Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

There isn't. It's five miles away. That's in no shape, way or form "near."

This mosque, in relation to the above mentioned, is literally ON TOP of ground zero.

And you seem to like that, and I'm not buying it's because you believe the constitution. I think it's something else that you're not saying.

It all depends how you define near. If you want to play semantics be my guest.

This mosque is not literally on top of Ground Zero. Another so called myth.
2 city blocks is pretty darn near
and if you count WTC7, its less than that
It is 2 blocks, the average Manhattan block is 240 ' X 900' . that means at most it is about a half mile from ground zero. 1/2 mile < 5 miles, by a factor of 10.

A half mile away from Ground Zero is not literally on top of Ground Zero.
You know I find it hilarious what a hypocritical little punk you are. You spent an entire evening the other night complaining that I disrespected you when I said you were a smart kid, but then you have no problem turning right around being a disrespectful little bitch. I said you were as bad as Ravi, I take it back, you're worse. At least she's got enough integrity to take what she dishes out without acting like a little fucking pussy.

BTW let me add that I love that you went ballistic over me calling Chelsea Clinton a cottage cheese cow one time but apparently had no problem with Bass 2.0 startring a thread entitled Palin the chimp and then going on for 8 pages calling her a chimp, this after you told me how you defend all women. Oh let me guess, this was just another thread you just happened to not see right Bert?

Fucking little piece of shit.

Dude, you use your supposed IQ in a internet argument. I don't care if your IQ is 205, you're acting like a moron in this thread.

I didn't see the Bass's thread, if I did I would of told Charlie how screwed up in the head he is. I've been calling out Charlie long before you even got here. You can ask Dive on that one for confirmation. Hell, both me and Dive back when we use to never agree at all use to find agreement on how screwed up the Bass was.

How odd Bert that you are the only one telling me I'm acting like a moron in this thread. Once again disagrees with Bert =/= acting like a moron. How am i acting like a moron? By posting evidence that destroys your little fantasies?
It's "law" isn't it? So is the Freedom of Information Act, and we're supposed to follow laws in this country.

That's WHAT THE FUCK it has to do with it.

Dude, the Freedom of Information act only applies to the government. And it can be denied, and is, frequently.

But seriously, did you really think that the Freedom of Information act said that EVERYONE had to share ALL information?

Well... DUDE... there are nine reasons why a request for information under the FOIA can be denied.

HRSA - Freedom of Information Act - Exemptions

Now, you see one that applies to this imam POS?

Oh noes, you posted facts which refute Bert's wild ass claims, you must be a moron to. :lol:
It is 2 blocks, the average Manhattan block is 240 ' X 900' . that means at most it is about a half mile from ground zero. 1/2 mile < 5 miles, by a factor of 10.

A half mile away from Ground Zero is not literally on top of Ground Zero.

i mismarked the Islamic center building, the red star should be on the next building up
that is 2 blocks away from the MAIN WTC complex, and ONE block away from WTC7
It's "law" isn't it? So is the Freedom of Information Act, and we're supposed to follow laws in this country.

That's WHAT THE FUCK it has to do with it.

Dude, the Freedom of Information act only applies to the government. And it can be denied, and is, frequently.

But seriously, did you really think that the Freedom of Information act said that EVERYONE had to share ALL information?

Well... DUDE... there are nine reasons why a request for information under the FOIA can be denied.

HRSA - Freedom of Information Act - Exemptions

Now, you see one that applies to this imam POS?

The FOIA doesn't apply to private companies. They don't have to share ANYTHING with the public if they choose not to.
It is 2 blocks, the average Manhattan block is 240 ' X 900' . that means at most it is about a half mile from ground zero. 1/2 mile < 5 miles, by a factor of 10.

A half mile away from Ground Zero is not literally on top of Ground Zero.

What do you define ground zero as, a 1 foot by 1 foot square dead center between where the 2 buildings stood?

