death row, you get "Oh well, such is life. Can't win 'em all."

But human sacrifice makes us feel warm and fuzzy.
Mis-handling evidence is a trick that is used to influence a case,, remember the OJ Simpson case with mis-handled evidence ? Another trick is to not let the evidence be presented in a trial ( eg; Any Evidence Trump brings to a proceeding is automatically rejected by the judge).
Mis-handling evidence is a trick that is used to influence a case,, remember the OJ Simpson case with mis-handled evidence ? Another trick is to not let the evidence be presented in a trial ( eg; Any Evidence Trump brings to a proceeding is automatically rejected by the judge).
No need to lie to make the point.
Nope. On average, Black Americans have accounted for 50-60% of annual homicides over the last 4+ decades. They make up around 40% of those who receive the death penalty.

Whites make up over 55% in comparison.
As I said in the Blacks Behaving Badly topic today, crime is caused by poverty. Since blacks live in poverty way above their demographic, then of course they will have a higher incidence of crime.

And I showed in my link earlier, the largest percentage of innocent death row inmates freed are blacks.

The fact that HUNDREDS have been exonerated means we need a moratorium on executions.

God only knows how many innocent victims have been executed.
Here is a list of HUNDREDS of innocent men who have been EXONERATED.

There are 2,213 people on death row in the USA. 191 is less than ONE PERCENT. Any system that has a one percent failure rate is an exceptionally good system.
I'm not opposed to the death penalty in general, however, it should be saved for instances such as, 'you were seen by 20 eyewitness, 3 cameras, etc' type of iron clad crimes. I have reservations for the death penalty being used for convictions based on circumstantial evidence.
Carry on.

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