‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters
Newsweek perpetuates the media’s blatant double standard.
16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hudson Crozier

The establishment media have swooped in to defend pro-Palestinian protesters with an embarrassing double standard: Only Republicans are capable of an “insurrection.”

Over 300 anti-Israel demonstrators were arrested last week after swarming a congressional building to demand a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza. They chanted, blew a horn, fought police officers, and generally made fools of themselves, all in response to the now-debunked claim that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital.
This activity will be quickly excused and forgotten about, just like every other leftist tantrum at the U.S. Capitol since Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Yet we have been told for over two and a half years that the right-wing protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was one of the darkest events in American history.
Why is that?
Newsweek is here to explain, though not in the way it means to.
“No, the pro-Palestinian Protest on Capitol Hill Was Not an ‘Insurrection,’” the outlet’s headline argued. Its article responded to “some Republicans” who used the Left’s favorite term for the Jan. 6 protest.
“The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that the legal definition of an insurrection is ‘the act or an instance of revolting especially violently against civil or political authority or against an established government,’” Newsweek lectured.
Among the hundreds of Donald Trump supporters who protested at the Capitol, only a handful violently broke in and caused the House and Senate to evacuate. Most arrived well after the disruption, and police are seen on video escorting and inviting them inside on the condition that they demonstrate peacefully. But every last selfie-taker or harmless grandma in the crowd was as evil as the rest of the “hundreds” who “broke into Congress,” according to Newsweek’s past coverage. Everything, down to alleged misdemeanors, constituted an “insurrection.”
Conservatives then labeled pro-Palestinian protesters “insurrectionists” based on the media’s loose definition. Newsweek says this is wrong because “the demonstrators did not break into the building, did not claim to want to interfere in a government proceeding, and did not destroy government property or threaten politicians.” Ironically, the outlet just explained why a great deal, if not most, of the Jan. 6 protesters were also not insurrectionists.
The Associated Press showed us the same goalpost-switching when transgender activists disrupted official proceedings at state capitols in April. When Trump supporters protested in Washington, the AP’s idea of an insurrection was as broad as possible: “an act or instance of revolting against civil authorities or an established government.” In response to the transgender mob, the AP conveniently raised the bar: The protesters were off the hook because there wasn’t “a coordinated attempt to overthrow government.”
Journalists know that words matter. That’s why they use a loaded term that makes it easier for society to demonize right-wingers as treasonous terrorists. It’s a weapon of psychological warfare. And as using it on last week’s Capitol invaders would be friendly fire, it remains noticeably absent from all mainstream coverage.

Kudos to Mr. Crozier the article deserves reading and will undoubtedly receive a ;ot of negative attention from our Progressive Democrat Socialists of America (ala CPUSA).
The fact is that it just wasn't the "AP", but regular Leftist news rags and Quisling Media that denied the facts and keep changing the goal posts.
You can plainly see that in how they are now protecting the universities using anti-semetic protests and justifying the Hamas savage attack on Israel in massacres that killed at least 1000 women and children and abducting the 200.
‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters
Newsweek perpetuates the media’s blatant double standard.
16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hudson Crozier

The establishment media have swooped in to defend pro-Palestinian protesters with an embarrassing double standard: Only Republicans are capable of an “insurrection.”

Over 300 anti-Israel demonstrators were arrested last week after swarming a congressional building to demand a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza. They chanted, blew a horn, fought police officers, and generally made fools of themselves, all in response to the now-debunked claim that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital.
This activity will be quickly excused and forgotten about, just like every other leftist tantrum at the U.S. Capitol since Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Yet we have been told for over two and a half years that the right-wing protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was one of the darkest events in American history.
Why is that?
Newsweek is here to explain, though not in the way it means to.
“No, the pro-Palestinian Protest on Capitol Hill Was Not an ‘Insurrection,’” the outlet’s headline argued. Its article responded to “some Republicans” who used the Left’s favorite term for the Jan. 6 protest.
“The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that the legal definition of an insurrection is ‘the act or an instance of revolting especially violently against civil or political authority or against an established government,’” Newsweek lectured.
Among the hundreds of Donald Trump supporters who protested at the Capitol, only a handful violently broke in and caused the House and Senate to evacuate. Most arrived well after the disruption, and police are seen on video escorting and inviting them inside on the condition that they demonstrate peacefully. But every last selfie-taker or harmless grandma in the crowd was as evil as the rest of the “hundreds” who “broke into Congress,” according to Newsweek’s past coverage. Everything, down to alleged misdemeanors, constituted an “insurrection.”
Conservatives then labeled pro-Palestinian protesters “insurrectionists” based on the media’s loose definition. Newsweek says this is wrong because “the demonstrators did not break into the building, did not claim to want to interfere in a government proceeding, and did not destroy government property or threaten politicians.” Ironically, the outlet just explained why a great deal, if not most, of the Jan. 6 protesters were also not insurrectionists.
The Associated Press showed us the same goalpost-switching when transgender activists disrupted official proceedings at state capitols in April. When Trump supporters protested in Washington, the AP’s idea of an insurrection was as broad as possible: “an act or instance of revolting against civil authorities or an established government.” In response to the transgender mob, the AP conveniently raised the bar: The protesters were off the hook because there wasn’t “a coordinated attempt to overthrow government.”
Journalists know that words matter. That’s why they use a loaded term that makes it easier for society to demonize right-wingers as treasonous terrorists. It’s a weapon of psychological warfare. And as using it on last week’s Capitol invaders would be friendly fire, it remains noticeably absent from all mainstream coverage.

