Instant Classic: Trump mocks Biden's inability to find his way off a stage

Trump mocks Biden's inability to find his way off a stage

That's funny... on January 20, 2021, I was thinking the same thing about the Orange Baboon-God...

Leaving the vastly larger
World Stage as he slithered quietly out of Washington D.C. on that happy day...

The chicken$hit weasel wouldn't even attend the installation of his successor... what a whiney pouty little crybaby.

That's funny... on January 20, 2021, I was thinking the same thing about the Orange Baboon-God...

Leaving the vastly larger
World Stage as he slithered quietly out of Washington D.C. on that happy day...

The chicken$hit weasel wouldn't even attend the installation of his successor... what a whiney pouty little crybaby.
Odd that you admit it was an installation.
lose of respect for every thing we worked so hard for on day one,
putting our country on a path to create the miracle of the UNITED states of America.
Flushed for love of money & power.
Tell us about this highest home security.

Pelosi likely has the largest security detail of any lawmaker in Congress. Here's what we know about her and her husband Paul's protection.​

Odd that you admit it was an installation.
Do you really think that quibbling about synonyms or metaphors is going to help your Orange Baboon-God one little bit? :cuckoo:

Small Minds gonna Small Mind... :auiqs.jpg:
Major 2016 energy is bubbling back up to the surface.

The spirits and the zeitgeist are clearly aligning with MAGA forces in real time.

And the Left is beginning to finally understand they're about to be running scared.

Enter everyone's favorite impersonator non-politician, once and future Pres.

(Fast forward to 1:15...)

Meanwhile, here's deep blue Anaheim California this afternoon:

(Fast forward to 6:15...)

Are you starting to get the picture Lefties?

The ultimate backlash is only just beginning to brew.

The best you can do at this point is hope it doesn't last a life time of political cycles.

Cuz it's absolutely inevitable.

You have pushed too far.


I'm getting bored of all these red waves, that we've been having. Face it, your party is toast, and you damn well sure know why.
I'm getting bored of all these red waves, that we've been having. Face it, your party is toast, and you damn well sure know why.
Well, if that is true, then the nation is done. We still have places people can escape to. That is dwindling as the Progs infect more and more areas.
You won't see it in the MSM though. The cabal of ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC CNN, PBS, Hollywood and the liberal mulch media will pretend that Biden is in robust health while the fool has his trembling thumb on the nuclear button.

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