Interesting post fom another board...

Electric vehicles don't eliminate pollution; they merely relocate it. And given the toxic materials used to make the batteries, they're more hazardous to the environment than fuel-burning engines.

That's not entirely true. It is true that even in an emission free strictly electric vehicle, you are most likely consuming electric made from fossil fuels. However, the grid does not work as simplistically as that. More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned - It's more of a plateau. Moreover the power plant is far more efficient per U/M than an internal combustion engine that only powers one vehicle.
Yes, to the efficiency; no to the "More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned" thing.
Ever had to rent a commercial generator to provide power to a home or building? If you had you'd see what I mean...
Generators is what I do for the Air Force. So I know what I'm talking about when I disagree with you.
[ame=]YouTube - Camp Sather, Iraq, Power Plant[/ame]

While a zero-emission vehicle is not really so due to the source of power, you will save money and reduce your carbon footprint if you can stand the rather short running time between charges.
Agreed. Although it's going to take a long time to recoup your investment in gas saved.
The purpose of the Volt is to meet CAFE standards. Note that is based on building them and not necessarily letting the public own them or even drive them. My guess is they have the high price so GM can scrap them and create a nice tax deduction for themselves.

Upside: You can call into work and claim the neighbor kids unplugged your car. You'll be late for work.
How does he explain this?


Model S | Tesla Motors

BASE PRICE: $49,000*

*Price includes $7,500 US Federal tax credit

Yes, Nice cars are expensive and new technologies are expensive at first.

What's your point? You think there aren't comparable IC cars that cost as much? Tesla is not a company that makes affordable vehicles for everyone. They specialize in high-end, high-performance electric vehicles.

Basically, they make electric Ferraris (see: Tesla Roadster)

I remember when the company I work at bought a CD Rom burner for $1,500 for a computer (just the burner, not the computer) and it sometimes failed to copy or stopped half way.

Now you can get one from Tiger Direct that does DVD read and write for 19 bucks. I just stopped and looked it up.

Time Magazine called the 1908 Ford Model T number one in the 20 worst cars ever made. Top speed around 40 mph, 10 gallon gas tank that took you a little over 100 miles.
Yet, they sold in the US more than 15,000,000. And for the time, they were expensive and gas stations were almost no where.

If the right wing had is way, we would be Afghanistan. They stand in the way of everything. Except wars. They like wars.
If the right wing had is way, we would be Afghanistan. They stand in the way of everything. Except wars. They like wars.

Note to rdean: Government control of every single aspect of individual lives is not progress. It's Progressive, but it's not progress.

Meanwhile, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in this thread who doesn't think electric vehicles should be developed.
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I dont know why so many on the right dont like to employ science while making decisions.

They love to just knee jerk decide

TM, everytime you post you make yourself look like the south end of a donkey facing North.

As one poster keeps asking over and over... Where does the power come from to charge this car??? You can claim conservatives hate science everytime you don't know wtf you're talking about and need to pull a BS card, but why does it seem like you HATE LOGIC!?!

I want a car that can travel though space and time, cause no pollution and runs of me thinking about where I want to go!!! See how fing green I can be!!!

Now if my time traveling space car ran off eating planets but pooped out rainbows you would be fighting CONSERVATIVES till you die!!! Right on TM!!!
Even before the tax credit, $56,500 for a luxury sports car is well within current market norms.

Hell, look up the price of a 'vette, or a loaded camaro or loaded 'stang.

Now that chevy volt? Priced waaaay outside of market norms for a small sedan IMO.

The volt is like designer jeans. You pay for the name, the image.

If the history of everything else is any indication, prices on electric vehicles will come down with innovation and market competition,

Yeah, but I don't know how many they're going to move at that price. While innovative, they're still behind the perception/status symbol curve when compared to the Prius.

They're idiots. What do you want me to say?

They wise up or they lose to a competitor with more smarts. That's how the market works.
Hydro electric.
try and build a dam
see how many enviro nuts try and stop you

Don't need to. We had the sense to build dozens of em in Washington State before the wackos became PC. That is why we have about the cheapest electricity in the nation and have had for over 60 years. The only real problem was with salmon spawning and returning to the ocean. Fish ladders and special flous have taken care of that to a large degree.
Can you source those matters in red please?
AVAILABLE NOW FROM $101,500* OR $1658/MO LEASE** WITH $9,900 DEPOSIT *Includes $7,500 Tax Incentive
My 2004 Doge Ram, which is paid for, gets about 18 mpg and I fill it up about 5-6 times a month. It usually takes a bout 20-22 gallons each fill up, that's about 60 bucks. Multiply that by 6, $360 a month, $4,320 a year.

