Interesting post fom another board...

Liberals feeling good about themselves is all that matters.

Acually, cool guy, it's far more usually cons who are are convinced of "silver bullets" that require ever more fossil fuels to produce... Every time I see a thread about "who killed the electric car," it's written by a con who wants to try and blame liberals for stifling progress.

I've been saying for 10 years that electric cars were never going to work. Never. So much for your theory. :clap2:

Yeah, not really. It's the left that's hoping for the Magic Energy that's non-polluting, renewable, and cheap, and wants to hamstring current energy sources before the Magic Energy is found.
yes, diesel-electric
been around for YEARS
diesel engine powers a turbine for electric motors

wait.... turinging potential energy (diesel) to heat and what not into mechanical energy (driving the turbine) into electric energy into mechanical energy (powering the train)?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to hook the turbine up to the drive train or whatever it's called in a train? Aren't you losing energy by having the motor there?
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"... no to the 'More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned' thing." That statement is incorrect.

It depends. If not all the power generated is being used, it holds true so long as the total power used does not surpass that generated and successfully transferred to the point o use
If more power is generated than is used, where does it go?

A lot of it is heat. Excess electricity might be stored temporarily, else it would have to be discharged somewhere along the way. Conservation of energy.
yes, diesel-electric
been around for YEARS
diesel engine powers a turbine for electric motors

wait.... turinging potential energy (diesel) to heat and what not into mechanical energy (driving the turbine) into electric energy into mechanical energy (powering the train)?

Wouldn't it be more efficient to hook the turbine up to the drive train or whatever it's called in a train? Aren't you losing energy by having the motor there?
maybe i used the wrong term, but the turbine i mean is direct drive from the diesel to generate electricity
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?

You're so full of shit you can't see straight.

First, go tell it to the gays. I'm sure they will clue you in on how conservatives have supported leaving them alone.

Second, how have you been threatened with jail time?

Here is a typical right wing response on the government. Could it possibly be any more pathetic?

[ame=]YouTube - Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid[/ame]

You have to get past the Republican talking points and learn to think for yourself. Our government is NOT a foreign government. It's made up of our neighbors who we elect into office.

"Good fences make good neighbors" unknown

Neighbors do best when they are polite to each other and give each other privacy. Libs do neither. Politicians would do better if they remembered that as well (including our southern border).

"The gays" are the ones that wanted to "indoctrinate" children into their lifestyle against the parents wishes. Look at Montana... teaching (in public schools) 'sex-ed' that would be considered child pornography if we taught our own children those perverse things in our own homes. "The gays" are the ones that wanted to get in people's faces, and then went crying to the 'government' to "force" their lifestyle on the rest of the citizens (neighbors, if you prefer).

Don't start your tears... 'cause you are not right on this and you are not right on electric cars (they are not the ultimate answer), they can help a limited portion of car owners, but they are not the 'beat-all' solution. Many of us do not live within walking distance of anything (we prefer few neighbors that are polite with fences), and need vehicles to pay our taxes (from our labor).
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?

GOP Senate nominee Carly Fiorina, while a CEO, sent 18,000 jobs to China. They recently had their salaries doubled to 73 dollars a week. Is this what you call "fair and competitive"? Just asking. Do you think Americans should be making 72 dollars a week to compete?

The libs are supporting 'undocumented workers', many that work for less than above, and are easily forced into slave labor (in some of the wealthy politician homes). Our 'lib' politicians 'force' a minimum wage for 'citizens'. It has caused a recession, disagreement with neighbors and violent people that would hurt 'citizens' to be allowed in this country. Is this what you want for this country?
Yeah, not really. It's the left that's hoping for the Magic Energy that's non-polluting, renewable, and cheap, and wants to hamstring current energy sources before the Magic Energy is found.

Yeah, quite "really."

The only "magic energy" hopefulness emanates from cons like yourself who are convinced there is ever more oil, despite the fact that Big Oil, the IEA, the Pentagon, the EIA and our own Dept. of Energy all have no idea where the oil is going to come from, despite decades of seismology exploration.

"Hamstring current energy sources." ... that's some ironic goodness.

You don't have a clue.
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Yeah, not really. It's the left that's hoping for the Magic Energy that's non-polluting, renewable, and cheap, and wants to hamstring current energy sources before the Magic Energy is found.

Yeah, quite "really."

The only "magic energy" hopefulness emanates from cons like yourself who are convinced there is ever more oil, despite the fact that Big Oil, the IEA, the Pentagon, the EIA and our own Dept. of Energy all have no idea where the oil is going to come from, despite decades of seismology exploration.

"Hamstring current energy sources." ... that's some ironic goodness.

You don't have a clue.
no, it's no him that doesnt have a clue
go look in the mirror
you might actually find a clue
It depends. If not all the power generated is being used, it holds true so long as the total power used does not surpass that generated and successfully transferred to the point o use
If more power is generated than is used, where does it go?

A lot of it is heat. Excess electricity might be stored temporarily, else it would have to be discharged somewhere along the way. Conservation of energy.
What is "excess" electricity? And how and where might it be stored?
Yeah, not really. It's the left that's hoping for the Magic Energy that's non-polluting, renewable, and cheap, and wants to hamstring current energy sources before the Magic Energy is found.

Yeah, quite "really."

