Interesting post fom another board...

Jesus Christ in Heaven Who the fuck put Rdean in Military Intelligence!?

Do you see how understated McCarthy was that we were overrun with Marxists in our government?

Military Intelligence. Good Fucking Grief! What next TruthMatters was Miss Congeniality?

Are you calling me a Marxist?

The only think worse than a Marxist is a Republican. At least Marxists love their country enough to help their middle class, not shit on them like Republicans do in this country.....apologize to any foreign companies lately?

Dont waste your time explaining the horrors of war to cowradly, bloated, right-wing cowards. Those of us who have served understand what horror is.

I'm one of those who have served and I call BULLSHIT on your reply and rdeans reply.
Care to tell me what your MOS or AFSC was? Oh and Jehovah's Witnesses don't join the military they are anti government which I do believe that you are a Jehovah's Witnesses. I remember your 144,000 comment.

You rotting, cowardly, vile, disgusting, lying, waste of human flesh. How dare you challenge my service or my patriotism.

So my question was a challenge? I guess it would be a challenge to you if you do not know what a MOS or AFSC was. And yes I'm still waiting. Jehovah's Witnesses are anti military and anti government. your 144,000 reply gave you away.
Jesus Christ in Heaven Who the fuck put Rdean in Military Intelligence!?

Do you see how understated McCarthy was that we were overrun with Marxists in our government?

Military Intelligence. Good Fucking Grief! What next TruthMatters was Miss Congeniality?

Are you calling me a Marxist?

The only think worse than a Marxist is a Republican. At least Marxists love their country enough to help their middle class, not shit on them like Republicans do in this country.....apologize to any foreign companies lately?

Saul Alinsky Alert:clap2:

Dont waste your time explaining the horrors of war to cowradly, bloated, right-wing cowards. Those of us who have served understand what horror is.

Has Rdean served in combat? For that matter, have you served in combat?

I have not served in combat and I'm fortunate to say that.

I served in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division from 1975 to 1979 in Baumholder, Germany. I started off as an 82 Charlie, Forward Observer and was transferred into Military Intelligence where I worked for the last two years I served.

I'm glad I didn't see any combat. Most of the officers and many of the enlisted I worked with daily had served in Vietnam. For the few that did talk about the experience, I consider myself lucky that I didn't have to go through that.

And this is why I'm a strong supporter of the military and the need to compensate our military.

No one can tell me the Republicans support our military. Congressional votes are available for anyone who has the inclination to go look. Find out how Republicans have voted the last 10 years in support of our troops and they say, with a straight face, they support our troops. You can't, not with a straight face, it's not possible.

Spitting on Veterans

Unbelievably, the Bush administration opposes—and has even threatened to veto—an updated GI Bill for Iraq war veterans to give those who risk their lives in Bush’s war the same full college benefits the original GI Bill provided for veterans of World War II and Vietnam.

Even harder to believe, Sen. John McCain, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, also opposes the new GI Bill. McCain was a prisoner of war during Vietnam. Unlike Bush and Cheney, McCain actually knows the overwhelming sacrifices made by American soldiers sent into war by politicians.

We can’t really explain McCain’s opposition. We can only report the way he tries to explain it. McCain says he opposes full college benefits for soldiers who serve “only” one enlistment because too many of them might leave the military to attend college. In the course of that one enlistment, a soldier could be sent into active combat in Iraq or Afghanistan as often as three times


Dont waste your time explaining the horrors of war to cowradly, bloated, right-wing cowards. Those of us who have served understand what horror is.

Has Rdean served in combat? For that matter, have you served in combat?

I have not served in combat and I'm fortunate to say that.

I served in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division from 1975 to 1979 in Baumholder, Germany. I started off as an 82 Charlie, Forward Observer and was transferred into Military Intelligence where I worked for the last two years I served.

I'm glad I didn't see any combat. Most of the officers and many of the enlisted I worked with daily had served in Vietnam. For the few that did talk about the experience, I consider myself lucky that I didn't have to go through that.

And this is why I'm a strong supporter of the military and the need to compensate our military.
Thank you for your service! *tips hat*
Has Rdean served in combat? For that matter, have you served in combat?

I have not served in combat and I'm fortunate to say that.

I served in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division from 1975 to 1979 in Baumholder, Germany. I started off as an 82 Charlie, Forward Observer and was transferred into Military Intelligence where I worked for the last two years I served.

I'm glad I didn't see any combat. Most of the officers and many of the enlisted I worked with daily had served in Vietnam. For the few that did talk about the experience, I consider myself lucky that I didn't have to go through that.

And this is why I'm a strong supporter of the military and the need to compensate our military.

No one can tell me the Republicans support our military. Congressional votes are available for anyone who has the inclination to go look. Find out how Republicans have voted the last 10 years in support of our troops and they say, with a straight face, they support our troops. You can't, not with a straight face, it's not possible.

