Insurers Refuse To Cover Kansas Schools Where Teachers Carry Guns: It’s Too Risky

How about Chemical Engineer dickweed? And spell checks are not worth forum posts, unless this is an english professor's forum, which it is not.

My laziness is a long and trained virtue I have been working on for years.

If they let the semi-literate graduate, it's not much of a school you attended.

When i prep an actual document it gets proofed, and I let it sit 24 hours before sending just so it is right. When I post on a internet debate forum I dont care about grammar in general, and spelling as a subset.

Anyone who judges a person by thier internet persona is not too bright.

Anyone who presents themselves as not too bright is most always correct in his presentation.

By the way, on the internet, what else is one able to judge by?

You come off as a semi-literate yobbo -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

Aggressive ignorance is appalling.
If they let the semi-literate graduate, it's not much of a school you attended.

When i prep an actual document it gets proofed, and I let it sit 24 hours before sending just so it is right. When I post on a internet debate forum I dont care about grammar in general, and spelling as a subset.

Anyone who judges a person by thier internet persona is not too bright.

Anyone who presents themselves as not too bright is most always correct in his presentation.

By the way, on the internet, what else is one able to judge by?

You come off as a semi-literate yobbo -- not that there's anything wrong with that.

Aggressive ignorance is appalling.

And you come off as annoying OCD twat, and there is something wrong with that.
I don't know about elsewhere, but in Florida we have what's called "School Resource Officers". Which are Uniformed Law Enforcement Officers (almost always Sheriff Deputies) in the larger Schools. Almost always High Schools.

In smaller Schools, especially Grade Schools, I'm not aware of a full time LEO being on the premises at all times.

Why should there be? For a few kids, 150-200 tops, putting an LEO there would be kinda expensive. Including his/her pay, the car, benefits, vacations, sick leave, Insurance etc, we're talking around 100k...... Minimum.

And to do what? Arrest little Pratchet for peeing his pants? Again?

Sick fucks like the one in Connecticut aren't going to attack Fort Bragg or Police HQ.

They're cowards. Not gonna happen. What they're going to do is attack the weakest spot they can find -- Unprotected Grade Schools, for example.

If we can't afford it.....??

There are around 1,250 Elementary and Middle Schools in Kansas and at a 100k (minimum) per school to put a Cop there to arrest pee-pants-pratchet, that works out to 125 Million Dollars if my math is correct. Per year.

You can buy a lot of Insurance with that kind of money. You can also self-insure and pay an Insurance Company to Administrate it for you.

Or, you can do like pee-pants-pratchet wants and just let idiots, morons and truly evil people kill our kids.

Or..... You can arm a select number of Teachers, Custodians and Coaches and let it be known that any attempt to kill children will be met with deadly force IMMEDIATELY.

The douche-nozzles that want to kill kids? They'll find somewhere else to make their sick statement.

One thing we know for sure, dimocrap headquarters will be safe
In Accordance with Florida law, at least one deputy is stationed at every public middle and high school. The School Resource Officer program exist in almost all states. The SRO's are trained experienced law enforcement officers with additional training.

In Kansas, that still leaves about a thousand Elementary Schools.

In Florida, there are 1,862 Elementary Schools

My point still holds.... Sandy Hook was an Elementary School. No SRO. No armed... Anything.

Is putting armed Teachers in an Elementary School a bad idea? Maybe. We don't know because we don't have any experience at it

Is leaving Elementary Schools completely unprotected a bad idea?

That's not even an arguable point, we already know the answer.
Elemetary schools are protected by local police. The question is should there be more protection by armed teachers. I say no. What happened at Sandy Hook is thankfully a rare occurrence in elementary schools. Look at the number killed in elementary schools in the last 7 years.
2012 - 26 (Sandy Hook)
2011 - 1
2010 - 2
2009 - 0
2008 - 0
2007 - 0
2006 - 6

That's an average of less than 5 student and staff deaths per year in the US out of a student and staff population of 40 million. In other words, that's about one elementary fatality for every 8 million. A school district with 100,000 elementary students and staff could expect to operate for 80 years without losing a single elementary student or teacher due to gun violence. If we armed the teachers in those schools, we would probably have more deaths and the danger to students would certainly be higher.

The debate is not really about student safety. It's a debate about a teacher's right to carry guns into the schools. Student safety is a red herring.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
K-12 Facts
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While the company cited is by far the largest school insurer in the State, it's competitor, which has the other 10 to 15% of the market has also decided not to cover schools that allow teachers and custodians to carry.
No. They know exactly what to think of this. Allowing untrained school employees to walk around with weapsons is a huge liability risk and no insurer is going to take it on. And untrained is exactly what they are. All they need is a concealed carry permit and that only requires an 8 hour class. I'm not even sure it involves any range time. I'll bet not. A police officer not only has to qualify on the weapon, he/she has to train regularly and requalify to keep the weapon.

I have a feeling a large percentage of CCW carriers fire thier weapon far more often then most police officers.

One has to look at the crime rate for CCW's vs the general population AND armed officers to get a better risk analysis.

Crime rates for those who pass CCW requirements are very very low.

You are correct. I had to qualify for my CCW renewal recently and it was run by one of our local sheriffs deputies and he made some smart ass remark about me being so old so I challenged him to a shooting match. He made the mistake of accepting. I have 5 more pizzas that he will be paying for!

Nice! My uncle has done something similar...the guy who challenged him was a police firearm instructor. When my uncle made his tenth hit on a paint can at 50 yards (with a pistol!), the guy just conceded. The expression on his face was priceless.

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