Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

B) You said and I quote "each religion has their share of cuckoos" indicating that you 1) think they are cuckoos and not terrorists and 2. believe that there are no more Muslim cuckoos than Christian cuckoos.

C) If you weren't claiming it was built after Dec 7, then what was the point of even mentioning it Bert. I wager you had no idea that that shrine was built in the 1920s until I provided the link and so you were trying to play it off as if it was build after the attack. Otherwise the shrine did nothing for your case and you had no cause to mention it.

I addressed A above.

B.) I think whackjobs are terrorists, they are also crazy too. Also, I never said they had the same amount. I said each religion has some at the very least. Stop taking what I said out of context.

C.) I was pointing out that Pale doesn't know his facts since there is already a Shinto shrine 5 miles from PB. I had a idea that the shrine was built in the 1920s since I got my information from a article that detailed the history of said shrine that was 5 miles away.

You're a paranoid moron who needs to stop assuming and taking my statements out of context.
Context? Who gives a shit? Shitting on our flag is acceptable to you depending on context?

I would like to know the full context of a photo before I start passing judgment.

I don't know the context, it was just one of 53,700 hits I got when I googled Muslims burn US flag. How many hits you get for Christians burn Saudi Arabian flag?
No, that's not what I said at all.

I don't care if you call islam radical or not. It makes no difference. When you done painting it another color, it's still islam. That's what I said.

You have yet to say, even though you've been asked repeatedly, if you think the building of an islamic mosque it a good idea or not.

It doesn't matter whether I think it's a good idea or not personally. There is a little thing or two called the Constitution and First Amendment, let me post it for you:

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

Like I said previously, the minute you start shredding our Constitution to fit your agenda, you're doing exactly what Osama wanted us to do.

No one wants to shred the Constitution!! There are ways without. Just as was done in London the video...please

[ame=]YouTube - ‪No mosque at Ground Zero‬‎[/ame]
and you were shown proof of this and continue to lie

Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a recorded interview with Time magazine[80] McVeigh professed his belief in "a god", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs." Throughout his childhood, he and his father were Roman Catholic and regularly attended daily Mass at Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York
He also made the science is my religion comment as well. He could be considered a believer in a couple of religions. All depends.
this is the part you seem to keep missing
It doesn't matter whether I think it's a good idea or not personally. There is a little thing or two called the Constitution and First Amendment, let me post it for you:

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

Like I said previously, the minute you start shredding our Constitution to fit your agenda, you're doing exactly what Osama wanted us to do.
Your use of the "user edited wiki" really isn't all that convincing, about anything, since anyone can say anything on there, and it's run by a pack of liberals.

But if it's the constitution you're worried about, then why don't you have a problem with the fact that this POS imam hasn't divulged where the money is coming from to build this mosque?
No one wants to shred the Constitution!! There are ways without. Just as was done in London the video...please

YouTube - ‪No mosque at Ground Zero‬‎

Listen Kat, you know I respect you. But I'm not about to get my information from a guy on youtube with a specific agenda. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.

There is no compromise here, as much as I wish there could be one because either the Constitution is followed or shredded. Either they are allowed to build or they're not.

did you READ any of those links?

Whoosh. You missed the point of comparing google hits for certain keywords since you will get articles that go against the keywords often.

Anything else you don't get that from that little exchange?
B) You said and I quote "each religion has their share of cuckoos" indicating that you 1) think they are cuckoos and not terrorists and 2. believe that there are no more Muslim cuckoos than Christian cuckoos.

C) If you weren't claiming it was built after Dec 7, then what was the point of even mentioning it Bert. I wager you had no idea that that shrine was built in the 1920s until I provided the link and so you were trying to play it off as if it was build after the attack. Otherwise the shrine did nothing for your case and you had no cause to mention it.

I addressed A above.

B.) I think whackjobs are terrorists, they are also crazy too. Also, I never said they had the same amount. I said each religion has some at the very least. Stop taking what I said out of context.

C.) I was pointing out that Pale doesn't know his facts since there is already a Shinto shrine 5 miles from PB. I had a idea that the shrine was built in the 1920s since I got my information from a article that detailed the history of said shrine that was 5 miles away.

You're a paranoid moron who needs to stop assuming and taking my statements out of context.

Hey Bert, let me explain something to you junior

I have a 158 IQ , three bachelor degrees, a masters degree and served as an officer in the Arkansas National Guard for 17 years, 22 years service total. Morons don't accomplish those things. The fact that you continue to call me a moron despite the obvious evidence that suggests that I am in fact anything BUT a moron is laughable. In ANY legitimate test of knowledge I would at minimum hold my own with any member on this board, and in fact just a cursory sampling of various posters posting on here bares out the fact that I am one of the more intelligent posters on here. The fact that a person disagrees with you does not make them a moron. Being a weaselly little lying partisan hack like yourself however, I don't expect you to comprehend what others see immediately.

That being said, on THIS particular subject matter I will bury your in facts and evidence, I imagine I have probably read at minimum 10 books for your every one on the subject of Islam.
It doesn't matter whether I think it's a good idea or not personally. There is a little thing or two called the Constitution and First Amendment, let me post it for you:

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

Like I said previously, the minute you start shredding our Constitution to fit your agenda, you're doing exactly what Osama wanted us to do.
Your use of the "user edited wiki" really isn't all that convincing, about anything, since anyone can say anything on there, and it's run by a pack of liberals.