Spitting on Veterans

Unbelievably, the Bush administration opposes—and has even threatened to veto—an updated GI Bill for Iraq war veterans to give those who risk their lives in Bush’s war the same full college benefits the original GI Bill provided for veterans of World War II and Vietnam.

Even harder to believe, Sen. John McCain, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, also opposes the new GI Bill. McCain was a prisoner of war during Vietnam. Unlike Bush and Cheney, McCain actually knows the overwhelming sacrifices made by American soldiers sent into war by politicians.

We can’t really explain McCain’s opposition. We can only report the way he tries to explain it. McCain says he opposes full college benefits for soldiers who serve “only” one enlistment because too many of them might leave the military to attend college. In the course of that one enlistment, a soldier could be sent into active combat in Iraq or Afghanistan as often as three times


Are you suggesting that wasn't McCain's position? There are many search engines to choose from. It's easy to find out the truth.
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?
Has Rdean served in combat? For that matter, have you served in combat?

I have not served in combat and I'm fortunate to say that.

I served in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division from 1975 to 1979 in Baumholder, Germany. I started off as an 82 Charlie, Forward Observer and was transferred into Military Intelligence where I worked for the last two years I served.

I'm glad I didn't see any combat. Most of the officers and many of the enlisted I worked with daily had served in Vietnam. For the few that did talk about the experience, I consider myself lucky that I didn't have to go through that.

And this is why I'm a strong supporter of the military and the need to compensate our military.
Thank you for your service! *tips hat*

What I have to thank is what the service gave me.

I've never had a problem with a "draft". It wouldn't bother me if there were a "mandatory" two year draft for every citizen, no exceptions. That doesn't necessarily mean "military duty", but "national service".

I think that under such a system, you might see a huge change in this country. It would be difficult for the wealthy to maintain their disdain for middle class working people if they had to spend time down in the trenches actually doing something productive.

Dont waste your time explaining the horrors of war to cowradly, bloated, right-wing cowards. Those of us who have served understand what horror is.

I'm one of those who have served and I call BULLSHIT on your reply and rdeans reply.
Care to tell me what your MOS or AFSC was? Oh and Jehovah's Witnesses don't join the military they are anti government which I do believe that you are a Jehovah's Witnesses. I remember your 144,000 comment.

You rotting, cowardly, vile, disgusting, lying, waste of human flesh. How dare you challenge my service or my patriotism.

NO CLASS (just like Obama)
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?

You're so full of shit you can't see straight.

First, go tell it to the gays. I'm sure they will clue you in on how conservatives have supported leaving them alone.

Second, how have you been threatened with jail time?

Here is a typical right wing response on the government. Could it possibly be any more pathetic?

[ame=]YouTube - Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid[/ame]

You have to get past the Republican talking points and learn to think for yourself. Our government is NOT a foreign government. It's made up of our neighbors who we elect into office.
You have to get past the Republican talking points and learn to think for yourself. Our government is NOT a foreign government. It's made up of our neighbors who we elect into office.
WOW, the irony
change republican to democrat and it YOU
I have not served in combat and I'm fortunate to say that.

I served in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division from 1975 to 1979 in Baumholder, Germany. I started off as an 82 Charlie, Forward Observer and was transferred into Military Intelligence where I worked for the last two years I served.

I'm glad I didn't see any combat. Most of the officers and many of the enlisted I worked with daily had served in Vietnam. For the few that did talk about the experience, I consider myself lucky that I didn't have to go through that.

And this is why I'm a strong supporter of the military and the need to compensate our military.
Thank you for your service! *tips hat*

What I have to thank is what the service gave me.

I've never had a problem with a "draft". It wouldn't bother me if there were a "mandatory" two year draft for every citizen, no exceptions. That doesn't necessarily mean "military duty", but "national service".

I think that under such a system, you might see a huge change in this country. It would be difficult for the wealthy to maintain their disdain for middle class working people if they had to spend time down in the trenches actually doing something productive.
Well, you had me up until the class warfare nonsense at the end.
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?

GOP Senate nominee Carly Fiorina, while a CEO, sent 18,000 jobs to China. They recently had their salaries doubled to 73 dollars a week. Is this what you call "fair and competitive"? Just asking. Do you think Americans should be making 72 dollars a week to compete?
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?

GOP Senate nominee Carly Fiorina, while a CEO, sent 18,000 jobs to China. They recently had their salaries doubled to 73 dollars a week. Is this what you call "fair and competitive"? Just asking. Do you think Americans should be making 72 dollars a week to compete?
and you can choose not to buy the products she sells
Which science is that? The science that says the electricity in your wall socket that you plug your electric car into doesn't magically appear there, that it has to be generated somewhere else, with a 50/50 chance that it's derived from burning coal?

At the momment that may be true but alternatives exsist and will continue to be developed.

