Interesting: Righties are not upset about Jared Kushner & Staff using a Private Server

We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Different thing. All Kishners email are accounted for as they were sent through gubermentrment server so to be transparent. In Hillary's case there was all that bleachbit and busted blackberries.

Can you explain what a gubermentrment server is please..
i'll tag in and try to explain.

if i own the physical box that i run my e-mail package on then i can control all of it. period. government servers are going to be owned, managed and serviced out of their own offices. they control the server itself and can dig around change whatever they want.

if you have a * account - you can only dork with your account. ONLY. while you can delete your account, you can't delete the backups or mail on the server itself. while you could clear out your account, the server will still have it at a minimum at the last backup, required by law to keep for x amount of months/years. you'd NEVER be able to do what hillary did on a hosted account (without extreme intervention, knowing the right people, and wow - being able to "bleach bit" the hard drive.

so if you have your own server, you can hide whatever you want.
if you are simply using a hosted account, (even a custom one like [email protected]) in which you don't have physical access to the server, you can't hide much of anything at all.
damn them facts.
Hey I'm open to that suggestion that there are dems that are anti elitists, I haven't seen any of them yet. No one condemning hitlery for her crap, wasserman shultz, any of the cheaters, schumer Waters, Pelosi.

Ah Hello,

I just did... and didn't the loss of the presidency for Clinton show you that democrats were pissed especially at Clinton and the DNC aka fucking Wasserman..

I think we need a clean slate and wash the whole congress off the board and start over..But being there is greed the roaches will still come back.

On the other hand there are so few fighting for some of the things I believe in , so I applaud their big mouths..

Tell me then, who do you support in your party? Are you a Tea Party person?

yep, it's what trump supporters call drain the swamp. It would be nice to see some dems start to call for draining it.

Welcome aboard. obummerfail is horrendous, and yet no one on the left calling for repeal. no government in our healthcare, period. Taxes, give the middle class their break, nope the dems are pooh poohing the current bill. Why? just cause they are lowering the top tax bracket from 39 to 35%? do they know they have cutting out loopholes in that? wtf, dems are not middle class advocates at all, not the current swamp anyway.

BTW, any dem that doesn't say yes to a middle class tax break I hope is done. Time for them to put up or shut up.

I do agree that Obamacare needs some help...BUT remember millions of dollars are spent to spread lies about it..The $$$ slims want it gone.

Now, I have been through cancer treatment 2 times and saw shit for myself. Once they hear the word cancer you are on a conveyor belt ( Cha Ching ) so confused getting painful treatment/surgeries I didn't want or need..

The congress is in bed with the FDA and the FDA and congress are getting paid off by Big Pharma .. The doctors are legally bound by the FDA to only go by their rules.. So
the Big Pharma charges whatever the hell they want and we get screwed... ( I saw the bills for it )

No one talks about this corruption..if Americans fought the corruption, the cost of medical treatment would go down, but the people are too busy working to line the pockets.

Our parties want the same thing, but the big money but into these lies keep us fighting..

Keep that in mind when you hear that the dems are so bad..not the far left mind you..

Another thing that is not mentioned is the Emergency Rooms are jammed pack with no insurance, because the ER's are legally bound to see them..
They have a cold, or something and use it like a doctors office and can not pay the bills..

( Who pays for those bills? We do )

Obamacare stopped the nightmare of the corruption of people losing everything , and once they sucked them dry they were left to die ..( I saw that )

subsidizing is the issue. period. conservatives don't want subsidies. so how does one get around that? that is the #1 point of contention. I'm all ears.

oh and tort reform to bring the costs back to fking reality. I just had seven stiches in my thumb, I had to go to an emergency room because it was an accident and I like the top of my thumb entact. the cost for that one hour visit was forty five fking hundred dollars. can you fking believe that?

Think about a bad of chemotherapy $10,000 and a shot the nest day ( mandatory ) $30,000 a shot..

X's that by 6 times of treatments .. add radiation for a month going everyday.

And then having to do it all over again when the cancer came back..

Not mentioning 9 surgeries , all of the image tests, and doctors.

