Instant Classic: Trump mocks Biden's inability to find his way off a stage

Doesn't surprise me.

You seem like the type who's always the last to know.

The guy I love to play Poker with because you have no bluff.

But in all seriousness: The more shocked you are at a Trump victory, the more you reveal yourself to be a stunningly ignorant brainwashed "NEWS!" consumer.

Just gather all those NY Times papers around you like blankets, it will show us all how erudite and sophistifuckated you are.

Jesus dude, it's gonna take 2025 to wake your ass up to what's coming, huh?
Hos is this any different than 2016 other than the added 4 million illegsls? GOP won't win in 2024 because their Establishment doesn't want to.
Major 2016 energy is bubbling back up to the surface.

The spirits and the zeitgeist are clearly aligning with MAGA forces in real time.

And the Left is beginning to finally understand they're about to be running scared.

Enter everyone's favorite impersonator non-politician, once and future Pres.

(Fast forward to 1:15...)

Meanwhile, here's deep blue Anaheim California this afternoon:

(Fast forward to 6:15...)

Are you starting to get the picture Lefties?

The ultimate backlash is only just beginning to brew.

The best you can do at this point is hope it doesn't last a life time of political cycles.

Cuz it's absolutely inevitable.

You have pushed too far.


That probably was the only interesting thing to report about Trump's rally in California. Nothing about what he's gonna do about inflation or anything else for that matter.
That probably was the only interesting thing to report about Trump's rally in California. Nothing about what he's gonna do about inflation or anything else for that matter.

I'm sorry you're losing and that you're so foolish you let the media lead you into the idiotic position of putting all your eggs in the Biden basket.

But do not blame me, good....pronoun.
I'm sorry you're losing and that you're so foolish you let the media lead you into the idiotic position of putting all your eggs in the Biden basket.

But do not blame me, good....pronoun.
Since you brought up baskets - go on now and hop on back into your basket, deplorable
Sentiment? It's a fact

I was referring to when the Wicked Witch went down in flames.

I tend to recall a moment where she stereotyped any dissent as "deplorable".

But keep pushing authoritarianism in one of the few countries birthed from its opposition to it.

I'm sure that's gonna work out totally awesome for you.


In case you wondered. ;)
I was referring to when the Wicked Witch went down in flames.

I tend to recall a moment where she stereotyped any dissent as "deplorable".

But keep pushing authoritarianism in one of the few countries birthed from its opposition to it.

I'm sure that's gonna work out totally awesome for you.


In case you wondered. ;)
I know you were referring to the time when Hillary pegged y'all

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