The only "magic energy" hopefulness emanates from cons like yourself who are convinced there is ever more oil, despite the fact that Big Oil, the IEA, the Pentagon, the EIA and our own Dept. of Energy all have no idea where the oil is going to come from, despite decades of seismology exploration.

"Hamstring current energy sources." ... that's some ironic goodness.

You don't have a clue.
Let's see: The left doesn't want to drill for oil, ties up new nuke plant permits in court for decades, wants to slap punishing and prohibitive fines on the coal industry, all the while without an alternative source that will scale up to replace even a tiny fraction of the energy production they want to shut down.

Yeah, looks like I'm right.
If more power is generated than is used, where does it go?

A lot of it is heat. Excess electricity might be stored temporarily, else it would have to be discharged somewhere along the way. Conservation of energy.
What is "excess" electricity? And how and where might it be stored?

Excess electricity would be any electricity generated that's not used.

Where can electrical energy be stored? Really?
A lot of it is heat. Excess electricity might be stored temporarily, else it would have to be discharged somewhere along the way. Conservation of energy.
What is "excess" electricity? And how and where might it be stored?

Excess electricity would be any electricity generated that's not used.
I think you have only a rudimentary and inaccurate understanding of electrical power production.

Not one single ampere comes out of a power plant that isn't demanded by the plant itself, the grid, or losses in the grid. If there is no demand, there is no power generated to meet that demand.

It's possible you're thinking of excess capacity. If a 10MW plant is loaded at 50%, there is 5MW of excess capacity. That does not mean there is 5MW of electricity being stored somewhere, or converted to heat at the plant. It's simply not being created. Half as much fuel is being burned as when the plant is operating at 100%.

Where can electrical energy be stored? Really?
Yes, really. Where and how would a power plant store electricity?
What is "excess" electricity? And how and where might it be stored?

Excess electricity would be any electricity generated that's not used.
I think you have only a rudimentary and inaccurate understanding of electrical power production.

Not one single ampere comes out of a power plant that isn't demanded by the plant itself, the grid, or losses in the grid. If there is no demand, there is no power generated to meet that demand.

It's possible you're thinking of excess capacity. If a 10MW plant is loaded at 50%, there is 5MW of excess capacity. That does not mean there is 5MW of electricity being stored somewhere, or converted to heat at the plant. It's simply not being created. Half as much fuel is being burned as when the plant is operating at 100%.

Where can electrical energy be stored? Really?
Yes, really. Where and how would a power plant store electricity?
Excess electricity would be any electricity generated that's not used.
I think you have only a rudimentary and inaccurate understanding of electrical power production.

Not one single ampere comes out of a power plant that isn't demanded by the plant itself, the grid, or losses in the grid. If there is no demand, there is no power generated to meet that demand.

It's possible you're thinking of excess capacity. If a 10MW plant is loaded at 50%, there is 5MW of excess capacity. That does not mean there is 5MW of electricity being stored somewhere, or converted to heat at the plant. It's simply not being created. Half as much fuel is being burned as when the plant is operating at 100%.

Where can electrical energy be stored? Really?
Yes, really. Where and how would a power plant store electricity?
It's been done.
Not one single ampere comes out of a power plant that isn't demanded by the plant itself, the grid, or losses in the grid. If there is no demand, there is no power generated to meet that demand.

Lights are turned on and off constantly; true demand is always varying. To prevent brownouts, they must produce towards the high-end of expected demand. When that demand diminishes enough to justify lowering production, there will necessarily be a delay.

If an increase in demand is small enough to fall within this window of excess production designed to ensure grid security (eg: when I turn on my light), it will not necessitate increased production at the plant because it was already anticipated and/or is compensated for my the inherit inefficiencies that necessitate producing more energy than is actually needed most of the time in order to prevent the brownouts that would result from trying to produce only what is absolutely needed.

It's a relatively small window, but it's there.
Yes, really. Where and how would a power plant store electricity?

Grid energy storage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lights are turned on and off constantly; true demand is always varying. To prevent brownouts, they must produce towards the high-end of expected demand. When that demand diminishes enough to justify lowering production, there will necessarily be a delay.

If an increase in demand is small enough to fall within this window of excess production designed to ensure grid security (eg: when I turn on my light), it will not necessitate increased production at the plant because it was already anticipated and/or is compensated for my the inherit inefficiencies that necessitate producing more energy than is actually needed most of the time in order to prevent the brownouts that would result from trying to produce only what is absolutely needed.

It's a relatively small window, but it's there.
There can be no excess in production without the power going somewhere. And if it's not going to the grid, it's not going anywhere. You know, that conservation of energy thing you were talking about earlier.
Yes, really. Where and how would a power plant store electricity?

Grid energy storage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All expensive, and none in widespread use.

Dont waste your time explaining the horrors of war to cowradly, bloated, right-wing cowards. Those of us who have served understand what horror is.

I'm one of those who have served and I call BULLSHIT on your reply and rdeans reply.
Care to tell me what your MOS or AFSC was? Oh and Jehovah's Witnesses don't join the military they are anti government which I do believe that you are a Jehovah's Witnesses. I remember your 144,000 comment.

You rotting, cowardly, vile, disgusting, lying, waste of human flesh. How dare you challenge my service or my patriotism.

You reap what you sow bucko.

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