In the future you willl be able to plug your car into a meter in every parking place instead of a parking meter.

Charge while you park at work and at home.

If every house had solar and wind capability things would be VERY different.
Someday. Maybe. Meanwhile, right now, here in the real world, if you plug in an electric car, there's a 71% chance it's being recharged by burning something, and another 20% chance it's being recharged by nuclear power.


There simply is no renewable source as yet that will scale up sufficiently to replace fossil fuels or nuclear power. I'm not saying we shouldn't explore alternatives, but let's not kid ourselves that electric vehicles do anything besides relocate the problem, mmmkay?

I drive a Prius. I bought it used at a great price. I get about 450 miles to a tank (maybe 500, but I never let it go there) at a price of about 22 bucks to fill up. I can't help but LOVE my savings.

That said, I also know that the impact to the environment to both make the batteries and dispose of them when they die, is huge. I agree with your first assumption about nuclear powered grid systems that could someday efficiently power everything, including transportation. This is where our investment in technologies should be going.
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Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Conservatives do not hate America. They do not want a "nanny" state: the government telling/ordering (with the threat of fines or jail time) how to live their lives. In short, conservatives believe in: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (notice, there is nothing there about making anyone else happy, or miserable, for that matter). Why do libs want a "nanny" state?

I tried buying "American"; I opened the hood and found a foreign made engine. The windshield was made in Mexico, etc.

Try good old competition, not protected status; it works to provide the best product at the best price. If there isn't a market, the resources are quickly moved to a more appropriate product. If there is not enough supply, the price will reflect the considered value.

Why do libs think other people need their opinion to decide how something fits into 'their personal' lives?

You're so full of shit you can't see straight.

First, go tell it to the gays. I'm sure they will clue you in on how conservatives have supported leaving them alone.

Second, how have you been threatened with jail time?

Here is a typical right wing response on the government. Could it possibly be any more pathetic?

[ame=]YouTube - Craig T. Nelson on Government Aid[/ame]

You have to get past the Republican talking points and learn to think for yourself. Our government is NOT a foreign government. It's made up of our neighbors who we elect into office.
If you feel the need to bash someone aim for the correct group. That is if you love this country. But since you support anything democrats you must truely hate America,
Electric vehicles don't eliminate pollution; they merely relocate it. And given the toxic materials used to make the batteries, they're more hazardous to the environment than fuel-burning engines.

What's the problem with the batteries?
Depends on the battery technology. Some, like the lead-acid batteries in the el cheapo electric vehicle linked to earlier, are highly toxic. Others, not so much.

The lithium-ion batteries used in the Volt, while not classified as toxic, are more expensive to recycle than the materials recovered are worth. It's cheaper to toss 'em in a landfill.

And how does that compare to the waste problem of nuclear?
What's the problem with the batteries?
Depends on the battery technology. Some, like the lead-acid batteries in the el cheapo electric vehicle linked to earlier, are highly toxic. Others, not so much.

The lithium-ion batteries used in the Volt, while not classified as toxic, are more expensive to recycle than the materials recovered are worth. It's cheaper to toss 'em in a landfill.

And how does that compare to the waste problem of nuclear?

<snip> "As it happens, there’s an ideal test case with which to evaluate that enticing proposition: France, which never backed away from nuclear energy and which has long relied on reprocessing as the linchpin of its power reactor fuel system.

The French experience clearly does show that reprocessing need not be the dangerous mess that other countries, including the United States, have made of it [see photo, ”Blue Glow of Success,” above]. The U.S. military used reprocessing for several decades to separate plutonium from spent fuels, providing fissionable material for bombs. The result was widespread contamination--which has been in some cases irremediable--in the central Washington desert and the South Carolina coastal plain.

France, in contrast, now reprocesses well over 1000 metric tons of spent fuel every year without incident at the La Hague chemical complex, at the head of Normandy’s wind-blasted Cotentin peninsula. La Hague receives all the spent fuel rods from France’s 59 reactors. The sprawling facility, operated by the state-controlled nuclear giant Areva, has racked up a good, if not unblemished, environmental record." <snip>
The damage to the environment with the silt and heavy metals clean-up after make hydro more costly than coal by some accounts

New technology means we can produce Hydro Power with out Dams. Smaller free standing Turbines in Rivers, and in Areas to catch tidal forces can do the trick. You no longer need to damn up a river to use Hydro Electric power. Small Free standing turbines are already being put in NYC's East river. They can even be in a cage so no fish get into them.

Can you source those claims, please?

OMG you people are lazy. Source = discovery channel. You look it up.

Was build it bigger or one of those types of shows. They were there filming work being done on the underwater sites in the East river where they will be putting the Turbines.

The same show talked about a building they are building in the UAE I believe it was. That has horizontally fixed Air driven Turbines in a space between each floor. The Building is expected to be Nearly self sustaining electrically.
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