Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

You are a lying, hypocritical, piece of shit punk little boy. You try so hard to be a man, but you just can't do it. Here's how you do it, grab a ruck and a weapon and stand a post junior. Or sit in your college dorm room claiming to know as much as your superiors and call them morons when they school your ass.

Wait, you want me to break into a college dorm room at 4:40 AM and start yelling into a empty place that I know as much as my "superiors"? Who's going to school me? :eusa_eh:

Sounds like something a crazy person would do Conhog.
A) sp you're claim is what? That no one has been killed with Obama as President, or that as long as everyone doesn't die he's doing good? If its the first, that's obviously it's a lie, if it's the second than you admit that BUsh did a good job because obviously we are not all dead

C) No, you tried to back pedal your way out of something once you realized how stupid it sounded.

A.) Would you not say a trait of a good leader is not getting everyone he's leading killed? I never said Bush did a good job as President either. You said:

You have zero evidence that Obama has any qualities one would wish to see in a good leader

I said a good leader is one who doesn't get everyone he's leading killed. I do believe people would wish to see such a trait in a good leader. Therefore, he has at least one trait that makes him a good leader thus far and proving you wrong. :)

C.) Let me think about your version of the events, hmm, nope. I think I'm pretty sure it went the way I said. Again, I've been on here almost two years. I've had this discussion more times than I care to count. When you been here more than two months, maybe you could actually talk. :thup:

No response to this Conhog? :eusa_eh:
A) sp you're claim is what? That no one has been killed with Obama as President, or that as long as everyone doesn't die he's doing good? If its the first, that's obviously it's a lie, if it's the second than you admit that BUsh did a good job because obviously we are not all dead

C) No, you tried to back pedal your way out of something once you realized how stupid it sounded.

A.) Would you not say a trait of a good leader is not getting everyone he's leading killed? I never said Bush did a good job as President either. You said:

You have zero evidence that Obama has any qualities one would wish to see in a good leader

I said a good leader is one who doesn't get everyone he's leading killed. I do believe people would wish to see such a trait in a good leader. Therefore, he has at least one trait that makes him a good leader thus far and proving you wrong. :)

C.) Let me think about your version of the events, hmm, nope. I think I'm pretty sure it went the way I said. Again, I've been on here almost two years. I've had this discussion more times than I care to count. When you been here more than two months, maybe you could actually talk. :thup:

No response to this Conhog? :eusa_eh:

what? I was in another thread.

Fair enough then you also admit that Bush had good traits as a leader because after all not everyone was killed with him as President.

What does how long I've been here have to do with a post you made tonite?

By the way , I find it odd that you get pissed anytime someone mentions your age as a reason why you are not as smart as them but then you use your time on the board to act as if you more about what goes on here than others. More hypocrisy from Bert.
what? I was in another thread.

Fair enough then you also admit that Bush had good traits as a leader because after all not everyone was killed with him as President.

What does how long I've been here have to do with a post you made tonite?

By the way , I find it odd that you get pissed anytime someone mentions your age as a reason why you are not as smart as them but then you use your time on the board to act as if you more about what goes on here than others. More hypocrisy from Bert.

Sure. Bush had some good traits. His work in trying to stop AIDS is great. Disagreed with Cheney when he wanted us to attack Russia in 2008. Didn't kill get us all killed. Not a guy I'd want for President but wouldn't mind watching a football game with him.

As for how long you been here. You tried to tell me how I post to Charlie (The Bass) earlier. Then you tried to tell me I have never admitted to being wrong. Except, you've only been here 2 months out of the almost 2 years I've been here. So unless you've went back into the archives and read around the 22-23,000 posts I made prior, you have no way of knowing that for sure. You'd just be pulling such a statement out of your ass.

There's a difference between my offline age and one's time on a message board. There is a thing called google, I use it often to learn about history. Unless you've gone back and read all my posts in the archives (which I doubt considering how much time you spend posting here on a daily basis alone) then you really have no room to talk about what I have said on this board specifically. Simple as that.

I can use google to see a statement that Ronald Reagan made in 1982. You cannot generalize all of my 26,000 posts into one little spewfest.

So for you to compare the two is like comparing apples to bricks.
So if treating all Christians the same as their bad apples (child molesters, abortion clinic bombers) a strawman, that makes treating all Muslims the same as their bad apples (terrorists)...

If you guessed a strawman, you'd be correct.

