Insurers are mad as hell and... well you get the idea


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
In Obama's press conference today, he issued an executive order allowing the 5 million+ people who lost their insurance because of his signature piece of legislation, to keep their insurance. This infuriated insurers themselves, who during the news conference, lashed out at the President for changing the rules and destabilizing the health insurance market.

Insurers are furious about the White House’s new Obamacare plan

Health insurance plans are not pulling any punches when it comes to their frustration with today's White House announcement. This is a statement that Karen Ignagni, president of America's Health Insurance Plans, just put out:
“Making sure consumers have secure, affordable coverage is health plans' top priority. The only reason consumers are getting notices about their current coverage changing is because the ACA requires all policies to cover a broad range of benefits that go beyond what many people choose to purchase today.

“Changing the rules after health plans have already met the requirements of the law could destabilize the market and result in higher premiums for consumers. Premiums have already been set for next year based on an assumption of when consumers will be transitioning to the new marketplace. If now fewer younger and healthier people choose to purchase coverage in the exchange, premiums will increase and there will be fewer choices for consumers. Additional steps must be taken to stabilize the marketplace and mitigate the adverse impact on consumers.”

That statement went out during the president's news conference, where Obama's comments likely didn't do much to endear insurers to these changes. He essentially described this policy decision as one allowing the White House to shift the blame for cancellations from the White House to the health plans.

Insurers are furious about the White House?s new Obamacare plan
Yep. I just read that, but it was in my mind already. The insurance companies aren't going to honor the presidents gesture. They've been preparing for this shit for years now. Benchmarking plans, getting them rolled out, etc...NOW Obama wants to have a little midterm political stunt for the LOLberals who were up for re-election and about to get unseated?

Yeah, this dude is a fucking clown. You better show me something good in 2016 republicans, because as it stands right now, I'll vote along with you just to make sure we dont get another democrat goofball fuck up. And lord knows, I am no fan of republicans. But these democrats? Fucking despicable.
Obama is making shit up as he goes. He's getting pressure from Americans and he's getting pressure from his own damn party, while the GOP sits on the sidelines laughing their asses off. So he has to do something, even if it destroys his own "landmark" domestic policy.

Obama during his press conference today: This, my fellow Americans, is what a President looks like when he's near disintegration!
[On'PlaQUOTE=TakeAStepBack;8147519]Yep. I just read that, but it was in my mind already. The insurance companies aren't going to honor the presidents gesture. They've been preparing for this shit for years now. Benchmarking plans, getting them rolled out, etc...NOW Obama wants to have a little midterm political stunt for the LOLberals who were up for re-election and about to get unseated?

Yeah, this dude is a fucking clown. You better show me something good in 2016 republicans, because as it stands right now, I'll vote along with you just to make sure we dont get another democrat goofball fuck up. And lord knows, I am no fan of republicans. But these democrats? Fucking despicable.[/QUOTE]

The "fix" is only good for a year then everything done and undone will have to be redone. Several state have already said they won't approve fix it plans that will only be good for a year. They have already approved plans for 2014 and won't change them now.
The purpose of Obama's dictatorial decree is simple. Political cover for democrats.
The fact that the deal lasts only one year is an absolute JOKE.
Anyone who buys into this is an idiot.
The insurers cannot possibly implement Obama's order and Obama knows it.
This is a willful attempt on Obama's part to place blame on those insurers that cannot possibly jump through the logistical hoops only to have to undo everything in less than a year.
Yep. I just read that, but it was in my mind already. The insurance companies aren't going to honor the presidents gesture. They've been preparing for this shit for years now. Benchmarking plans, getting them rolled out, etc...NOW Obama wants to have a little midterm political stunt for the LOLberals who were up for re-election and about to get unseated?

Yeah, this dude is a fucking clown. You better show me something good in 2016 republicans, because as it stands right now, I'll vote along with you just to make sure we dont get another democrat goofball fuck up. And lord knows, I am no fan of republicans. But these democrats? Fucking despicable.

Yes, they have cooked their own goose and those chickens have come home to roost. No more Dems :D

Who gave the president the authority to change a law that he signed? Does he think he can sign a decree and then everything will be fine and dandy? This guy is more of a community activist than we realized.

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