Kicked my ass and my ass is still kicked ( that is why I am on here a lot ), but cancer free for 2 1/2 years first diagnosis 5 1/2 years ago..

I will comment on the subsidies in a while I have to go run some errands..

yes, it is amazing the costs. anyone that doesn't know that contributes to the price of a policy isn't thinking.

BTW, my out of pocket on that visit because I had to meet my deductible was $1,800 out of pocket. That was just for the emergency room. then I had radiology for the xrays and follow up.
Interesting: Righties are not upset about Jared Kushner & Staff using a Private Server

Of course they aren't. And they aren't going to care about Trump's fossil of a cell phone, or about giving classified information to Russian spies in the Oval Office. They are not, not ever, going to care about any of these things. And probably nobody else should, either. It's a huge waste of time and a huge distraction. Mocking their mock outrage gets us all nowhere. It was mock to begin with, everyone knows it, it is not a secret.

It's not mock outrage at all. If you leftardz can make your case for Trump's collusion of for any ANY ANY ANY republicans breaking the law as Hitlary did?


Impeach them.

Stop fucking whining about it. . . . just get it done.
"It's not mock outrage at all."

I contend that it was. Emailgate? Benghazi? All fake outrage, fueled by bullshit. You disagree. Good for you.

Exactly...It was all a fake outrage that died down when things were good for Trump and then picked up when ever he needed a gain..It was so funny to watch.

wow, you all are out there, so again for probably the tenth time, so now you believe hitlery is guilty of a crime? it's all you have to admit to for me to answer any of your fking nonsense.

I really don't know enough to say a solid yes or no because I am not an attorney..... I did not support her because of all that crap..I think she border lined, and was unethical..But not once have I seen you say shit about the Trump team being un-ethical Popeye
Now we are finding that much of it was fake news spread by the Russian Bots.. ( Tweeter CEO ects..are in a closed meeting with the investigation in Washington now.

So, you intend to impeach Pence too?

Who will that leave you with? Ryan?

Gonna impeach him too?
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Different thing. All Kishners email are accounted for as they were sent through gubermentrment server so to be transparent. In Hillary's case there was all that bleachbit and busted blackberries.

Can you explain what a gubermentrment server is please..
i'll tag in and try to explain.

if i own the physical box that i run my e-mail package on then i can control all of it. period. government servers are going to be owned, managed and serviced out of their own offices. they control the server itself and can dig around change whatever they want.

if you have a * account - you can only dork with your account. ONLY. while you can delete your account, you can't delete the backups or mail on the server itself. while you could clear out your account, the server will still have it at a minimum at the last backup, required by law to keep for x amount of months/years. you'd NEVER be able to do what hillary did on a hosted account (without extreme intervention, knowing the right people, and wow - being able to "bleach bit" the hard drive.

so if you have your own server, you can hide whatever you want.
if you are simply using a hosted account, (even a custom one like [email protected]) in which you don't have physical access to the server, you can't hide much of anything at all.

I will comment in a few hours Iceberg I have to run some errands, ( not ignoring you.)
We never brought up that Colon Powell used private emails. So it wasn't us who started this arguments. And since YOU started this argument Republicans it should be an extra special punishment for being such hypocrites. Just like Weiner got a strong sentence for being so habitual.
It's not mock outrage at all. If you leftardz can make your case for Trump's collusion of for any ANY ANY ANY republicans breaking the law as Hitlary did?


Impeach them.

Stop fucking whining about it. . . . just get it done.
"It's not mock outrage at all."

I contend that it was. Emailgate? Benghazi? All fake outrage, fueled by bullshit. You disagree. Good for you.

Exactly...It was all a fake outrage that died down when things were good for Trump and then picked up when ever he needed a gain..It was so funny to watch.

wow, you all are out there, so again for probably the tenth time, so now you believe hitlery is guilty of a crime? it's all you have to admit to for me to answer any of your fking nonsense.

I really don't know enough to say a solid yes or no because I am not an attorney..... I did not support her because of all that crap..I think she border lined, and was unethical..But not once have I seen you say shit about the Trump team being un-ethical Popeye
Now we are finding that much of it was fake news spread by the Russian Bots.. ( Tweeter CEO ects..are in a closed meeting with the investigation in Washington now.

