Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

Yeah, nope. There's no financial questions on the applications, aside from cost estimates. I'm looking at the applications right now. You can download the PDFs from here:
Department of Buildings

I concede, NY may be different than Arkansas, but here is one they won't get around.

Application for Recognition of Exemption

which ARE subject to FOIA laws.

Well, here's the forms.
I don't see any questions about financial disclosure.

But I did see this: Exempt Organizations - Contributors' Identities Not Subject to Disclosure

A tax-exempt organization is generally not required to disclose publicly the names or addresses of its contributors set forth on its annual return, including Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF). The regulations specifically exclude the name and address of any contributor to the organization from the definition of disclosable documents.

Upon further review

While conferring benefits on 501(c)(3) organizations, federal tax law also imposes responsibilities on organizations receiving that status.
Section 501(c)(3) organizations are required to
keep books and records detailing all activities, both financial and nonfinancial. Financial information, particularly information on its sources of support (contributions, grants, sponsorships, and other sources of revenue) is crucial to determining an organization’s private foundation status. See Publications 4221-PC and 4221-PF, Publication 557, and the instructions to Forms 990, 990-EZ, and 990-PF for more information. page 7
I said, that I see it as wrong to build a mosque at ground zero for reasons OTHER THAN the constitution, period. Please don't pretend to not see that any longer.

Yes, and the only reasoning you gave is related to them being muslims. Therefore, you still fail.
Yep, everything I say is stupid and in noway adds to a debate, that's why I get PMs all the time saying differently. Everyone on this god damned board occasionally says stupid insensitive things, that in noway makes everyone on this board a moron.l

I find it massively hard to believe you have missed all the threads where I have buried somoene in facts to disprove their wild claims, oh wait no you haven't because you've been the recipatant several times, including in THIS thread.

Except you say stupid things on a consistent basis, which fits the bill for me to call you a moron. Like in this thread for example.
Yep, everything I say is stupid and in noway adds to a debate, that's why I get PMs all the time saying differently. Everyone on this god damned board occasionally says stupid insensitive things, that in noway makes everyone on this board a moron.l

I find it massively hard to believe you have missed all the threads where I have buried somoene in facts to disprove their wild claims, oh wait no you haven't because you've been the recipatant several times, including in THIS thread.

Except you say stupid things on a consistent basis, which fits the bill for me to call you a moron. Like in this thread for example.

Go ahead dipshit, list the stupid things I have said in this thread. Here I'll match you one for one. Allow me to start.

Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 - Bert
I concede, NY may be different than Arkansas, but here is one they won't get around.

Application for Recognition of Exemption

which ARE subject to FOIA laws.

Well, here's the forms.
I don't see any questions about financial disclosure.

But I did see this: Exempt Organizations - Contributors' Identities Not Subject to Disclosure

A tax-exempt organization is generally not required to disclose publicly the names or addresses of its contributors set forth on its annual return, including Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF). The regulations specifically exclude the name and address of any contributor to the organization from the definition of disclosable documents.

Upon further review

While conferring benefits on 501(c)(3) organizations, federal tax law also imposes responsibilities on organizations receiving that status.
Section 501(c)(3) organizations are required to
keep books and records detailing all activities, both financial and nonfinancial. Financial information, particularly information on its sources of support (contributions, grants, sponsorships, and other sources of revenue) is crucial to determining an organization’s private foundation status. See Publications 4221-PC and 4221-PF, Publication 557, and the instructions to Forms 990, 990-EZ, and 990-PF for more information. page 7

Honestly, this shit is like fucking Latin to me. This is why there are CPAs in the world. I have no idea what information would or would not be needed. Whatever.

So file a FOIA request.
Go ahead dipshit, list the stupid things I have said in this thread. Here I'll match you one for one. Allow me to start.

Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 - Bert

I already explained what I meant specifically by that statement. I don't see the point in having to explain it to you again. The fact you compared Muslims to Nazis alone makes you a moron.
Here's a link.
USDOJ: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Notice how it only applies to the Federal Goverment.

No, I don't. I see that it applies to them, but that page makes no statement that it applies exclusively to them alone.

Now this link shows who it applies to, and it's more than just the USDOJ...

U.S. Department of State Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Well, as I said, the Department of State is part of the Federal Government.

But I promise you, you're wrong on this, and you're making a fool of yourself. The Freedom of Information Act certainly does not apply to private organizations. It only applies to GOVERNMENT.

