Interesting argument against the Ground Zero Mosque

That is not what I did and even you understand that. Why do you feel the need to be so dishonest? I made a comment directly concerning shrines. You may as well say I compared Muslims to Koresh to because I mentioned his followers building a shrine as well.

Jesus Bert, be honest, you know that isn't what I said at all.

That's exactly what you did and you know it.

I'll even quote you from a few posts ago:

I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.

You're treating them as if they're the exact same thing. Pathetic.

Learn to read you simpleton. I CLEARLY was comparing the act of building a shrine, memorial, or what have you. I was clearly NOT comparing Muslims to Nazis. Can you not read English or are you just a partisan hack you can't even admit the simplest of truths?
That is not what I did and even you understand that. Why do you feel the need to be so dishonest? I made a comment directly concerning shrines. You may as well say I compared Muslims to Koresh to because I mentioned his followers building a shrine as well.

Jesus Bert, be honest, you know that isn't what I said at all.

That's exactly what you did and you know it.

I'll even quote you from a few posts ago:

I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.

You're treating them as if they're the exact same thing. Pathetic.
actually he didnt
he compared the shrines
Learn to read you simpleton. I CLEARLY was comparing the act of building a shrine, memorial, or what have you. I was clearly NOT comparing Muslims to Nazis. Can you not read English or are you just a partisan hack you can't even admit the simplest of truths?

Except in comparing them, you're making the assumption that Muslims as a majority agree with what took place on 9/11.
A) the fool has shown that he's not very good at learning lessons

B) I wouldn't hardly call this a local matter

C) Go whine about someone who wished for Rush and or Beck to die. fuck your hypocrisy you little bitch, Obama is a shitty president and can go to hell.

A.) So you have no idea whether he learned his lesson.

B.) Really? It's not the Federal Government deciding whether this thing gets built.

C.) Deflection. You just said it yet again, that's pathetic dude. I mean to wish such ill will upon another human being who has committed no crime against you is simply wrong.

As for me, when it comes to Glenn Beck, I may not agree with the guy very often but at least I have a heart dude.

Hope he'll be able to fight it and that he won't go blind.

A) Yes I have evidence based off past decisions by him that indicate he doesn't learn his lessons.

B) Who said it was, but clearly it is important to more people than just the residents of NYC making it not a local matter

C) I have a heart, I do not wish him an untimely demise. Go to hell is a pretty common expression that essentially means noshing fool. OF course you know that to, you just can't pass a chance to bust balls no matter how insignificant it is.
Learn to read you simpleton. I CLEARLY was comparing the act of building a shrine, memorial, or what have you. I was clearly NOT comparing Muslims to Nazis. Can you not read English or are you just a partisan hack you can't even admit the simplest of truths?

Except in comparing them, you're making the assumption that Muslims as a majority agree with what took place on 9/11.

Again Bert, learn to read. That isn't what I said at all. You dishonest little piece of shit.
That is not what I did and even you understand that. Why do you feel the need to be so dishonest? I made a comment directly concerning shrines. You may as well say I compared Muslims to Koresh to because I mentioned his followers building a shrine as well.

Jesus Bert, be honest, you know that isn't what I said at all.

That's exactly what you did and you know it.

I'll even quote you from a few posts ago:

I compared one group building a shrine next to an atrocity committed by members of their group to another group doing the same thing. Simpleton.

You're treating them as if they're the exact same thing. Pathetic.
actually he didnt
he compared the shrines

Modbert is a lying ass licking liberal that has NEVER made a post about any of his own no matter how far off the center line they are. He routinely misquotes and misinterprets what was said. I believe he does it on purpose.
A) Yes I have evidence based off past decisions by him that indicate he doesn't learn his lessons.

B) Who said it was, but clearly it is important to more people than just the residents of NYC making it not a local matter

C) I have a heart, I do not wish him an untimely demise. Go to hell is a pretty common expression that essentially means noshing fool. OF course you know that to, you just can't pass a chance to bust balls no matter how insignificant it is.

A.) And I have evidence that he does.

B.) Sure, and so was the Harvard incident by your own logic then.

C.) For someone who considers himself religious, telling someone you wish they rot in hell is pretty serious.
Modbert is a lying ass licking liberal that has NEVER made a post about any of his own no matter how far off the center line they are. He routinely misquotes and misinterprets what was said. I believe he does it on purpose.

A "lying ass licking Liberal"? One of those three are right, and it's not the lying or ass licking. Question is, why would you throw in ass licking as a insult?