So, you intend to impeach Pence too?

Who will that leave you with? Ryan?

Gonna impeach him too?

Will reply in a few hours..
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Different thing. All Kishners email are accounted for as they were sent through gubermentrment server so to be transparent. In Hillary's case there was all that bleachbit and busted blackberries.

Can you explain what a gubermentrment server is please..
i'll tag in and try to explain.

if i own the physical box that i run my e-mail package on then i can control all of it. period. government servers are going to be owned, managed and serviced out of their own offices. they control the server itself and can dig around change whatever they want.

if you have a * account - you can only dork with your account. ONLY. while you can delete your account, you can't delete the backups or mail on the server itself. while you could clear out your account, the server will still have it at a minimum at the last backup, required by law to keep for x amount of months/years. you'd NEVER be able to do what hillary did on a hosted account (without extreme intervention, knowing the right people, and wow - being able to "bleach bit" the hard drive.

so if you have your own server, you can hide whatever you want.
if you are simply using a hosted account, (even a custom one like [email protected]) in which you don't have physical access to the server, you can't hide much of anything at all.
damn them facts.
well it simply isn't the same. i *do* have "[email protected]" (not gonna spam in here) and i have it hosted with a provider. i can delete my account and all the mail sure. but hosting providers run nightly backups and must maintain them for 6+ months to at times over a year. by law.

for me to do what hillary did i'd have to know the hosting provider and find a way to remove myself from a lot of *THEIR* backups. *VERY* difficult even if i know someone.

now if i put a mail server in my office or living room and i own/run it all - i can hide whatever i want.

hillary setup her own server. the biggest reason to do this is to hide shit. if her only goal is to be able to send mail under a custom address, then she already owned the domain, host it with like dreamhost, bluehost, hostgator - or any major business that does this for a living.

i'm open to suggestions on the benefit of running your own server - but hiding shit is the biggest i can see. outside that, nothing really. it's a lot of extra work to run the server just to send mail.
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Different thing. All Kishners email are accounted for as they were sent through gubermentrment server so to be transparent. In Hillary's case there was all that bleachbit and busted blackberries.

Can you explain what a gubermentrment server is please..
i'll tag in and try to explain.

if i own the physical box that i run my e-mail package on then i can control all of it. period. government servers are going to be owned, managed and serviced out of their own offices. they control the server itself and can dig around change whatever they want.

if you have a * account - you can only dork with your account. ONLY. while you can delete your account, you can't delete the backups or mail on the server itself. while you could clear out your account, the server will still have it at a minimum at the last backup, required by law to keep for x amount of months/years. you'd NEVER be able to do what hillary did on a hosted account (without extreme intervention, knowing the right people, and wow - being able to "bleach bit" the hard drive.

so if you have your own server, you can hide whatever you want.
if you are simply using a hosted account, (even a custom one like [email protected]) in which you don't have physical access to the server, you can't hide much of anything at all.

I will comment in a few hours Iceberg I have to run some errands, ( not ignoring you.)
all good. not taking a side here really. just using what we know as examples of going one route or another.
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Different thing. All Kishners email are accounted for as they were sent through gubermentrment server so to be transparent. In Hillary's case there was all that bleachbit and busted blackberries.

Can you explain what a gubermentrment server is please..
i'll tag in and try to explain.

if i own the physical box that i run my e-mail package on then i can control all of it. period. government servers are going to be owned, managed and serviced out of their own offices. they control the server itself and can dig around change whatever they want.

if you have a * account - you can only dork with your account. ONLY. while you can delete your account, you can't delete the backups or mail on the server itself. while you could clear out your account, the server will still have it at a minimum at the last backup, required by law to keep for x amount of months/years. you'd NEVER be able to do what hillary did on a hosted account (without extreme intervention, knowing the right people, and wow - being able to "bleach bit" the hard drive.

