Inside The Beghazi Compound


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Video of CNN's visit to the Beghazi compound three days after our ambassador was murdered by Al Qaeda. This video is proof that the Obama administration is lying when they say we haven't investigated because it is too dangerous. This footage is graphic.

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Im impressed with CNNs coverage here. They arent trying to sweep it under the rug
Im impressed with CNNs coverage here. They arent trying to sweep it under the rug

So many questions though. How did that blood get all over the bathroom if we were told that Ambassador Stevens died from smoke inhalation?
Obama's got a lock on the "Knucklehead Vote" Nothing to see here! Move along now!"
"Where's my free stuff?" is their cry.
We've got our foot in the "Bread and Circuses" door, Attila the Hun prepared to catapult bubonic plague infested corpses over American city walls appearing real soon.
Video of CNN's visit to the Beghazi compound three days after our ambassador was murdered by Al Qaeda. This video is proof that the Obama administration is lying when they say we haven't investigated because it is too dangerous. This footage is graphic.

Video - Breaking News Videos from
Hillary had no interest in this compound.
She had no compound interest.

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