Kudos to Mr. Crozier the article deserves reading and will undoubtedly receive a ;ot of negative attention from our Progressive Democrat Socialists of America (ala CPUSA).
The fact is that it just wasn't the "AP", but regular Leftist news rags and Quisling Media that denied the facts and keep changing the goal posts.
You can plainly see that in how they are now protecting the universities using anti-semetic protests and justifying the Hamas savage attack on Israel in massacres that killed at least 1000 women and children and abducting the 200.
They sat in a circle and quietly demonstrated.

The J6 thing, while overblown/overcharged, was infinitely more intrusive/violent.

Comparing the two is the crusade of idiots.
‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters
Newsweek perpetuates the media’s blatant double standard.
16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hudson Crozier

The establishment media have swooped in to defend pro-Palestinian protesters with an embarrassing double standard: Only Republicans are capable of an “insurrection.”

Over 300 anti-Israel demonstrators were arrested last week after swarming a congressional building to demand a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza. They chanted, blew a horn, fought police officers, and generally made fools of themselves, all in response to the now-debunked claim that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital.
This activity will be quickly excused and forgotten about, just like every other leftist tantrum at the U.S. Capitol since Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Yet we have been told for over two and a half years that the right-wing protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was one of the darkest events in American history.
Why is that?
Newsweek is here to explain, though not in the way it means to.
“No, the pro-Palestinian Protest on Capitol Hill Was Not an ‘Insurrection,’” the outlet’s headline argued. Its article responded to “some Republicans” who used the Left’s favorite term for the Jan. 6 protest.
“The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that the legal definition of an insurrection is ‘the act or an instance of revolting especially violently against civil or political authority or against an established government,’” Newsweek lectured.
Among the hundreds of Donald Trump supporters who protested at the Capitol, only a handful violently broke in and caused the House and Senate to evacuate. Most arrived well after the disruption, and police are seen on video escorting and inviting them inside on the condition that they demonstrate peacefully. But every last selfie-taker or harmless grandma in the crowd was as evil as the rest of the “hundreds” who “broke into Congress,” according to Newsweek’s past coverage. Everything, down to alleged misdemeanors, constituted an “insurrection.”
Conservatives then labeled pro-Palestinian protesters “insurrectionists” based on the media’s loose definition. Newsweek says this is wrong because “the demonstrators did not break into the building, did not claim to want to interfere in a government proceeding, and did not destroy government property or threaten politicians.” Ironically, the outlet just explained why a great deal, if not most, of the Jan. 6 protesters were also not insurrectionists.
The Associated Press showed us the same goalpost-switching when transgender activists disrupted official proceedings at state capitols in April. When Trump supporters protested in Washington, the AP’s idea of an insurrection was as broad as possible: “an act or instance of revolting against civil authorities or an established government.” In response to the transgender mob, the AP conveniently raised the bar: The protesters were off the hook because there wasn’t “a coordinated attempt to overthrow government.”
Journalists know that words matter. That’s why they use a loaded term that makes it easier for society to demonize right-wingers as treasonous terrorists. It’s a weapon of psychological warfare. And as using it on last week’s Capitol invaders would be friendly fire, it remains noticeably absent from all mainstream coverage.