Here's a partial list. you match me one for one with Christian terrorists and then we can honestly compare the two religions

* 26 February 1993 – World Trade Center bombing, New York City. 6 killed.
* 13 March 1993 – 1993 Bombay bombings. Mumbai, India. 250 dead, 700 injured.
* 28 July 1994 – Buenos Aires, Argentina. Vehicle suicide bombing attack against AMIA building, the local Jewish community representation. 85 dead, more than 300 injured.
* 24 December 1994 – Air France Flight 8969 hijacking in Algiers by 3 members of Armed Islamic Group of Algeria and another terrorist. 7 killed including 4 hijackers.
* 25 June 1996 – Khobar Towers bombing, 20 killed, 372 wounded.
* 17 November 1997 – Luxor attack, 6 armed Islamic terrorists attack tourists at Egypts famous Luxor Ruins. 68 foreign tourists killed.
* 14 February 1998 – Bombing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. 13 bombs explode within a 12 km radius. 46 killed and over 200 injured.
* 7 August 1998 – 1998 United States embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. 224 dead. 4000+ injured.
* 4 September 1999 – A series of bombing attacks in several cities of Russia, nearly 300 killed.
* 12 October 2000 – Attack on the USS cole in the Yemeni port of Aden.
* 11 September 2001 – 4 planes hijacked and crashed into World Trade Center and The Pentagon by 19 hijackers. Nearly 3000 dead.[158]
* 13 December 2001 – Suicide attack on Indian parliament in New Delhi by Pakistan-based Islamist terrorist organizations, Jaish-E-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Toiba. Aimed at eliminating the top leadership of India and causing anarchy in the country. 7 dead, 12 injured.
* 27 March 2002 – Suicide bomb attack on a Passover Seder in a Hotel in Netanya, Israel. 30 dead, 133 injured.
* 30 March 2002 and 24 November 2002 - Attacks on the Hindu Raghunath temple, India. Total 25 dead.
* 7 May 2002 – Bombing in al-Arbaa, Algeria. 49 dead, 117 injured.
* 24 September 2002 – Machine Gun attack on Hindu temple in Ahmedabad, India. 31 dead, 86 injured.[159][160]
* 12 October 2002 – Bombing in Bali nightclub. 202 killed, 300 injured.[161]
* 16 May 2003 – Casablanca Attacks – 4 simultaneous attacks in Casablanca killing 33 civilians (mostly Moroccans) carried by Salafia Jihadia.
* 11 March 2004 – Multiple bombings on trains near Madrid, Spain. 191 killed, 1460 injured (alleged link to Al-Qaeda).
* 1 September 2004 - Beslan school hostage crisis, approximately 344 civilians including 186 children killed.[162][163]
* 2 November 2004 – The murder of Theo van Gogh (film director) by Amsterdam-born jihadist Mohammed Bouyeri.[164]
* 4 February 2005 – Muslim terrorists attacked the Christian community in Demsa, Nigeria, killing 36 people, destroying property and displacing an additional 3000 people.
* 5 July 2005 - Attack at the Hindu Ram temple at Ayodhya, India; one of the most holy sites of Hinduism. 6 dead.
* 7 July 2005 – Multiple bombings in London Underground. 53 killed by four suicide bombers. Nearly 700 injured.
* 23 July 2005 – Bomb attacks at Sharm el-Sheikh, an Egyptian resort city, at least 64 people killed.
* 29 October 2005 – 29 October 2005 Delhi bombings, India. Over 60 killed and over 180 injured in a series of three attacks in crowded markets and a bus, just 2 days before the Diwali festival.[165]
* 9 November 2005 – 2005 Amman bombings. a series of coordinated suicide attacks on hotels in Amman, Jordan. Over 60 killed and 115 injured.[166][167] Four attackers including a husband and wife team were involved.[168]
* 7 March 2006 – 2006 Varanasi bombings, India. A series of attacks in the Sankath Mochan Hanuman temple and Cantonment Railway Station in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi. 28 killed and over 100 injured.[169]
* 11 July 2006 – 11 July 2006 Mumbai train bombings, Mumbai, India; a series of seven bomb blasts that took place over a period of 11 minutes on the Suburban Railway in Mumbai. 209 killed and over 700 injured.
* 14 August 2007 – Qahtaniya bombings: Four suicide vehicle bombers massacred nearly 800 members of northern Iraq's Yazidi sect in the deadliest Iraq war's attack to date.
* 26 July 2008 – 2008 Ahmedabad bombings, India. Islamic terrorists detonate at least 21 explosive devices in the heart of this industrial capital, leaving at least 56 dead and 200 injured. A Muslim group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen claims responsibility. Indian authorities believe that extremists with ties to Pakistan and/or Bangladesh are likely responsible and are intent on inciting communal violence.[170] Investigation by Indian police led to the eventual arrest of a number of terrorists suspected of carrying out the blasts, most of whom belong to a well-known terrorist group, The Students Islamic Movement of India.[171]
* 13 September 2008 – Bombing series in Delhi, India. Pakistani extremist groups plant bombs at several places including India Gate, out of which the ones at Karol Bagh, Connaught Place and Greater Kailash explode leaving around 30 people dead and 130 injured, followed by another attack two weeks later at the congested Mehrauli area, leaving 3 people dead.
* 26 November 2008 – Muslim extremists kill at least 174 people and wound numerous others in a series of coordinated attacks on India's largest city and financial capital, Mumbai. A group calling itself the Deccan Mujaheddin claims responsibility, however, the government of India suspects Islamic terrorists based in Pakistan are responsible. Ajmal Kasab, one of the terrorists, was caught alive.[172][173]
* 25 October 2009. Baghdad, Iraq. During a terrorist attack, two bomber vehicles detonated in the Green Zone, killing at least 155 people and injuring 520.
* 28 October 2009 – Peshawar, Pakistan. A car bomb is detonated in a woman exclusive shopping district, and over 110 killed and over 200 injured.
* 5 November 2009 - Fort Hood shooting, Texas, USA. U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an American Muslim of Palestinian descent, shot and killed 13 people and wounded 30 others at a U.S. Army base.
* 3 December 2009 – Mogadishu, Somalia. A male suicide bomber disguised as a woman detonates in a hotel meeting hall. The hotel was hosting a graduation ceremony for local medical students when the blast went off, killing four government ministers as well as other civilians.[174]
* 1 January 2010 – Lakki Marwat, Pakistan. A suicide car bomber drove his explosive-laden vehicle into a volleyball pitch as people gathered to watch a match killing more than 100 people.[175]
* 1 May 2010 - New York, New York, USA. Faisal Shahzad, an Islamic Pakistani American who received U.S. citizenship in December 2009, attempted to detonate a car bomb in Times Square working with the Pakistani Taliban or Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.
* 28 May 2010 - Attacks on Ahmadi Mosques Lahore, Pakistan. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed attacks on two mosques simultaneously belonging to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, killing nearly 100 and injuring many others.