But if it's the constitution you're worried about, then why don't you have a problem with the fact that this POS imam hasn't divulged where the money is coming from to build this mosque?

What the fuck does that have to do with the Constitution or the First Amendment?
C.) I was pointing out that Pale doesn't know his facts since there is already a Shinto shrine 5 miles from PB. I had a idea that the shrine was built in the 1920s since I got my information from a article that detailed the history of said shrine that was 5 miles away.

Oh c'mooooon bert... you're not going to try and compare a shrine built years before and five miles away from the attack with a mosque being built after the fact nearly on top of the attack are you?

Sheeeezuz man... and here I was at least going to give you credit for sticking to your guns and not sounding lost.
Last edited:
B) You said and I quote "each religion has their share of cuckoos" indicating that you 1) think they are cuckoos and not terrorists and 2. believe that there are no more Muslim cuckoos than Christian cuckoos.

C) If you weren't claiming it was built after Dec 7, then what was the point of even mentioning it Bert. I wager you had no idea that that shrine was built in the 1920s until I provided the link and so you were trying to play it off as if it was build after the attack. Otherwise the shrine did nothing for your case and you had no cause to mention it.

I addressed A above.

B.) I think whackjobs are terrorists, they are also crazy too. Also, I never said they had the same amount. I said each religion has some at the very least. Stop taking what I said out of context.

C.) I was pointing out that Pale doesn't know his facts since there is already a Shinto shrine 5 miles from PB. I had a idea that the shrine was built in the 1920s since I got my information from a article that detailed the history of said shrine that was 5 miles away.

You're a paranoid moron who needs to stop assuming and taking my statements out of context.

Hey Bert, let me explain something to you junior

I have a 158 IQ , three bachelor degrees, a masters degree and served as an officer in the Arkansas National Guard for 17 years, 22 years service total. Morons don't accomplish those things. The fact that you continue to call me a moron despite the obvious evidence that suggests that I am in fact anything BUT a moron is laughable. In ANY legitimate test of knowledge I would at minimum hold my own with any member on this board, and in fact just a cursory sampling of various posters posting on here bares out the fact that I am one of the more intelligent posters on here. The fact that a person disagrees with you does not make them a moron. Being a weaselly little lying partisan hack like yourself however, I don't expect you to comprehend what others see immediately.

That being said, on THIS particular subject matter I will bury your in facts and evidence, I imagine I have probably read at minimum 10 books for your every one on the subject of Islam.

Dude, I'm really not trying to get in the middle of you and mod's pissing contest. But did you really just post your (supposed) IQ as an argument?
Your use of the "user edited wiki" really isn't all that convincing, about anything, since anyone can say anything on there, and it's run by a pack of liberals.

But if it's the constitution you're worried about, then why don't you have a problem with the fact that this POS imam hasn't divulged where the money is coming from to build this mosque?

Why Pale? What did wiki leave out of the First Amendment? Is there a part in there that bans Mosques that I missed?
Oh c'mooooon bert... you're not going to try and compare a shrine built years before and five miles away from the attack with a mosque being built after the fact nearly on top of the attack are you?

Sheeeezuz man... and here I was at least going to give you credit to sticking to your guns and not sounding lost.

You were posting under the assumption there was no shrine at all near it.

You said and I quote:

If that's the way it is, then I suggest we invite Japan to build a temple to Shinto and/or Buddhism at Pearl Harbor. Let's just say "nothing is off limits in America." There are no boundaries. Have your fun killing us and then build a shrine to celebrate right on top of it.
I addressed A above.

B.) I think whackjobs are terrorists, they are also crazy too. Also, I never said they had the same amount. I said each religion has some at the very least. Stop taking what I said out of context.

C.) I was pointing out that Pale doesn't know his facts since there is already a Shinto shrine 5 miles from PB. I had a idea that the shrine was built in the 1920s since I got my information from a article that detailed the history of said shrine that was 5 miles away.

You're a paranoid moron who needs to stop assuming and taking my statements out of context.

Hey Bert, let me explain something to you junior

I have a 158 IQ , three bachelor degrees, a masters degree and served as an officer in the Arkansas National Guard for 17 years, 22 years service total. Morons don't accomplish those things. The fact that you continue to call me a moron despite the obvious evidence that suggests that I am in fact anything BUT a moron is laughable. In ANY legitimate test of knowledge I would at minimum hold my own with any member on this board, and in fact just a cursory sampling of various posters posting on here bares out the fact that I am one of the more intelligent posters on here. The fact that a person disagrees with you does not make them a moron. Being a weaselly little lying partisan hack like yourself however, I don't expect you to comprehend what others see immediately.

That being said, on THIS particular subject matter I will bury your in facts and evidence, I imagine I have probably read at minimum 10 books for your every one on the subject of Islam.

Dude, I'm really not trying to get in the middle of you and mod's pissing contest. But did you really just post your (supposed) IQ as an argument?

No, I posted it to refute his claim that I am a moron. No other reason. I have never posted it before, and never will again.

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