And I don't have a "own". What am I? A mother hen? :eusa_eh:

I've criticized those on the left when I disagree with them, so I don't see the point you're making.

Also, it's pretty much impossible to misquote on here with the quote feature right there to check the original comment. So, yeah, someone is certainly angry tonight.
A) Yes I have evidence based off past decisions by him that indicate he doesn't learn his lessons.

B) Who said it was, but clearly it is important to more people than just the residents of NYC making it not a local matter

C) I have a heart, I do not wish him an untimely demise. Go to hell is a pretty common expression that essentially means noshing fool. OF course you know that to, you just can't pass a chance to bust balls no matter how insignificant it is.

A.) And I have evidence that he does.

B.) Sure, and so was the Harvard incident by your own logic then.

C.) For someone who considers himself religious, telling someone you wish they rot in hell is pretty serious.

A) You have zero evidence that Obama has any qualities one would wish to see in a good leader, including the abiliity to learn from mistakes, here's a hint, in order to learn from mistakes you have to be willing to admit you've made them in the first place, you might want to consider that bit of advice for yourself.

B) I didn't say the Harvard incident was a local matter, but since you asked, it was until the President stuck his big ears in it.

C) I actually don't claim to be very religious. In fact I have admitted to being a bad Christian on several occasions. But by your standard, I have seen you claom to be a Christian as well and exhibit bad behavior, guess that just means we're all human huh? Too bad you don't have the balls to admit to being wrong EVER.
Modbert is a lying ass licking liberal that has NEVER made a post about any of his own no matter how far off the center line they are. He routinely misquotes and misinterprets what was said. I believe he does it on purpose.

A "lying ass licking Liberal"? One of those three are right, and it's not the lying or ass licking. Question is, why would you throw in ass licking as a insult?

And I don't have a "own". What am I? A mother hen? :eusa_eh:

I've criticized those on the left when I disagree with them, so I don't see the point you're making.

Also, it's pretty much impossible to misquote on here with the quote feature right there to check the original comment. So, yeah, someone is certainly angry tonight.

Ya you have never cropped quotes, you are a liar. Pretty simple concept. Ohh and go ahead and link us to a couple threads where you ever bad mouthed a liberal.
That's exactly what you did and you know it.

I'll even quote you from a few posts ago:

You're treating them as if they're the exact same thing. Pathetic.
actually he didnt
he compared the shrines

Modbert is a lying ass licking liberal that has NEVER made a post about any of his own no matter how far off the center line they are. He routinely misquotes and misinterprets what was said. I believe he does it on purpose.

BUT BUT BUT Bert is smart, and brave, and honest, and fair, and beloved by all, and oh yeah, the fact that he's 20 in noway means he means he knows less than someone older than him, in fact he's the first 20 year old ever to make that claim, and thus will be the first 20 year old to ever disprove the theory that with age comes wisdom.
A) You have zero evidence that Obama has any qualities one would wish to see in a good leader, including the abiliity to learn from mistakes, here's a hint, in order to learn from mistakes you have to be willing to admit you've made them in the first place, you might want to consider that bit of advice for yourself.

B) I didn't say the Harvard incident was a local matter, but since you asked, it was until the President stuck his big ears in it.

C) I actually don't claim to be very religious. In fact I have admitted to being a bad Christian on several occasions. But by your standard, I have seen you claom to be a Christian as well and exhibit bad behavior, guess that just means we're all human huh? Too bad you don't have the balls to admit to being wrong EVER.

A.) That's not true. One quality we all like to see in a good leader is not getting the people he's leading all killed. He hasn't done that. :)

B.) The better to hear you with.

C.) I've admitted to being wrong or mistaken here on more than a few occasions. So I don't see the point of whining about me supposedly not doing so. Heck, just earlier I told Dive that I should of worded my earlier comments better and that was my mistake. So I don't know where you're going with this.
Modbert is a lying ass licking liberal that has NEVER made a post about any of his own no matter how far off the center line they are. He routinely misquotes and misinterprets what was said. I believe he does it on purpose.

A "lying ass licking Liberal"? One of those three are right, and it's not the lying or ass licking. Question is, why would you throw in ass licking as a insult?

And I don't have a "own". What am I? A mother hen? :eusa_eh:

I've criticized those on the left when I disagree with them, so I don't see the point you're making.

Also, it's pretty much impossible to misquote on here with the quote feature right there to check the original comment. So, yeah, someone is certainly angry tonight.