so if you have your own server, you can hide whatever you want.
if you are simply using a hosted account, (even a custom one like [email protected]) in which you don't have physical access to the server, you can't hide much of anything at all.
damn them facts.
well it simply isn't the same. i *do* have "[email protected]" (not gonna spam in here) and i have it hosted with a provider. i can delete my account and all the mail sure. but hosting providers run nightly backups and must maintain them for 6+ months to at times over a year. by law.

for me to do what hillary did i'd have to know the hosting provider and find a way to remove myself from a lot of *THEIR* backups. *VERY* difficult even if i know someone.

now if i put a mail server in my office or living room and i own/run it all - i can hide whatever i want.

hillary setup her own server. the biggest reason to do this is to hide shit. if her only goal is to be able to send mail under a custom address, then she already owned the domain, host it with like dreamhost, bluehost, hostgator - or any major business that does this for a living.

i'm open to suggestions on the benefit of running your own server - but hiding shit is the biggest i can see. outside that, nothing really. it's a lot of extra work to run the server just to send mail.
and more facts. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

There's one hell of a difference between having a "private email account" and have a server hidden away in a basement. I'm sure the Trump people's emails were not protected by the same type of security.
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Private account, not private server.

Private Email Server ..
they are not using their own server. they are using like a gmail account or some other account where they don't control the server, unless i mis-read something.
Distinction without a difference, PRIVATE is the operative word as in NOT Federal Government owned, managed (i.e. subject to Federal Government information security and systems administrative policy & control) and approved.

gmail is hosted on PRIVATE servers as in privately owned and managed and in context NOT Federal Government approved.

in other words, if the feds want access to the e-mail, they can get it. i can go nuke my entire account on my own * that i have for myself, but my hosting provider will have all my records and can turn them over to them if needed.

in other words, they can't do things like run bleach bit, or lose 33k mails so no comparison really except to giggle and think this is the same.
Not really, any PRIVATE mail hosting provider can choose to nuke mailboxes and their entire contents and history at their own discretion and are under no obligations (other than contractual obligations ) to keep any historical data, if gmail were (for example) used by a business then Federal, State and Local retention laws would apply but the responsibility for compliance is on the business that's using the service not on the mail hosting provider.
sorry your excuse isn't sufficient.

try again.
neither are your attempts to mock

work on it

gotta believe that 'eh? i don't blame ya. it's all you got. hillary is the one who will have the last laugh when trump goes down... & he will..

Hillary has nothing to laugh about.

she spent over a billion dollars of her backers money, to lose to a man even less qualified than her.

(and to be less qualified than her takes some doing)

as her book goes #1... she gets to say whatever she wants now, the way she wants to say it AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace... by either resigning, being impeached or taken away in a straight jacket.

oh yaaaaaaaa.............. i'm sure she is having a real good time now watching,waiting...anticipating. :popcorn:
AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace...


because she failed in her lifes dream miserably, 50 years or so working campaigns, and beat by an amateur.

lol.... she reached great heights & without fred drumf bankrolling her start.
We couldn't get past a day during the election slamming Clinton about private servers...OMG

I call it: First excuse Fake News

The Brazenness of Trump's White House Staff Using Private Email

“Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December,” Dawsey wrote. “Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, set up their private family domain late last year before moving to Washington from New York, according to people with knowledge of events as well as publicly available internet registration records.”

Private account, not private server.

Private Email Server ..
they are not using their own server. they are using like a gmail account or some other account where they don't control the server, unless i mis-read something.
Distinction without a difference, PRIVATE is the operative word as in NOT Federal Government owned, managed (i.e. subject to Federal Government information security and systems administrative policy & control) and approved.

gmail is hosted on PRIVATE servers as in privately owned and managed and in context NOT Federal Government approved.

in other words, if the feds want access to the e-mail, they can get it. i can go nuke my entire account on my own * that i have for myself, but my hosting provider will have all my records and can turn them over to them if needed.

in other words, they can't do things like run bleach bit, or lose 33k mails so no comparison really except to giggle and think this is the same.
Not really, any PRIVATE mail hosting provider can choose to nuke mailboxes and their entire contents and history at their own discretion and are under no obligations (other than contractual obligations ) to keep any historical data, if gmail were (for example) used by a business then Federal, State and Local retention laws would apply but the responsibility for compliance is on the business that's using the service not on the mail hosting provider.