You need to edit this and link it please. -EZ

The link would be to my own hard drive which I don't have set up as a server, so that's not possible.

it is possible

Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you did not even remove the footnotes.
B) You said and I quote "each religion has their share of cuckoos" indicating that you 1) think they are cuckoos and not terrorists and 2. believe that there are no more Muslim cuckoos than Christian cuckoos.

C) If you weren't claiming it was built after Dec 7, then what was the point of even mentioning it Bert. I wager you had no idea that that shrine was built in the 1920s until I provided the link and so you were trying to play it off as if it was build after the attack. Otherwise the shrine did nothing for your case and you had no cause to mention it.

I addressed A above.

B.) I think whackjobs are terrorists, they are also crazy too. Also, I never said they had the same amount. I said each religion has some at the very least. Stop taking what I said out of context.

C.) I was pointing out that Pale doesn't know his facts since there is already a Shinto shrine 5 miles from PB. I had a idea that the shrine was built in the 1920s since I got my information from a article that detailed the history of said shrine that was 5 miles away.

You're a paranoid moron who needs to stop assuming and taking my statements out of context.

Hey Bert, let me explain something to you junior

I have a 158 IQ , three bachelor degrees, a masters degree and served as an officer in the Arkansas National Guard for 17 years, 22 years service total. Morons don't accomplish those things. The fact that you continue to call me a moron despite the obvious evidence that suggests that I am in fact anything BUT a moron is laughable. In ANY legitimate test of knowledge I would at minimum hold my own with any member on this board, and in fact just a cursory sampling of various posters posting on here bares out the fact that I am one of the more intelligent posters on here. The fact that a person disagrees with you does not make them a moron. Being a weaselly little lying partisan hack like yourself however, I don't expect you to comprehend what others see immediately.

That being said, on THIS particular subject matter I will bury your in facts and evidence, I imagine I have probably read at minimum 10 books for your every one on the subject of Islam.

well, i guess it must be you telling the fibs here

Nope. I can understand why it be foggy though. You did hit your head on the ground after that right cross from her. :eek:

I'd recommend this, it helps me:

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Hand Me My Thinking Grenades‬‎[/ame]
So, Let me start by saying I am not making this argument. I heard someone make it today and wanted to know what others thought of it as I found it rather compelling.

Note (I am personally leaning towards being oppose to the mosque being built where they want. But do not think we have a legal means to stop it, and would not support a non legal means)

The argument is that Islam has a tradition of building mosques on sites they have concurred. Now I do not even know it that is true. I mean we all know about the dome of the rock in Israel, but is this something they do all the time? Is it tradition to build mosques on the sites of some victory? If so how do you feel about the Mosque held in that light?

My personal Leaning towards being against it has to do with the loss of life at Ground Zero, The planned Mosques proximity to it, and the fact that the building they want to tear down actually had the landing gear of one of the planes that hit the WTC crash into it. That is How close it is to the site. I feel like they could build it just a few more blocks away and it will alleviate most of the angst about it. I feel that if this mosque and community center is really about reaching out to us, then they should respect the feelings of almost 70% of Americans and build it somewhere else. After all how can you reach out when you are doing something that many Americans are against?

We allow Mosques to be build all over the country, so this is not about discrimination, it is about the site, and the history of it.

However all that said, like I said I do not see any legal way left to stop it, and would not support any non legal way, So while I am personally opposed to it, I recognize their right to build it.

The mosque on the temple mount is all I need to decide how I feel on this issue.

They love rubbing shit in their enemy's faces. They don't have the decency to stay away so I don't think they have any moral right to building it there.

Do you think anyone would have even considered this on September 12 2001?
I have nothing against a Mosque being built. Just not where they want to build it.

Strikes me as kinda funny that Muslims are always accusing Americans of being insensitive and yet they show complete insensitivity in this matter.

I also wonder if any NY construction company would actually build a mosque that close to ground zero??

Let them build it somewhere else in NY City. Jeeze.
Bloomberg was on TV almost bragging about wanting the mosk to go up.

Man up racist, we are better than the rest.

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