Interesting factoid about EC winners who lost the popular vote....

a dem repub would mean the people vote on the laws,

A democratic republic is a republic where democratic process is observed. In our case, we democratically choose our representatives.
the states do, but the fed gov is as I stated,
we are a rep repub that uses a democratic system to vote for reps not to vote for laws,
if the people voted for laws then we would be a dem repub

people confuse the two far to often
the states do, but the fed gov is as I stated,
Which was false, as we democratically choose our federal legislators.

Sorry dude, you're just wrong, not much else I can say.
why did you ignore the rest I said???
Because it is irrelevant, and I have said all I needed to say . No amount of equivication on your part is going to suddenly make you correct.

reality is what makes it correct

I should have added in that the EC is also another example of being a rep repub,,,a pop vote would make us a dem repub
the states do, but the fed gov is as I stated,
Which was false, as we democratically choose our federal legislators.

Sorry dude, you're just wrong, not much else I can say.
why did you ignore the rest I said???
Because it is irrelevant, and I have said all I needed to say . No amount of equivication on your part is going to suddenly make you correct.

reality is what makes it correct

I should have added in that the EC is also another example of being a rep repub,,,a pop vote would make us a dem repub
Wrong again, the president is not a representative. He is chief executive.

Sorry guys,but you're both wrong, obviously and clearly.
Only State representatives are directly elected.
Fascinating, congresspeople will be very interested to hear your little fantasy. Or not.

Note to the clueless, Congress people as you put it, are State representatives. They are elected by the people of their districts or State in the case of Senators.

the states no longer elect the senators the people do,,,they fcked that one up

and the states elect POTUS not the people
the states do, but the fed gov is as I stated,
Which was false, as we democratically choose our federal legislators.

Sorry dude, you're just wrong, not much else I can say.
why did you ignore the rest I said???
Because it is irrelevant, and I have said all I needed to say . No amount of equivication on your part is going to suddenly make you correct.

reality is what makes it correct

I should have added in that the EC is also another example of being a rep repub,,,a pop vote would make us a dem repub
Wrong again, the president is not a representative. He is chief executive.

Sorry guys,but you're both wrong, obviously and clearly.
who said potus was a rep??? I said the states elect POTUS not the people and thats another reason we are a rep repub not a dem repub
Only State representatives are directly elected.
Fascinating, congresspeople will be very interested to hear your little fantasy. Or not.

Note to the clueless, Congress people as you put it, are State representatives. They are elected by the people of their districts or State in the case of Senators.

the states no longer elect the senators the people do,,,they fcked that one up

and the states elect POTUS not the people

I agree they fucked up on that one, but the people of the States elect their senators. Otherwise I would have said they were appointed by state legislators, the way it was intended to be.

The qualifications to be President of the United States is in the Constitution. Nowhere do I recall it saying the requirements are the nominee must meet liberal approval.
Trump also generally does not meet conservative approval. Just you and the other 30 million cultists approve.

He didn't need conservative approval either. He's born in the country and is well past the minimum age to be a President. That's all that's required. Our founders never really wanted politics to be a profession. It was more of a duty to your country the way Trump is looking at it. Trump had a much better life outside the White House. In fact he has donated every paycheck since taking office. It's a step down in life for him but he felt compelled to make changes and serve his country. Even after leaving, he will have to be escorted by SS everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......
Only way Republicans can win today

True, my friend,................but in a few years when the old, racist farts in Texas die out AND the hispanic /Latino population gains the majority......
Without TX the repubs will only see the oval office as tourists.....maybe......LOL

Which is the Democrat plan: to wipe out the white race. After they do that, we will be a single-party government followed by Socialism and quickly Communism. What we are witnessing is the end of the Great Experiment.
Which is the Democrat plan: to wipe out the white race. After they do that, we will be a single-party government followed by Socialism and quickly Communism. What we are witnessing is the end of the Great Experiment.

What about the part of Papa Bear complaining about someone eating his porridge???

MORON.....most democrats ARE whites......just not sick in the head like you.
He didn't need conservative approval either.
Yes, thank you, I know. he is President. What's next..... are you going to tell me water is wet?

But it is still worth noting that the electoral college does not provide the protection it was partially designed to protect, and can, in fact cause the opposite result: a president like Trump.
He didn't need conservative approval either.
Yes, thank you, I know. he is President. What's next..... are you going to tell me water is wet?

But it is still worth noting that the electoral college does not provide the protection it was partially designed to protect, and can, in fact cause the opposite result: a president like Trump.

Protect from what? He's doing a great job; a better job than the last two Presidents combined. We haven't had an economy with this low of unemployment in 49 years. So obviously the Electoral College got it right.

Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's unfit for the job. I hated that big-eared Commie. But that doesn't mean he should not have been President.
Protect from what? He's doing a great job; a better job than the last two Presidents combined. We haven't had an economy with this low of unemployment in 49 years. So obviously the Electoral College got it right.

Eben a fucking moron you.....should understand that Obama inherited an unemployment rate of OVER 10.2%..........Obama lowered it to 4.7% and your orange lard asshole has managed to NOT interfere with the progression and the rate is down to 3.9%

Ask a 10 year old to explain those facts to you.
Which is the Democrat plan: to wipe out the white race. After they do that, we will be a single-party government followed by Socialism and quickly Communism. What we are witnessing is the end of the Great Experiment.

What about the part of Papa Bear complaining about someone eating his porridge???

MORON.....most democrats ARE whites......just not sick in the head like you.

So they are white. What does that have to do with what I said? A Democrat would sell his soul to the devil for power. They could care less about anybody but themselves. It's always been that way.

Try thinking about this:

Why would a wall be such a threat they'd be willing to shutdown the government over it?

Why did the Democrat Senate stop Kate's Law; a law that would have imprisoned foreign criminals for five years that returned after deportation?

Why are they fighting so hard to keep their sanctuary cities, and now sanctuary states?

Why would they not want to have their law enforcement work with their federal brothers to rid our country of criminal illegals?

Don't you see? They want these people here. The more the better. Why? Because these people are going to give them total power of our federal government. They don't care how many Americans are murdered by these animals, they don't care how many Americans die from drug overdoses, they don't care about people taking jobs from Americans, they don't care about wages not going up because of them either.

5.8 billion dollars is less than one-tenth of what we spend on the food stamp program for one year. It's not the money that's an issue, it's the very idea a wall will stop their long-term plans.

Better wake up and note who the man is behind the curtain.

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