That Tesla is $101,500 ( says 109,000 to 128,500) so with that money I would be able to fill up my truck, at todays' gas prices, for at least 23.5 years. Plus, I can haul and tow almost anything with my truck. :D Try that with that little Tesla suicide machine.

I think I'll wait for ten years or so for the technology to mature and prices to drop.

Crash-test Ratings, Recalls & Consumer Reviews for the 2010 Tesla Roadster


You call it a suicide machine and post a video of it performing well- better than the actual requirements, in one test- in the crash tests :eusa_eh:
try and build a dam
see how many enviro nuts try and stop you
The damage to the environment with the silt and heavy metals clean-up after make hydro more costly than coal by some accounts

New technology means we can produce Hydro Power with out Dams. Smaller free standing Turbines in Rivers, and in Areas to catch tidal forces can do the trick. You no longer need to damn up a river to use Hydro Electric power. Small Free standing turbines are already being put in NYC's East river. They can even be in a cage so no fish get into them.

Can you source those claims, please?
Which science is that? The science that says the electricity in your wall socket that you plug your electric car into doesn't magically appear there, that it has to be generated somewhere else, with a 50/50 chance that it's derived from burning coal?

At the momment that may be true but alternatives exsist and will continue to be developed.

In the future you willl be able to plug your car into a meter in every parking place instead of a parking meter.

Charge while you park at work and at home.

If every house had solar and wind capability things would be VERY different.

Here is Covered Parking and a Recharger



And how feasible is large-scale use of such systems? :rolleyes:
AVAILABLE NOW FROM $101,500* OR $1658/MO LEASE** WITH $9,900 DEPOSIT *Includes $7,500 Tax Incentive
My 2004 Doge Ram, which is paid for, gets about 18 mpg and I fill it up about 5-6 times a month. It usually takes a bout 20-22 gallons each fill up, that's about 60 bucks. Multiply that by 6, $360 a month, $4,320 a year.

That Tesla is $101,500 ( says 109,000 to 128,500) so with that money I would be able to fill up my truck, at todays' gas prices, for at least 23.5 years. Plus, I can haul and tow almost anything with my truck. :D Try that with that little Tesla suicide machine.

I think I'll wait for ten years or so for the technology to mature and prices to drop.

Crash-test Ratings, Recalls & Consumer Reviews for the 2010 Tesla Roadster

The roadster is an expensive toy. It's a proof-of-concept platform. It'll be years before solely-electric vehicles are practical and affordable.

The Roadster was brought up only to counter the claims that these cars are necessarily inefficient and lacking in range. The Roadtser proves that that electric can be feasible for most applications* and meet IC in speed and general performance, while meeting most peoples' travel needs.

*I've not heard of any electric motor than can possibly be used to replace big Diesel engines in semis, dump trucks, and the like
Here is Covered Parking and a Recharger



How much does that cost? Plus, you will still have to pull power from the grid during bad weather.

Not to mention you still have a car that is useless to most of the Population because of its limited range, and utility.

I recently got an estimate to put Solar panels on my roof. Going off that I would bet that Car port charger there cost about 10 to 12 GRAND. To put panels on just one side of my roof, and install everything else you need to make it work. 16,560 Bucks.

Needless to say I am currently still with out Solar power.

Limited range?

245 miles/charge...

Utility? It's a luxury sports car. It matches any other car in its class for utility. You're complaining about a Corvette not being able to haul a trailer? It's not designed for that. It's not meant for that.

It's a fucking luxury sports car

101,000 dollars and as stated before a well maintined vehicle with an ICE pollutes less. Oh yeah that price tag puts it out of reach of 99% of the population of the US. Power to the PEOPLE!


So's a Ferrari.

As I stated earlier, the Tesla vehicles seem to be down the line comparable to high end luxury sports cars. Price, range, luxury....well, the Tesla's DO outperform when it comes to acceleration though.

Motors beat engines off the line.

It's that simple.

People here are either retarded or dishonest. The Tesla vehicles were mentioned to prove they can match performance with ICE vehicles. Nobody ever claimed they were designed for widespread use by the middle class any more than a 'vette is.

I linked to a vehicle someone made for less than a grand to show that you can also achieve extremely inexpensive machines.

Just like ICE, you can make vehicles at both ends and in the middle.
Electric vehicles don't eliminate pollution; they merely relocate it. And given the toxic materials used to make the batteries, they're more hazardous to the environment than fuel-burning engines.