I seriously hope you're joking about this.

This has been a good debate, so there's no need to start with the name calling. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I admit it. I'm tired and will read more about it tomorrow. Thanks for the links.
Go ahead dipshit, list the stupid things I have said in this thread. Here I'll match you one for one. Allow me to start.

Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 - Bert

I already explained what I meant specifically by that statement. I don't see the point in having to explain it to you again. The fact you compared Muslims to Nazis alone makes you a moron.

I didn't compare nazis to muslims you fool. I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.
This is merely one step in the process. There is still much work before this center is built. It may take them years to even hire a construction firm, if they can find one willing to do the work. Of course, if they can't I imagine they would sue...

I wonder if the Imam and his followers would protest if someone decided to open a rib joint next door...

Perhaps a dog grooming business...

A gay bar...

How tolerant would they be?

Seeing as how there's already a strip club on the corner, I doubt they'd really care. Perhaps all Muslims are not as dogmatic as you believe?

I do not believe that all Muslims are dogmatic. But I also do not believe that there is a need for this mosgue/community center/bridge for understanding at this location. I also of the opinion that, should it actually go up, the strip club you refer to will not be in business soon after the grand opening. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to the construction of this mosque. That strikes me as un-American. But I am of the opinion that, if understanding, tolerance, and bridging the gulf of misunderstanding are among the goals in building the Cordoba Mosque, and Imam Feisal has stated this is the case, I am of the opinion that he would take into account the feelings of what seems to be a majority of New Yorkers and build the mosque elsewhere. With somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred mosques in New York City, why does this one need to be right there? Are there really that many Muslims in downtown Manhattan?

Again, I am not opposed to the mosque being built, I am not opposed to it being built on the proposed site. I just find it a tad insensitive.
I said, that I see it as wrong to build a mosque at ground zero for reasons OTHER THAN the constitution, period. Please don't pretend to not see that any longer.

Yes, and the only reasoning you gave is related to them being muslims. Therefore, you still fail.

Gee... who was it again that killed 3,000+ innocent men, women and children in cold blood on 9/11? Oh... that's right... MUSLIMS!

Talk about fail... you're setting the gold standard here son.
This is merely one step in the process. There is still much work before this center is built. It may take them years to even hire a construction firm, if they can find one willing to do the work. Of course, if they can't I imagine they would sue...

I wonder if the Imam and his followers would protest if someone decided to open a rib joint next door...

Perhaps a dog grooming business...

A gay bar...

How tolerant would they be?

Seeing as how there's already a strip club on the corner, I doubt they'd really care. Perhaps all Muslims are not as dogmatic as you believe?

I do not believe that all Muslims are dogmatic. But I also do not believe that there is a need for this mosgue/community center/bridge for understanding at this location. I also of the opinion that, should it actually go up, the strip club you refer to will not be in business soon after the grand opening. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to the construction of this mosque. That strikes me as un-American. But I am of the opinion that, if understanding, tolerance, and bridging the gulf of misunderstanding are among the goals in building the Cordoba Mosque, and Imam Feisal has stated this is the case, I am of the opinion that he would take into account the feelings of what seems to be a majority of New Yorkers and build the mosque elsewhere. With somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred mosques in New York City, why does this one need to be right there? Are there really that many Muslims in downtown Manhattan?

Again, I am not opposed to the mosque being built, I am not opposed to it being built on the proposed site. I just find it a tad insensitive.

Which is why I want them to build it. I want the whole world to see just how insensitive and uncaring they are.
Gee... who was it again that killed 3,000+ innocent men, women and children in cold blood on 9/11? Oh... that's right... MUSLIMS!

Talk about fail... you're setting the gold standard here son.

Radical Muslims. I'm friends with Muslims, I don't see them blowing up the college I go to or the places we hang out.
you know what is the biggest joke of all this, at least to me? when asked for his opinion on it, obama commented that it was a local matter and he didn't feel it appropriate to give an opinion on a local matter. This is the same fucking idiot who held a press conference to call a police officer stupid.

That fucker can rot in hell.
I didn't compare nazis to muslims you fool. I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.

Wrong. You compared the Nazis (A political group who's one of main goals was to rid the world of what they considered to be undesirables, including Jews) and Muslims (People who follow the religion of Islam).

You compared one group's who entire existence, goals, and actions were one of hate and death and a religion that has radicals.

