Inspector General: Dozens of More than "Top Secret" Emails on Server


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Ding Dong, the Beast is Dead!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Some of the classified emails found on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's home server were more sensitive than top secret, according to an inspector general for the intelligence community.
Inspector General Charles I. McCullough sent a letter to lawmakers last Friday saying that several dozen additional classified emails have been found, including ones containing information from so-called "special access programs," which have a classification higher than top secret.
The finding was first reported Tuesday by Fox News.
Federal investigators are probing the Democratic presidential candidate's email setup amid concerns that classified information may have passed through the system. Clinton, the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, provided the server to the FBI in August. She has said that she didn't send or receive information that was classified at the time via her personal email account.

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]IG: Some emails on Clinton's server were beyond top secret[/FONT]
Get back to me when something actually happens. The obsession with her emails is amazing.
10/29/2009, Executive Order 13526, President Obama, United States: Authorized about a dozen people to classify material on sight. Secretary Clinton was one such person. Neither is there recollection or evidence of any special classifications, and including special access emails: At the time or pursuant to the Executive Order. Lawful happened, and that's the law.

In the nowhere famous, "Moses Atrocity," the educated man of Imperial Egypt--noted if no so-stated in Acts 7:22--would prohibit all usury in Israel, but for the foreign, the Israel could become the subjugating power, and charge away. The effect of usury is shown in New Testament Matthew 25:14-30, aka the recent foreclosure crisis. Harm of persons is created, and less than expected wealth is mathematically created. And that's the law.

In fact, it is even the theory. Higher interest rates, less production, employment, and supply. Lower Interest rates, more consumption, needing more employment doing more production. And when the whole thing fails--do the public works, aka 1932-1938.

The problem of major judgment errors originates probably of Hammurabi of Babylon, extends through Moses, a maybe is shown as a consequence of Messianic exposure to the Greek religion of the Pythagoreans. It is not noted by the Prophet Mohammed. Adam Smith paid no mind at all. Karl Marx, "Nyet," not there. How Professor Milton Friedman might have said it(?), not there either.

Bad law and Bad Judgment happens, but mostly especially in hindsight! The allegations of a deity existence: Tend to be supported among all kinds peoples, all of whom would have to be said deluded.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now have eyes wide open, In name of "Seven Come Eleven!' A Deity That Works!)

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