Instead of lying like Obama did, Trump is actually working to make health care affordable.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Trump is addressing the astronomical costs of drugs head on meeting with Drug company execs. It's great to have a President that has laser focus on the problem and directly addresses it. Liberals prefer the pretty lies of Obama, the rest of us want honesty and results.
I really don't want government involvement in medicine expanded at all. I want it severely rolled back.

That said, so far I trust Trump to at least be equitable, and come up with something that works.

I won't get what I want out of the deal, but I don't think it will fuck us like something a regressive would devise.

This is interesting. Very dangerous too though. Deregulating the drug industry will bring back the likes of nerobol(?) too, that caused 100000 birth defects to pregnant mothers in America in the 1950's-60's. But what do we expect in a culture that is so closely controlled by the health cartels, that now every woman wants a hysterectomy and American beauty queens compete in mastectomies. Hehe.
Trump is addressing the astronomical costs of drugs head on meeting with Drug company execs. It's great to have a President that has laser focus on the problem and directly addresses it. Liberals prefer the pretty lies of Obama, the rest of us want honesty and results.

Health insurance is not drugs, and while the prices of meds are too high, that is also the Democrats position.
Not everyone takes a medication.
By not doing anything or saying anything the ACA will become null and void, the uncertainty will kill it. Trump is a charlatan and compulsive liar , has been for most of his life a big fake.
By not doing anything or saying anything the ACA will become null and void, the uncertainty will kill it.

As long as they don't replace it with something similar, that sounds like a good thing.
I really don't want government involvement in medicine expanded at all. I want it severely rolled back.

That said, so far I trust Trump to at least be equitable, and come up with something that works.

I won't get what I want out of the deal, but I don't think it will fuck us like something a regressive would devise.

Agreed with less government. I should be able to buy 40 mg Nexium capsules from Canada or Mexico for $30, and not have to pay a $30 copay and pay $400/month for insurance in order to "maybe" get it "if the insurance company covers it."

Right now it's illegal to even have drugs imported from other countries.
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By not doing anything or saying anything the ACA will become null and void, the uncertainty will kill it. Trump is a charlatan and compulsive liar , has been for most of his life a big fake.

So what has he lied about? Banning people from the countries until immigration is controlled? The wall? Repealing the ACA? Loosening regulations on companies? Please enlighten us.
By not doing anything or saying anything the ACA will become null and void, the uncertainty will kill it. Trump is a charlatan and compulsive liar , has been for most of his life a big fake.

So what has he lied about? Banning people from the countries until immigration is controlled? The wall? Repealing the ACA? Loosening regulations on companies? Please enlighten us.

Everything. He has no insurance plan , never did and never will. The pubs do not either. Did you read the article.
I have watched the Donald since the 80, always whining about something, never happy , always coveting they neighbors goods.
Why? Seriously, why do you trust Trump at all?

They guy seems determined to do the things he said he would do.

So far he hasn't backed down on anything.

Any other republicrat except Cruz or Rand Paul would be sucking donkey dick to "compromise" and get better press coverage.

Trump won my respect and what trust I do have in him was earned. Political whores generally diminish any faith people have in them immediately, except bed wetters who still to this day believe the meat puppet faggot was working in the best interests of the republic.

Everything. He has no insurance plan , never did and never will. The pubs do not either. Did you read the article.
I have watched the Donald since the 80, always whining about something, never happy , always coveting they neighbors goods.

They really are this stupid folks....

They need adult supervision and professionals to tranquilize them. We need our asylums back up and running so these sniveling parasites can be housed and monitored so they're no longer a threat to public safety.

Agreed with less government. I should be able to buy 40 mg Nexium capsules from Canada or Mexico for $30, and not have to pay a $30 copay and pay $400/month for insurance in order to "maybe" get it "if the insurance company covers it."

Right now it's illegal to even have drugs imported from other countries.

I won't pretend to understand how the RX Drug industry works, but something is certainly wrong when you can find the same exact pills in other countries for %10 of what they cost here and there is no prescription requirement there either.

The problem is Trump isn't a stalwart free market guy. He still believes government can interfere and solve everything. We'll see what happens.

One thing I know for sure is that whatever Trump does it will be infinitely better that what hitlery would have done.

Trump is addressing the astronomical costs of drugs head on meeting with Drug company execs. It's great to have a President that has laser focus on the problem and directly addresses it. Liberals prefer the pretty lies of Obama, the rest of us want honesty and results.

So you prefer Trump's pretty lies.

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