Comparing what the Nazis did and what happened on 9/11 and saying they're the exact same thing is too moronic for words.
This is merely one step in the process. There is still much work before this center is built. It may take them years to even hire a construction firm, if they can find one willing to do the work. Of course, if they can't I imagine they would sue...

I wonder if the Imam and his followers would protest if someone decided to open a rib joint next door...

Perhaps a dog grooming business...

A gay bar...

How tolerant would they be?

Seeing as how there's already a strip club on the corner, I doubt they'd really care. Perhaps all Muslims are not as dogmatic as you believe?

I do not believe that all Muslims are dogmatic. But I also do not believe that there is a need for this mosgue/community center/bridge for understanding at this location. I also of the opinion that, should it actually go up, the strip club you refer to will not be in business soon after the grand opening. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to the construction of this mosque. That strikes me as un-American. But I am of the opinion that, if understanding, tolerance, and bridging the gulf of misunderstanding are among the goals in building the Cordoba Mosque, and Imam Feisal has stated this is the case, I am of the opinion that he would take into account the feelings of what seems to be a majority of New Yorkers and build the mosque elsewhere. With somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred mosques in New York City, why does this one need to be right there? Are there really that many Muslims in downtown Manhattan?

Again, I am not opposed to the mosque being built, I am not opposed to it being built on the proposed site. I just find it a tad insensitive.

The choice of site is very much to stir up publicity. Insensitive? We're not as sensitive as you seem to think here in NYC, but I could see that.

Legal, and guaranteed by the Constitution? Yes as well.

BTW - The strip club sure as shit isn't going ANYWHERE. That's where the Wall Street guys go after work - there's a lot of money in that place every night.
you know what is the biggest joke of all this, at least to me? when asked for his opinion on it, obama commented that it was a local matter and he didn't feel it appropriate to give an opinion on a local matter. This is the same fucking idiot who held a press conference to call a police officer stupid.

That fucker can rot in hell.

Imagine if he had learned his lesson in not commenting on local matters? And you tell our President to go rot in hell. :cuckoo:
I didn't compare nazis to muslims you fool. I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.

Wrong. You compared the Nazis (A political group who's one of main goals was to rid the world of what they considered to be undesirables, including Jews) and Muslims (People who follow the religion of Islam).

You compared one group's who entire existence, goals, and actions were one of hate and death and a religion that has radicals.

Comparing what the Nazis did and what happened on 9/11 and saying they're the exact same thing is too moronic for words.

That is not what I did and even you understand that. Why do you feel the need to be so dishonest? I made a comment directly concerning shrines. You may as well say I compared Muslims to Koresh to because I mentioned his followers building a shrine as well.

Jesus Bert, be honest, you know that isn't what I said at all.
you know what is the biggest joke of all this, at least to me? when asked for his opinion on it, obama commented that it was a local matter and he didn't feel it appropriate to give an opinion on a local matter. This is the same fucking idiot who held a press conference to call a police officer stupid.

That fucker can rot in hell.

Imagine if he had learned his lesson in not commenting on local matters? And you tell our President to go rot in hell. :cuckoo:

A) the fool has shown that he's not very good at learning lessons

B) I wouldn't hardly call this a local matter

C) Go whine about someone who wished for Rush and or Beck to die. fuck your hypocrisy you little bitch, Obama is a shitty president and can go to hell.
That is not what I did and even you understand that. Why do you feel the need to be so dishonest? I made a comment directly concerning shrines. You may as well say I compared Muslims to Koresh to because I mentioned his followers building a shrine as well.

Jesus Bert, be honest, you know that isn't what I said at all.

That's exactly what you did and you know it.

I'll even quote you from a few posts ago:

I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.

You're treating them as if they're the exact same thing. Pathetic.
A) the fool has shown that he's not very good at learning lessons

B) I wouldn't hardly call this a local matter

C) Go whine about someone who wished for Rush and or Beck to die. fuck your hypocrisy you little bitch, Obama is a shitty president and can go to hell.

A.) So you have no idea whether he learned his lesson.

B.) Really? It's not the Federal Government deciding whether this thing gets built.

C.) Deflection. You just said it yet again, that's pathetic dude. I mean to wish such ill will upon another human being who has committed no crime against you is simply wrong.

As for me, when it comes to Glenn Beck, I may not agree with the guy very often but at least I have a heart dude.

Hope he'll be able to fight it and that he won't go blind.

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