Kudos to Mr. Crozier the article deserves reading and will undoubtedly receive a ;ot of negative attention from our Progressive Democrat Socialists of America (ala CPUSA).
The fact is that it just wasn't the "AP", but regular Leftist news rags and Quisling Media that denied the facts and keep changing the goal posts.
You can plainly see that in how they are now protecting the universities using anti-semetic protests and justifying the Hamas savage attack on Israel in massacres that killed at least 1000 women and children and abducting the 200.
There are very few similarities between the two incidents. One glaring difference is that you won’t see them crying over their punishments, like the MAGA crybabies.
Republicans want to preserve our rule of law, our bill of rights and our constitution. Democrats want to change all those things. I'd say Democrats are the insurrectionists here. MAGA
If Republicans want to preserve the rule of law, why do they dispute every decision that goes against them. Undermining confidence in the system would seem counterproductive.
Two things are guaranteed.

The sheeple will continue to portray Jan 6 for what it wasn't and act as if the original propaganda about Israel bombing the hospital was actually true.

It's what they have been trained to do.

And continue to believe Hamas provided "body counts"
‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters
Newsweek perpetuates the media’s blatant double standard.
16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hudson Crozier

The establishment media have swooped in to defend pro-Palestinian protesters with an embarrassing double standard: Only Republicans are capable of an “insurrection.”

Over 300 anti-Israel demonstrators were arrested last week after swarming a congressional building to demand a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza. They chanted, blew a horn, fought police officers, and generally made fools of themselves, all in response to the now-debunked claim that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital.
This activity will be quickly excused and forgotten about, just like every other leftist tantrum at the U.S. Capitol since Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Yet we have been told for over two and a half years that the right-wing protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was one of the darkest events in American history.
Why is that?
Newsweek is here to explain, though not in the way it means to.
“No, the pro-Palestinian Protest on Capitol Hill Was Not an ‘Insurrection,’” the outlet’s headline argued. Its article responded to “some Republicans” who used the Left’s favorite term for the Jan. 6 protest.
“The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that the legal definition of an insurrection is ‘the act or an instance of revolting especially violently against civil or political authority or against an established government,’” Newsweek lectured.
Among the hundreds of Donald Trump supporters who protested at the Capitol, only a handful violently broke in and caused the House and Senate to evacuate. Most arrived well after the disruption, and police are seen on video escorting and inviting them inside on the condition that they demonstrate peacefully. But every last selfie-taker or harmless grandma in the crowd was as evil as the rest of the “hundreds” who “broke into Congress,” according to Newsweek’s past coverage. Everything, down to alleged misdemeanors, constituted an “insurrection.”
Conservatives then labeled pro-Palestinian protesters “insurrectionists” based on the media’s loose definition. Newsweek says this is wrong because “the demonstrators did not break into the building, did not claim to want to interfere in a government proceeding, and did not destroy government property or threaten politicians.” Ironically, the outlet just explained why a great deal, if not most, of the Jan. 6 protesters were also not insurrectionists.
The Associated Press showed us the same goalpost-switching when transgender activists disrupted official proceedings at state capitols in April. When Trump supporters protested in Washington, the AP’s idea of an insurrection was as broad as possible: “an act or instance of revolting against civil authorities or an established government.” In response to the transgender mob, the AP conveniently raised the bar: The protesters were off the hook because there wasn’t “a coordinated attempt to overthrow government.”
Journalists know that words matter. That’s why they use a loaded term that makes it easier for society to demonize right-wingers as treasonous terrorists. It’s a weapon of psychological warfare. And as using it on last week’s Capitol invaders would be friendly fire, it remains noticeably absent from all mainstream coverage.

Kudos to Mr. Crozier the article deserves reading and will undoubtedly receive a ;ot of negative attention from our Progressive Democrat Socialists of America (ala CPUSA).
The fact is that it just wasn't the "AP", but regular Leftist news rags and Quisling Media that denied the facts and keep changing the goal posts.
You can plainly see that in how they are now protecting the universities using anti-semetic protests and justifying the Hamas savage attack on Israel in massacres that killed at least 1000 women and children and abducting the 200.
It's only an insurrection if the people in question are from the right.
Republicans want to preserve our rule of law, our bill of rights and our constitution. Democrats want to change all those things. I'd say Democrats are the insurrectionists here. MAGA
You can't preserve it by trying to lawlessly, destroy it. You change bad laws or injustices, through the Law, according to our Constitution....not through vigilantism and lawlessness or mob rule... You lose all ground of some kind of so called higher ground, with unconstitutional lawlessness!!!!

I realize you don't see it this way....but many do....

The phony equivocation never stops do they?

