Interesting factoid about EC winners who lost the popular vote....

There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

What were Clintons's numbers....?

39 million against a total vote of over 100 million ?

Explain this again ?
Now, morons like you are totally against raising the minimum wage because that would "hurt" rich republican donors.
So you want the person at McDonald's who can't get your order right in the drive-thru to be paid $15 per hour?

The reality is that if that person isn't paid a living wage that person goes on public assistance.

So we can have the employee be paid a living wage or we can increase our taxes to pay for all the public assistance they need to survive.

While the CEOs, executives and stockholders make millions a year.

You have a problem with the wrong people. The people who need to not be paid more are the CEOs, executives and stockholders. They're just fine.

I personally don't want to pay those CEOS, executives and stockholders those millions a year. I prefer to pay that worker that 15 dollars an hour. They actually work for a living, they spend their earnings in our community thus supporting our economy. You just can't say that about those CEOs, executives and stockholders. They've parked their money off shore to avoid paying the small percentage of taxes our government imposes on them.

Do you seriously think they would leave the thresholds for assistance where they are today in the minimum wage was increased? You really are delusional.

at the federal level that doesnt matter since the feds dont have legal authority to be involved

When has that ever stopped them or the courts?

now you dont have to wonder why I despise both partys
Funny how you seem to forget JFK won the EC and not the popular vote either

In the national popular vote, Kennedy beat Nixon by less than two tenths of one percentage point (0.17%). In the Electoral College, Kennedy's victory was larger, as he took 303 electoral votes to Nixon's 219

No, that is a lie promoted by the asshats at wikipedia. I referenced that in my post silly boy. I posted the actual facts, which yet again, you choose to ignore.
So you want the person at McDonald's who can't get your order right in the drive-thru to be paid $15 per hour?

The reality is that if that person isn't paid a living wage that person goes on public assistance.

So we can have the employee be paid a living wage or we can increase our taxes to pay for all the public assistance they need to survive.

While the CEOs, executives and stockholders make millions a year.

You have a problem with the wrong people. The people who need to not be paid more are the CEOs, executives and stockholders. They're just fine.

I personally don't want to pay those CEOS, executives and stockholders those millions a year. I prefer to pay that worker that 15 dollars an hour. They actually work for a living, they spend their earnings in our community thus supporting our economy. You just can't say that about those CEOs, executives and stockholders. They've parked their money off shore to avoid paying the small percentage of taxes our government imposes on them.

Do you seriously think they would leave the thresholds for assistance where they are today in the minimum wage was increased? You really are delusional.

at the federal level that doesnt matter since the feds dont have legal authority to be involved

When has that ever stopped them or the courts?

now you dont have to wonder why I despise both partys

Yep, but we're stuck with the lesser of the evils.

Yep, it's always the systems fault, they never take responsibility for their shitty policies.

The above from someone who bitches about the special counsel and other investigations......too many "liberal" judges and "liberal" professors....LMAO
this is the commentary you get from people that dont understand our system,,,

POTUS is elected by the states not the people

dont like it then move to russia or another of those democracy countrys
How was the electoral college electors picked when we began as a Nation?
the same way its done today
Nope! Hint! We, or the States, didn't even have a popular vote for president back then.... which the States use now to put in our electors... there was no ''winner takes all electors'' within the states in the beginning either.... they sent their state's allotted electors to the electoral college, proportionately by the way their citizens voted for their State electors... not the winner takes all it is today!

You should research it! Find out for yourself! Otherwise, you will continue to post meaningless stuff like in your previous posts, that are full of holes and lack true understanding of our electoral college, as our founders first created it... it got changed by the parties within the states later, so to manipulate the electoral college to never give a third party candidate, any electors in the electoral college....

As example, Ralph Nader as a third party candidate got around 20% of the people's vote, but not a single itty bitty elector's vote, in the electoral college vote...!!!

the 2 party system operatives/legislatures within the states made this change, not the founders, to protect the 2 parties at the top, from having any competition from third parties as just one of their reasons.... yet the founders wanted an elector to be free to choose who they believed would be the best president, with no party affiliation, like our congressmen had political motives for their votes on president and our senators had political motives on who they would choose...

so the founders who originally were going to give each state congressmen a vote, and each state senators a vote for president, the founders worried about these critters voting for who was best politically for themselves and their party, instead of who would actually be the best President, for the whole country.

Their solution, was to give each state, one elector for every congressman their state was allotted and one elector, for each of their two state's senators...

the citizens then voted on the non politico electors, picked from the public sector, not involved in party politics to freely make the wisest decision they could make to choose who they wanted as president...

there is so much more on it and the changes.... it's interesting because it shows how our system has become, exactly what our founders in the beginning, Did Not Want!!! :eek:
Yep, it's always the systems fault, they never take responsibility for their shitty policies.

The above from someone who bitches about the special counsel and other investigations......too many "liberal" judges and "liberal" professors....LMAO

Still trying to deflect form your shitty policies costing the EC I see. Any more topics you want to derail to? LMAO

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There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......
Only way Republicans can win today

True, my friend,................but in a few years when the old, racist farts in Texas die out AND the hispanic /Latino population gains the majority......
Without TX the repubs will only see the oval office as tourists.....maybe......LOL
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......

Without, PA, MI and WI....the orange clown would NEVER have won the EC.....

How many Trumpsters on here "think" that Trump could ever win those 3 above states again AFTER he has shown what an asshile he is in the last 2 years?
The qualifications to be President of the United States is in the Constitution. Nowhere do I recall it saying the requirements are the nominee must meet liberal approval.
Trump also generally does not meet conservative approval. Just you and the other 30 million cultists approve.
There have been only FOUR presidents who LOST the popular vote but managed to WIN based on the Electoral College decision.......Bear in mind that we are the ONLY representative republic/democracy who utilize the decision of the EC.

Want to guess which party the FOUR electoral college presidents belonged in?

Benjamin Harrison
Rutherford Hayes
George W. Bush
The Donald......
Without looking, can you name the President who lost both the popular vote and the EC?
wouldnt losing both the pop and EC vote mean they didnt win and therefor not be president???

Nope, if the EC can't reach a majority, it goes to the House of Representatives to settle it.


Yup. Actually, Hayes is the only election that has ever been sent to the House, if I remember correctly. He became President because the Representatives cut a deal with him that he would remove troops occupying the South.

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