Interesting Anti-Trump factor....

Most Latino/Americans detest illegals.

Most Mexican/Americans know the vast majority of recent illegals are coming from Central America.

Many Latinos want their friends and family to seek citizenship - but many will not bother to register or vote.

Also, the media hype is that Latinos are so stupid that they would vote for a party that is out to destroy the very thing they fled their homes countries to come here for - freedom and individual security. Being in their homes without the fear of corrupt government officials and drug gangs. What makes you think they will vote for people who want to destroy that?
Trump said he'd deport them THEN allow them to all come back on legal visas, to deny he said that, is willful ignorance.

Legally? Cool
So it does NOTHING to help Americans get jobs....
Legal citizens don't stagnate wages like illegal workers do.
It wont be a weekend vaca, C4A.. lol
And his other economic plans will bring back jobs. From what I can tell anyways.
True, that's why a path to amnesty brings people out of the shaddows....

There is no difference, only Trump's way costs us an arm and a leg in litigation fees, court fees, then deportation round up costs....for 11 million people.
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Trump said he'd deport them THEN allow them to all come back on legal visas, to deny he said that, is willful ignorance.

Legally? Cool
So it does NOTHING to help Americans get jobs....
Legal citizens don't stagnate wages like illegal workers do.
It wont be a weekend vaca, C4A.. lol
And his other economic plans will bring back jobs. From what I can tell anyways.
True, that's why a path to amnesty brings people out of the shaddows....

There is no difference, only Trumps way costs us an arm and a leg in litigation fees, court fees, then deportation round up costs....for 11 million people.
Amnesty is incentive. That's what I want to combat. I want to FIX the system, not encourage more failure. That's fuckin insane!
Her I s his actual plan
Immigration Reform
Its not bad, it just doesn't go far enough. Of course, I don't think deportation and a wall are the answers.
Trump said he'd deport them THEN allow them to all come back on legal visas, to deny he said that, is willful ignorance.

Legally? Cool
So it does NOTHING to help Americans get jobs....
Legal citizens don't stagnate wages like illegal workers do.
It wont be a weekend vaca, C4A.. lol
And his other economic plans will bring back jobs. From what I can tell anyways.
True, that's why a path to amnesty brings people out of the shaddows....

There is no difference, only Trumps way costs us an arm and a leg in litigation fees, court fees, then deportation round up costs....for 11 million people.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? Those people entered our country illegally, they violated our immigration laws, they are criminals.

Try entering Mexico illegally and see where you end up. Hint: it wont be at the welfare office picking up a check and EBT card.

Yes, most of us feel sorry for those illegals and understand why they wanted to come to the US, but that doesn't matter, we have laws, we have borders.

Trump is the only one with the guts to tell it like it is.
The intent of the O/P was to remind right wingers that there IS a "silent" segment of our population that has been awakened by Trump's rhetoric and demagoguery, and they're flooding their precincts to register to vote....and to vote AGAINST Trump......This is not "opinion" but cold reality.
The intent of the O/P was to remind right wingers that there IS a "silent" segment of our population that has been awakened by Trump's rhetoric and demagoguery, and they're flooding their precincts to register to vote....and to vote AGAINST Trump......This is not "opinion" but cold reality.

Great, if they are legal voters they have the right to vote. There are also millions who have never voted who are showing up to vote for Trump---from both parties and independents. Those same people will show up to vote AGAINST Hillary Clinton.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? Those people entered our country illegally, they violated our immigration laws, they are criminals.

Once again (and for the last freakin time) the O/P mentioned 4.5 million LEGAL residents that are applying to vote ....and mostly against the Trump clownish rhetoric.
Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? Those people entered our country illegally, they violated our immigration laws, they are criminals.

Once again (and for the last freakin time) the O/P mentioned 4.5 million LEGAL residents that are applying to vote ....and mostly against the Trump clownish rhetoric.

Some of the OP's rhetoric was stupid.

Illegal Aliens are not eligible to apply for US Citizenship!

The law is very clear and there are no waivers. They must be legal residents for at least five years and have not left the USA for more than two weeks at a time during that period. See Apply for Citizenship
Do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? Those people entered our country illegally, they violated our immigration laws, they are criminals.

Once again (and for the last freakin time) the O/P mentioned 4.5 million LEGAL residents that are applying to vote ....and mostly against the Trump clownish rhetoric.

if they are legal they can vote. how exactly do you know how every one of them will vote? do you read minds?
Why do you think it is that Dems can't win the white vote and have to import Third World voters?

What happened to ALL those 3rd world voters when right wingers and tea sippers managed to win over the House and the Senate?....Did Dems. run out of dead bodies and "illegals" to cast votes?

If I had claimed that you have imported enough Third World voters that REpublicans have not been able to win any elections in several decades, then your post would have some connection to the one you were trying to reply to.

As it is,

Some of the OP's rhetoric was stupid.

Illegal Aliens are not eligible to apply for US Citizenship!

The law is very clear and there are no waivers. They must be legal residents for at least five years and have not left the USA for more than two weeks at a time during that period. See Apply for Citizenship

Reading comprehension must be a real bitch for some of you right wingers...We are NOT talking about "illegal aliens" [sic] but NATURALIZED CITIZENS who have every right to vote IF they register to do so.

How do you nitwits think that Cruz's father and Rubio's grandparents voted?
Heck trump isn't even liked by most white folks. He's that embarrassing uncle that we're ashamed to have in the family

They haven't won the majority of the white vote since Johnson.

Did you really not know that?

That is pathetic of you.

Nitwit, it does NOT make a difference. White voters may be split (except for younger...less racially biased voters) but the results will NEVER be the same as in George Wallace's era).

Obama won 43% of white votes, compared to 41% for Kerry. That slight gain didn’t tilt the election to Obama; instead it took blacks’ and Latinos’ rising share of the electorate, coupled with Obama’s big win among both groups — far bigger than Kerry’s. (Obama won 95% of black votes and 67% of Latino votes, compared to 88% and 53%, respectively, for Kerry.)
Here's a sobering reality from a 2015 article:

In less than 30 years, whites will no longer be the racial majority in the United States. Hispanics, African Americans and Asians – the country’s three largest minority groups – will outnumber whites.
Imagine how they would feel if they were told the truth, and told how they're being used like pawns?

Nobody was crying racism until someone suggested we actually try to actively secure or border.

Nobody thought they as illegal immigrants were entitled to the rewards of citizenship until we started granting them amnesty.

People with bleeding hearts like you created this mess. Our national sovereignty means nothing anymore.
Mongo just pawn in the game of life. (-:
No one called Mexicans rapists and murderers you lying sack of shit.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

–Donald Trump, presidential announcement speech, June 16, 2015

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