I can't even believe you said I'm being a moron in this thread. AT MOST it's one half mile. 1/2 mile is NEAR by any reasonable standard.
How odd Bert that you are the only one telling me I'm acting like a moron in this thread. Once again disagrees with Bert =/= acting like a moron. How am i acting like a moron? By posting evidence that destroys your little fantasies?

Just because others agree with your bigotry or ignore it doesn't mean I will.

They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
-- Atticus Finch
It's "law" isn't it? So is the Freedom of Information Act, and we're supposed to follow laws in this country.

That's WHAT THE FUCK it has to do with it.

Dude, the Freedom of Information act only applies to the government. And it can be denied, and is, frequently.

But seriously, did you really think that the Freedom of Information act said that EVERYONE had to share ALL information?

Well, technically the FOIA could be used to obtain records from the government agency which is presumably granting permits for this building to obtain copies of those permits and certainly you have to list your financial sources on building permits.

What information can be obtained under FOIL?

3. A reasonably detailed current list, by subject matter, of all records in the possession of the agency, whether or not available under FOIL

NYCOSH: Freedom of Information Law in New York State

Why would you have to disclose funding on your building permit applications?
Dude, the Freedom of Information act only applies to the government. And it can be denied, and is, frequently.

But seriously, did you really think that the Freedom of Information act said that EVERYONE had to share ALL information?

Well... DUDE... there are nine reasons why a request for information under the FOIA can be denied.

HRSA - Freedom of Information Act - Exemptions

Now, you see one that applies to this imam POS?

The FOIA doesn't apply to private companies. They don't have to share ANYTHING with the public if they choose not to.

Did you not read what I wrote at all? The building commission in NYC certainly has to answer to FOIL requests and they will have on record requests for building permits and those must list financial sources for the building. That information must be made available if a FOIL request is made.
Dude, the Freedom of Information act only applies to the government. And it can be denied, and is, frequently.

But seriously, did you really think that the Freedom of Information act said that EVERYONE had to share ALL information?

Well... DUDE... there are nine reasons why a request for information under the FOIA can be denied.

HRSA - Freedom of Information Act - Exemptions

Now, you see one that applies to this imam POS?

The FOIA doesn't apply to private companies. They don't have to share ANYTHING with the public if they choose not to.
but it does apply to NYC documents
which would include building permits and such
Dude, the Freedom of Information act only applies to the government. And it can be denied, and is, frequently.

But seriously, did you really think that the Freedom of Information act said that EVERYONE had to share ALL information?

Well, technically the FOIA could be used to obtain records from the government agency which is presumably granting permits for this building to obtain copies of those permits and certainly you have to list your financial sources on building permits.

What information can be obtained under FOIL?

3. A reasonably detailed current list, by subject matter, of all records in the possession of the agency, whether or not available under FOIL

NYCOSH: Freedom of Information Law in New York State

Why would you have to disclose funding on your building permit applications?

Because they want to make sure you are not going to build half a building and run out of money and leave an ugly ass half completed building as an eyesore . Pretty standard. Now I would wager it will be a bank listed, it certainly won't say "funded by Al Queda" , but the bank has to be listed.
Well... DUDE... there are nine reasons why a request for information under the FOIA can be denied.

HRSA - Freedom of Information Act - Exemptions

Now, you see one that applies to this imam POS?

The FOIA doesn't apply to private companies. They don't have to share ANYTHING with the public if they choose not to.

Did you not read what I wrote at all? The building commission in NYC certainly has to answer to FOIL requests and they will have on record requests for building permits and those must list financial sources for the building. That information must be made available if a FOIL request is made.

Read my other post.
You refused to answer my question, why should I answer yours? If you have no right to said information, you have no right to it. Simple as that.
I haven't refused to answer any question of yours.

You continue to ignore the fact you want to shred the first amendment of our constitution to suit your agenda. Every single name you called Obama since he's took office while accusing him of shredding the Constitution could apply here, except to you.
This isn't about what I call obama, or what you call Palin. It's about a mosque being built at ground zero. I'll concede it's "legal," according to our constitution, so NO, I do NOT want to shred anything, especially our constitution. I've never said anything of the sort. What I have said is it's a BAD IDEA, IT'S DISRESPECTFUL TO THOSE WHO DIED, AND IT'S MUSLIMS SPITTING IN OUR FACE, all while we congratulate ourselves on how "tolerant" we are. We'll there comes a time when I say just say "FUCK THAT!" And I'm SURE I'm not alone.

