
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
So - in another thread - one of the hardline left-wingers here stated the following:
Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.
So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the United States or that the automobile has never been invented. What would drive someone to make a statement that is so obviously false?
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Words such as liberal, liberty, libertarian, and libertine all trace their history to the Latin liber, which means "free".
Liberalism - Wikipedia

The question for you is,
what don't you understand?
I can call myself a polar bear. Does that make me a polar bear? The left is anti-liberty, authoritarian. Let me ask you something snowflake - the government mandating that I carry health insurance - is that "freedom" to you?

Everything the left does involve growing government and controlling the people by forcing them to adhere to the left-wing ideology. That's an indisputable fact, snowflake.
Just watch what the hell you say, when you say it, how you say it, where you say it, and who you say it to.

Other than that, you're free as hell.
Boom! Exactly. So the question is - if they support something (such as authoritarianism), why do they lie about it? Are they ashamed? And if so, then why do they support it? Who supports something they are ashamed of?!?
So - in another thread - one of the hard left-wingers here stated the following:
Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.
So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the United States or that the automobile has never been invented. What would drive someone to make a statement that is so obviously false?
Being a prime example of a progenitor of your afore mentioned 'Intellectual Dishonesty', you have once again inadvertently painted yourself into the corner of scorned hypocrisy, Rottweiler!
Words such as liberal, liberty, libertarian, and libertine all trace their history to the Latin liber, which means "free".
Liberalism - Wikipedia

The question for you is,
what don't you understand?
I can call myself a polar bear. Does that make me a polar bear? The left is anti-liberty, authoritarian. Let me ask you something snowflake - the government mandating that I carry health insurance - is that "freedom" to you?

Everything the left does involve growing government and controlling the people by forcing them to adhere to the left-wing ideology. That's an indisputable fact, snowflake.
You're right, the Left is a dying breed. Bill Clinton moved the democrats noticeably to the right.

Anyway the poster you quoted did qualify his\her statement by stating that they were speaking theoretically, and theoretically speaking they are correct.
There is no true Libertarian party in the US. Its long gone, replaced by just another wing of the RWNJ/tee potty/nutters.

I haven't seen a true Conservative for a long time either.
So - in another thread - one of the hardline left-wingers here stated the following:
Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.
So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the United States or that the automobile has never been invented. What would drive someone to make a statement that is so obviously false?
George Washington was not a libertarian, had no ideology of the sort.

He was gentry, born to privilege if he could get the wealth for it (he did), owned slaves, burned Indian villages, and made sure the working white man did not have the vote.
Poor P@triot. Even though he didn't call me out by name, this still counts as a callout thread. And by the rules, anyone making a callout thread admits to being a butthurt loser.

The backstory: P@triot keeps "proving" the Nazis were leftists by unilaterally declaring that all freedom is by definition conservative, and that all authoritarianism is by definition liberal. He simply defines his own side as virtuous, and the other side as demonic. Easy to "win" when you just define yourself as the winner.

I mocked his dishonesty by flipping it on its head. Instead of addressing his own dishonesty, he squealed that my satire of him was "lying".

P@triot, me ripping apart your lies with satire is not lying. Instead of crying at me more, how about you address the point I made?

That point would be that your "More liberty means more conservative" line is a big steaming pile, one that you haven't even attempted to back up. Every time I ask, you just repeat the same mantra again, and then fail to back it up again. I get it. You can't back it up. By now everyone sees that.
So - in another thread - one of the hardline left-wingers here stated the following:
Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.
So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the United States or that the automobile has never been invented. What would drive someone to make a statement that is so obviously false?

Wow, the intellectual dishonesty!

......of you characterizing this one person's comment as a view of "the left."
Political scientists and other analysts regard the Left as including anarchists,[16][17] communists, socialists and social democrats,[18] left-libertarians, progressives, and social liberals.[19][20] Movements for racial equality are also usually linked with left-wing organizations.[21] Trade unionism is also associated with the left.[22]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the Right as including Christian democrats, classical liberals, conservatives, right-libertarians,[23]neoconservatives, imperialists, monarchists,[24] fascists,[25] reactionaries, and traditionalists.

Left–right politics - Wikipedia
There is no true Libertarian party in the US. Its long gone, replaced by just another wing of the RWNJ/tee potty/nutters.

I haven't seen a true Conservative for a long time either.
Which proves how extreme and radical you've become. Your Adolf Hitler avatar is perfect for you and your party.
To suggest that libertarians are left of center is ridiculous. The Left wants bigger gov't that has more control over just about every aspect of your life, and that includes more infringement on your liberties and rights. To suggest otherwise displays a significant degree of ignorance.
Thank you! That's how insanely idiotic both mamooth and Tehon are. To proclaim that libertarianism is left of conservatism is absurd. And I'm certain neither one of them believe thee bullshit they are shoveling (in fact - Mammaries admitted to "playing games" in the other thread when he claimed that libertarianism is left of conservatism on the political spectrum).
So - in another thread - one of the hardline left-wingers here stated the following:
Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.
So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the United States or that the automobile has never been invented. What would drive someone to make a statement that is so obviously false?

Wow, the intellectual dishonesty!

......of you characterizing this one person's comment as a view of "the left."
So you would agree that libertarianism is to the right of conservatism? Would you also agree then that the Sovereign Citizen is to the right of a libertarian and is extreme/dangerous?
So - in another thread - one of the hardline left-wingers here stated the following:
Obviously not. Libertarianism, at least in theory, has more liberty, therefore it's further left, by definition. More liberty is always more liberal, more authoritarianism is always more conservative.
So the question for the forum is - why do you suppose that the left engages in such absurd propaganda? It would be like trying to convince the people of USMB that George Washington was never President of the United States or that the automobile has never been invented. What would drive someone to make a statement that is so obviously false?

Wow, the intellectual dishonesty!

......of you characterizing this one person's comment as a view of "the left."
So you would agree that libertarianism is to the right of conservatism? Would you also agree then that the Sovereign Citizen is to the right of a libertarian and is extreme/dangerous?

Hell, no! The left-right model is insufficient. To define every ideological position on a simple straight line is silly.
Even though he didn't call me out by name, this still counts as a callout thread.
Once again we see mammaries making up her own rules. This wasn't a "call out" thread sweetie. If it was - I would have quoted your post with your name.

Incidentally - I can't believe you lack the shame to admit you were dumb enough to attempt to make the case that libertarianism is left of conservatism. :laugh:
Hell, no! The left-right model is insufficient. To define every ideological position on a simple straight line is silly.
"Hell no"? So the Sovereign Citizen is not to the right of the libertarian in your mind? :lmao:

So basically, you saw the road that logic and reason were leading you down and you immediately jumped off the cliff. Can't have logic and reason getting in the way of a good false narrative - uh?

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