That's not entirely true. It is true that even in an emission free strictly electric vehicle, you are most likely consuming electric made from fossil fuels. However, the grid does not work as simplistically as that. More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned - It's more of a plateau. Moreover the power plant is far more efficient per U/M than an internal combustion engine that only powers one vehicle.
Yes, to the efficiency; no to the "More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned" thing.
Ever had to rent a commercial generator to provide power to a home or building? If you had you'd see what I mean...
Generators is what I do for the Air Force. So I know what I'm talking about when I disagree with you.

You just agreed with him :eusa_eh:
The volt is like designer jeans. You pay for the name, the image.

If the history of everything else is any indication, prices on electric vehicles will come down with innovation and market competition,

Yeah, but I don't know how many they're going to move at that price. While innovative, they're still behind the perception/status symbol curve when compared to the Prius.

They're idiots. What do you want me to say?

They wise up or they lose to a competitor with more smarts. That's how the market works.

I don't disagree. Just making conversation.
Electric vehicles don't eliminate pollution; they merely relocate it. And given the toxic materials used to make the batteries, they're more hazardous to the environment than fuel-burning engines.

That's not entirely true. It is true that even in an emission free strictly electric vehicle, you are most likely consuming electric made from fossil fuels. However, the grid does not work as simplistically as that. More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned - It's more of a plateau. Moreover the power plant is far more efficient per U/M than an internal combustion engine that only powers one vehicle.
Yes, to the efficiency; no to the "More power used does not necessarily mean more fuel being burned" thing.
Ever had to rent a commercial generator to provide power to a home or building? If you had you'd see what I mean...
Generators is what I do for the Air Force. So I know what I'm talking about when I disagree with you.

While a zero-emission vehicle is not really so due to the source of power, you will save money and reduce your carbon footprint if you can stand the rather short running time between charges.
Agreed. Although it's going to take a long time to recoup your investment in gas saved.

It's too early to individually quote and respond to each aspect of this.

There's plenty of time when power plants are at idle and burning more fuel than is necessary to provide the power being used, particularly at night (When the most EV's are likely to be charging). In other words, you can draw more power off the grid without the power plant having to burn more to compensate. This speaks to the carbon reduction aspect, but not the money saved aspect, as you'll still get charged. On a macro level, it's actually fair to say it may save everyone money by stabilizing the power needed throughout the day, hence making power plant operation more efficient for the utility provider. It's also fair to say that the resulting drop in demand for gasoline will save everyone money, not just EV owners.

As far as taking a long time to recoup your investment, well there's just way to many variables to address that. 5 mile commute like myself, yes probably, even though my Dakota gets a whopping 14-17 MPG. It depends too much on what you drive now, how often/far, what the price of gas does, what the price of electric does, how much you spend on the EV, etc. In the right scenario it may not take as long as you think.

As far as this statement...
Generators is what I do for the Air Force. So I know what I'm talking about when I disagree with you.
What's to disagree with? I rented one to power a 100-amp box some years ago when we had a fire at work... Damn thing waxed $60 worth of diesel a day... And in fact I kept overloading it and having to hit the breaker on the genny. And I damn sure never got no $1800 electric bill over there.

I know the big boys in your video are probably more efficient than the one I used, but the one I used is probably more akin to the ICE in a personal vehicle.
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

You're not really paying attention, are you?
Why do conservatives hate America? There were no negative threads when Toyota or Nissan came out with electric? The dislike conservatives show toward America's work force, technological accomplishments, and government is bewildering. They wave flags as but criticize the place they live in and off. Reagan's firing of America workers is the model for today. How odd.

Join me, please.

I was riding home today after a middle distance bicycle ride, tired and a bit out of shape when I started counting cars, America - foreign, American - foreign. It occurred to me if only a small percentage of these people, the people who can afford more than a used clunker, bought American there would be no problems in one of our largest industries today. And lots of people would have a job and lots of businesses would be OK. May even help those incompetent bankers.

So I started giving thumbs up for American and thumbs down for foreign. Hard to distinguish which foreign car is made here, but no need I am a bit of a hard core American when it comes to cars. My '55' Chevy was my first love.

I'm sure the people thought me spastic, as my left hand thumb pointed up, then down, then up as cars drove by. Did anyone figure it out I wondered. Who is this nut! So if the whiners who lost the election can out of the blue, protest taxes, can we not protest something that has been going on for years due to cheaper prices, support structures, and no pensions, but still is having an insidious affect on our industrial base?

So if you own foreign go to you nearest mirror and give yourself a thumbs down and if you own American and thus support all of us and America, a thumbs up is due and thank you. Take to the streets and express yourself. The bankers thank you too.

Oh, and my bicycle is made in America too.

Why do people change something that they like? Conservatives are not trying to change America liberals are.February 18, 2008
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