Ya you have never cropped quotes, you are a liar. Pretty simple concept. Ohh and go ahead and link us to a couple threads where you ever bad mouthed a liberal.
NOW NOW just the other day Art posted that he would be glad to hear that Yurt passed away and Bertrude said, and I quite "I disagree with what Art said" LOL meanwhile he blasted me for an hour over calling Chelsea Clinton a cottage cheese cow.
A) You have zero evidence that Obama has any qualities one would wish to see in a good leader, including the abiliity to learn from mistakes, here's a hint, in order to learn from mistakes you have to be willing to admit you've made them in the first place, you might want to consider that bit of advice for yourself.

B) I didn't say the Harvard incident was a local matter, but since you asked, it was until the President stuck his big ears in it.

C) I actually don't claim to be very religious. In fact I have admitted to being a bad Christian on several occasions. But by your standard, I have seen you claom to be a Christian as well and exhibit bad behavior, guess that just means we're all human huh? Too bad you don't have the balls to admit to being wrong EVER.

A.) That's not true. One quality we all like to see in a good leader is not getting the people he's leading all killed. He hasn't done that. :)

B.) The better to hear you with.

C.) I've admitted to being wrong or mistaken here on more than a few occasions. So I don't see the point of whining about me supposedly not doing so. Heck, just earlier I told Dive that I should of worded my earlier comments better and that was my mistake. So I don't know where you're going with this.

A) sp you're claim is what? That no one has been killed with Obama as President, or that as long as everyone doesn't die he's doing good? If its the first, that's obviously it's a lie, if it's the second than you admit that BUsh did a good job because obviously we are not all dead

B) Nonsense

C) No, you tried to back pedal your way out of something once you realized how stupid it sounded.
Ya you have never cropped quotes, you are a liar. Pretty simple concept. Ohh and go ahead and link us to a couple threads where you ever bad mouthed a liberal.

You mean those so called cropped quotes which are one click away from their original full context? I don't see how cropping quotes when responding to one point in a large post makes one a liar. But hey, whatever. :eusa_eh:

As for linking you to some threads, what do I look like, google? Do your own work. By going to look for links, that would be admitting you have a point when in fact you don't. :thup:
A) sp you're claim is what? That no one has been killed with Obama as President, or that as long as everyone doesn't die he's doing good? If its the first, that's obviously it's a lie, if it's the second than you admit that BUsh did a good job because obviously we are not all dead

C) No, you tried to back pedal your way out of something once you realized how stupid it sounded.

A.) Would you not say a trait of a good leader is not getting everyone he's leading killed? I never said Bush did a good job as President either. You said:

You have zero evidence that Obama has any qualities one would wish to see in a good leader

I said a good leader is one who doesn't get everyone he's leading killed. I do believe people would wish to see such a trait in a good leader. Therefore, he has at least one trait that makes him a good leader thus far and proving you wrong. :)

C.) Let me think about your version of the events, hmm, nope. I think I'm pretty sure it went the way I said. Again, I've been on here almost two years. I've had this discussion more times than I care to count. When you been here more than two months, maybe you could actually talk. :thup:
Ya you have never cropped quotes, you are a liar. Pretty simple concept. Ohh and go ahead and link us to a couple threads where you ever bad mouthed a liberal.

You mean those so called cropped quotes which are one click away from their original full context? I don't see how cropping quotes when responding to one point in a large post makes one a liar. But hey, whatever. :eusa_eh:

As for linking you to some threads, what do I look like, google? Do your own work. By going to look for links, that would be admitting you have a point when in fact you don't. :eusa_thup:

You are a lying, hypocritical, piece of shit punk little boy. You try so hard to be a man, but you just can't do it. Here's how you do it, grab a ruck and a weapon and stand a post junior. Or sit in your college dorm room claiming to know as much as your superiors and call them morons when they school your ass.
Ya you have never cropped quotes, you are a liar. Pretty simple concept. Ohh and go ahead and link us to a couple threads where you ever bad mouthed a liberal.

You mean those so called cropped quotes which are one click away from their original full context? I don't see how cropping quotes when responding to one point in a large post makes one a liar. But hey, whatever. :eusa_eh:

As for linking you to some threads, what do I look like, google? Do your own work. By going to look for links, that would be admitting you have a point when in fact you don't. :thup:
you mean like when i pointed out you couldnt have been in middle school for 8 years ;)

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