If only the Jan 6th rioters staged a sit in with the aim to get arrested in protest. Few police would have been assaulted, no one would have been killed by the MAGAMOBS action.
If Republicans want to preserve the rule of law, why do they dispute every decision that goes against them. Undermining confidence in the system would seem counterproductive.
Too many people, myself included, don't feel there is a level playing field when it comes to our justice department. I see no good reason to stand pat on that.
‘Insurrection’ Sensationalism Suddenly Stops With Pro-Hamas Capitol Protesters
Newsweek perpetuates the media’s blatant double standard.
16 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hudson Crozier

The establishment media have swooped in to defend pro-Palestinian protesters with an embarrassing double standard: Only Republicans are capable of an “insurrection.”

Over 300 anti-Israel demonstrators were arrested last week after swarming a congressional building to demand a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza. They chanted, blew a horn, fought police officers, and generally made fools of themselves, all in response to the now-debunked claim that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital.
This activity will be quickly excused and forgotten about, just like every other leftist tantrum at the U.S. Capitol since Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings. Yet we have been told for over two and a half years that the right-wing protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was one of the darkest events in American history.
Why is that?
Newsweek is here to explain, though not in the way it means to.
“No, the pro-Palestinian Protest on Capitol Hill Was Not an ‘Insurrection,’” the outlet’s headline argued. Its article responded to “some Republicans” who used the Left’s favorite term for the Jan. 6 protest.
“The Merriam-Webster dictionary states that the legal definition of an insurrection is ‘the act or an instance of revolting especially violently against civil or political authority or against an established government,’” Newsweek lectured.
Among the hundreds of Donald Trump supporters who protested at the Capitol, only a handful violently broke in and caused the House and Senate to evacuate. Most arrived well after the disruption, and police are seen on video escorting and inviting them inside on the condition that they demonstrate peacefully. But every last selfie-taker or harmless grandma in the crowd was as evil as the rest of the “hundreds” who “broke into Congress,” according to Newsweek’s past coverage. Everything, down to alleged misdemeanors, constituted an “insurrection.”
Conservatives then labeled pro-Palestinian protesters “insurrectionists” based on the media’s loose definition. Newsweek says this is wrong because “the demonstrators did not break into the building, did not claim to want to interfere in a government proceeding, and did not destroy government property or threaten politicians.” Ironically, the outlet just explained why a great deal, if not most, of the Jan. 6 protesters were also not insurrectionists.
The Associated Press showed us the same goalpost-switching when transgender activists disrupted official proceedings at state capitols in April. When Trump supporters protested in Washington, the AP’s idea of an insurrection was as broad as possible: “an act or instance of revolting against civil authorities or an established government.” In response to the transgender mob, the AP conveniently raised the bar: The protesters were off the hook because there wasn’t “a coordinated attempt to overthrow government.”
Journalists know that words matter. That’s why they use a loaded term that makes it easier for society to demonize right-wingers as treasonous terrorists. It’s a weapon of psychological warfare. And as using it on last week’s Capitol invaders would be friendly fire, it remains noticeably absent from all mainstream coverage.

Kudos to Mr. Crozier the article deserves reading and will undoubtedly receive a ;ot of negative attention from our Progressive Democrat Socialists of America (ala CPUSA).
The fact is that it just wasn't the "AP", but regular Leftist news rags and Quisling Media that denied the facts and keep changing the goal posts.
You can plainly see that in how they are now protecting the universities using anti-semetic protests and justifying the Hamas savage attack on Israel in massacres that killed at least 1000 women and children and abducting the 200.

Rule #1 in America 2.0: It's not a crime when a democrat does it
Absolutely correct
White, working, tax paying citizens cannot protest but 6th century foreign darkies can.
Absolutely correct
White, working, tax paying citizens cannot protest but 6th century foreign darkies can.
dimocrap scum are reverting to the old, "Might Makes Right" style of governing.

They're fine with it as long as they have the power (might) but watch how they shriek like banshees when Patriotic Republicans hold dimocrap scum feet to the fire.

I just hope that Republicans don't cave like they usually do. Too many times, they're like, "We don't want to be like dems." and get all 'fair-minded' and let them off the hook.

I want them to hang. I want the scum that threw Justice out the door in favor of Nazi Show Trials to freaking hang for it. I want Judges removed and disbarred, I want Lawyers and persecutors imprisoned and I want elected dimocrap scum to never work in politics again.

Maybe then we can come to an agreement
I'm an insurrectionist Democrat. Most Democrats are just nice regular people (Republicans too).
I'm a radical, have been since my SDS membership. Teach me new tricks.

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