Interesting article on guns in Japan

Japanese people have very laid back and calm personalities. They are also highly educated which results in lower crime rates.

We don't have highly educated people and we definitely do not have low crime rates.

They surrender more rights to the government and have a collectivist mindset...that is how they keep their crime rate low...they also do not have large minority populations that have different cultures and values from the main stream Japanese.

Lets move the population of inner city Detroit or Chicago to Japan and see what the crime rate will be. Even with the strict gun control laws there will be a 1,000 gun murders in the first year, if not a lot more.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

But, how can that be, gun lovers insist moral virtue is instilled by gun loving, not social polices.

Well....I don't know anyone who says moral virtue is instilled by loving guns...or anyone who loves guns......

Do you understand the level of outright racism, misogyny and the nationalism you morons say you hate is actually fully embraced by the Japanese people......?

Are you this dumb in real life, or just when you post on topics you know nothing about?
Japanese people have very laid back and calm personalities. They are also highly educated which results in lower crime rates.

We don't have highly educated people and we definitely do not have low crime rates.

They surrender more rights to the government and have a collectivist mindset...that is how they keep their crime rate low...they also do not have large minority populations that have different cultures and values from the main stream Japanese.

Lets move the population of inner city Detroit or Chicago to Japan and see what the crime rate will be. Even with the strict gun control laws there will be a 1,000 gun murders in the first year, if not a lot more.

Our not gun murder rate and our regular crime rate is way higher than all of their crime...their collective system of values....shaming of wrong doers, and surrender of civil liberties as well as the police powers and abuses our civil right twits would fain over, is how they keep their crime rate low........try to protest police there...see what happens lefties...
Another Gun Grabber Apples & Oranges folly. You wanna live in Japan, go for it. I won't stop you. I don't get why so many Americans stay in a country they hate so much? I mean if you hate America, just leave. It's not for everyone.

America's a tough country. It always has been. It's not a place for the weak and whiny. If you can't make it here, you should leave. What made our country stand out and become exceptional, was the fact only the tough survived. It's why we rose to the top of the food chain. So if you wanna be weak and whiny, you should consider leaving America. It's just not for you. Bon Voyage.
All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate per million people

Japan simply has low crime. Has nothing to do with guns.

They still have crime, but at the rate of 4 per million population.

They are 7th lowest in the world.

Monaco and Palau are the lowest in the world with virtually no crime.

The top most violent 98 countries in the world already make guns illegal and it has not changed anything there.

The USA is 99th. We are about in the middle -- the median.

Switzerland has MORE guns per capita than the USA and it is among the LOWEST crime rates -- 182nd .

And most US crime is committed in states like Calif and NYS which already limit or prohibit guns.

So your thinking on this is a fallacy. No logic to your thinking and rhetoric at all.

Loser !!
As you should know, the stains don't use facts. They just crap all the time and hope it sticks to something besides their panties.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

Y'all are constantly frothing yourselves over this. Why not move on over to that paradise then?

I know, they're such bullshitter cowards. They never leave. Spending a fun-filled Vacation in Japan, is far different than living in Japan. But they're dumb Democrats. So they don't know the difference.
The stains logic:

How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

So, why are they all throwing themselves off rooftops and having sex with rubber loli dolls?

Why do you not live there?

A) They have a certain mentality for suicide. But then again people kill themselves all over. Certainly it's not the worst country for suicides. 17th according to the WHO.

List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia

18.5 suicides per 100,000.

The US is 12.1, so there's a difference, but nothing like the difference in murders.

Maybe I do live there. You don't know, do you?
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.
What about crime in general?

Whether crime is committed with guns, knives, baseball bats, hammers, or screwdrivers is not really relevant.

Crime is still crime.

Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.
What about crime in general?

Whether crime is committed with guns, knives, baseball bats, hammers, or screwdrivers is not really relevant.

Crime is still crime.

Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

Many people who simply don't go looking for reality.

Some of the highest crime rates in the world are in pretty homogeneous populations.

The highest rate is Honduras. 90% mestizo. Go figure.
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.
What about crime in general?

Whether crime is committed with guns, knives, baseball bats, hammers, or screwdrivers is not really relevant.

Crime is still crime.

Would you rather face done a gun, or anyone of the items you listed? Me, I'd take my chances with the latter, the former gives one no chance.

If you have your own gun you have even better odds, especially considering most criminals will run away or surrender when faced with an armed civilian.
They also have an extremely homogeneous population. Many suspect this has much to do with low crime rates in Japan.

It is their attitudes toward authority, and their use of collective guilt to shame people into conforming....
How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime - BBC News

Ever been to Japan? I have, much safer, nice country. Why? Well maybe because they actually give a damn about their people and their country.

So, why are they all throwing themselves off rooftops and having sex with rubber loli dolls?

Why do you not live there?

A) They have a certain mentality for suicide. But then again people kill themselves all over. Certainly it's not the worst country for suicides. 17th according to the WHO.

List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia

18.5 suicides per 100,000.

The US is 12.1, so there's a difference, but nothing like the difference in murders.

Maybe I do live there. You don't know, do you? failed to point out how many strict gun control countries have higher suicide rates than we do...South Korea, France, Japan..........Belgium, Finland, Iceland....European countries.....and this is the Wikipedia list....
The Japanese don't have racial strife, they are all...Japanese. The Japanese have been taught from infancy to obey and respect authority. God bless'em but it ain't Chicago.
Japan is racist, nationalist....super nationalist, and misogynist in ways that would make American left wingers faint.....
Racism in Japan is at about the 1950s America level...and they don't care to fix it....

Japan's Problem With Race

There are, however, notable exceptions. Japan, a pillar of technological development and progress, has yet to address race as a pressing national issue. The racial discrimination that exists in Japan is reminiscent of the segregation-based atmosphere of 1950s America, posing a hostile environment for those of non-Japanese origin.

Japan’s treatment of non-black minorities reflects additional deeply ingrained racist tendencies. In 2013, a group of nationalists led protests expressing their hatred of Koreans and threatened to flatten Tokyo’s Koreatown and replace it with a gas chamber. “Go home and die,” some of the demonstrators yelled. Authorities were aware of the threats, but because Japan does not prohibit hate speech, the discriminatory actions continued unabated.

Although cases of extreme racism exist globally, Japan is notable for its lack of dialogue about racism and the absence of meaningful change to protect people against discrimination. Japan sees itself as a homogenous nation. It has one of the least ethnically diverse populations in the world, and the country’s overwhelming homogeneity means that any Japanese citizens who are not 100 percent ethnically Japanese are seen as foreign in their own homeland.

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