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It is 2 blocks, the average Manhattan block is 240 ' X 900' . that means at most it is about a half mile from ground zero. 1/2 mile < 5 miles, by a factor of 10.

A half mile away from Ground Zero is not literally on top of Ground Zero.

What do you define ground zero as, a 1 foot by 1 foot square dead center between where the 2 buildings stood?

I can't even believe you said I'm being a moron in this thread. AT MOST it's one half mile. 1/2 mile is NEAR by any reasonable standard.
btw, bass is well known as a fucking moronic racist on this site
something pretty universally agreed on
There isn't. It's five miles away. That's in no shape, way or form "near."

This mosque, in relation to the above mentioned, is literally ON TOP of ground zero.

And you seem to like that, and I'm not buying it's because you believe the constitution. I think it's something else that you're not saying.

It all depends how you define near. If you want to play semantics be my guest.

This mosque is not literally on top of Ground Zero. Another so called myth.

OK Bill... "it depends on what the definition of IS is".

Whatever... :eusa_hand:
This isn't about what I call obama, or what call Palin. It's about a mosque being built at ground zero. I'll concede it's "legal," according to our constitution, so NO, I do NOT want to shred anything, especially our constitution.

We'll there comes a time when I say just say "FUCK THAT!" And I'm SURE I'm not alone.

These two statements don't match. Either you're for having it there, or you're not. If you are conceding it's legal, then there is no need for further debate. Whatever our personal feelings may be, what is the final say here is the Constitution. It's okay to disagree with it going there, but you can't argue it shouldn't exist there simply because they're Muslims.
Well, technically the FOIA could be used to obtain records from the government agency which is presumably granting permits for this building to obtain copies of those permits and certainly you have to list your financial sources on building permits.

What information can be obtained under FOIL?

3. A reasonably detailed current list, by subject matter, of all records in the possession of the agency, whether or not available under FOIL

NYCOSH: Freedom of Information Law in New York State

Why would you have to disclose funding on your building permit applications?

Because they want to make sure you are not going to build half a building and run out of money and leave an ugly ass half completed building as an eyesore . Pretty standard. Now I would wager it will be a bank listed, it certainly won't say "funded by Al Queda" , but the bank has to be listed.

Yeah, nope. There's no financial questions on the applications, aside from cost estimates. I'm looking at the applications right now. You can download the PDFs from here:
Department of Buildings
Well... DUDE... there are nine reasons why a request for information under the FOIA can be denied.

HRSA - Freedom of Information Act - Exemptions

Now, you see one that applies to this imam POS?

The FOIA doesn't apply to private companies. They don't have to share ANYTHING with the public if they choose not to.
but it does apply to NYC documents
which would include building permits and such

But building permits wouldn't have detailed financial information in them. At most, they'd list a bank, but I've been looking over the forms, and they don't seem to ask for anything like that.
A half mile away from Ground Zero is not literally on top of Ground Zero.

What do you define ground zero as, a 1 foot by 1 foot square dead center between where the 2 buildings stood?

I can't even believe you said I'm being a moron in this thread. AT MOST it's one half mile. 1/2 mile is NEAR by any reasonable standard.
btw, bass is well known as a fucking moronic racist on this site
something pretty universally agreed on

Eh, that's fine , I was just using it as one more piece of evidence of the piece of trash known as Bert's hypocrisy. He seemingly follows my every post and barks all over me over a SINGLE comment meanwhile I have yet to see him say anything harsh to a leftie. Certainly it's not as if I care what people say about Palin. she's a grown ass woman, I'm fairly certain being called a chimp on a message board means nothing to her, but I'm also fairly certain that being called a cottage cheese cow on a message board doesn't bother clinton.

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