yes a private one could. i said this and you're just moving words around. however, their backups should still have the mail/account history there.

i did not say much of what you're saying i said so i'll move on. i never said google or a hosting provider was under obligation to make sure the accounts/customers comply. but they will have the mail if called for.

now i can hire a hoster that is a friend and get roughly the same as having a private server - but the hosting provider is now balls down to be responsible for their customers stated "private" needs.
neither are your attempts to mock

work on it

gotta believe that 'eh? i don't blame ya. it's all you got. hillary is the one who will have the last laugh when trump goes down... & he will..

Hillary has nothing to laugh about.

she spent over a billion dollars of her backers money, to lose to a man even less qualified than her.

(and to be less qualified than her takes some doing)

as her book goes #1... she gets to say whatever she wants now, the way she wants to say it AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace... by either resigning, being impeached or taken away in a straight jacket.

oh yaaaaaaaa.............. i'm sure she is having a real good time now watching,waiting...anticipating. :popcorn:
AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace...


because she failed in her lifes dream miserably, 50 years or so working campaigns, and beat by an amateur.

lol.... she reached great heights & without fred drumf bankrolling her start.

She 'reached great heights' by hanging on to Bills coattails, and running on his popularity.

Hell, she had to carpetbag from Arkansas to NY to win an election.
& last i heard, the question was raised as to whether any of the emails received or sent by trump's klan was classified info, so far.... no comment.

unlike hillary who never knowingly received or fwd any. a teeny tiny (C) embedded in the few that were circulated never had the big blazing official CLASSIFIED header on any of them.
unlike hillary who never knowingly received or fwd any.

well unless you are hitlery, there is no fking way you can make this statement with a straight face or tripping, but son, this is hilarious bubba. see this is the extreme tactic of the left. wow. Now you personally know what Hitlery knew and knows. when did you have the probes on her brain to know these thoughts? wow just fking wow.
Playtime thinks he's hitlery. wow.
& last i heard, the question was raised as to whether any of the emails received or sent by trump's klan was classified info, so far.... no comment.

unlike hillary who never knowingly received or fwd any. a teeny tiny (C) embedded in the few that were circulated never had the big blazing official CLASSIFIED header on any of them.
unlike hillary who never knowingly received or fwd any.

well unless you are hitlery, there is no fking way you can make this statement with a straight face or tripping, but son, this is hilarious bubba. see this is the extreme tactic of the left. wow. Now you personally know what Hitlery knew and knows. when did you have the probes on her brain to know these thoughts? wow just fking wow.

uh-huh. every bit of what was investigated showed that. it was the conclusion of everybody involved. tutt tutt if you don't like it.

just like you won't be enjoying it when all the conspiracy ( not 'collusion' ) will be put to light & captain crazy pants et al will be doing a perp walk sort o' speak.

tic tock....
gotta believe that 'eh? i don't blame ya. it's all you got. hillary is the one who will have the last laugh when trump goes down... & he will..

Hillary has nothing to laugh about.

she spent over a billion dollars of her backers money, to lose to a man even less qualified than her.

(and to be less qualified than her takes some doing)

as her book goes #1... she gets to say whatever she wants now, the way she wants to say it AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace... by either resigning, being impeached or taken away in a straight jacket.

oh yaaaaaaaa.............. i'm sure she is having a real good time now watching,waiting...anticipating. :popcorn:
AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace...


because she failed in her lifes dream miserably, 50 years or so working campaigns, and beat by an amateur.

lol.... she reached great heights & without fred drumf bankrolling her start.

She 'reached great heights' by hanging on to Bills coattails, and running on his popularity.

Hell, she had to carpetbag from Arkansas to NY to win an election.
And Trump reached "great heights" by riding the popularity of a reality TV show geared to dumb people.
& last i heard, the question was raised as to whether any of the emails received or sent by trump's klan was classified info, so far.... no comment.

unlike hillary who never knowingly received or fwd any. a teeny tiny (C) embedded in the few that were circulated never had the big blazing official CLASSIFIED header on any of them.
unlike hillary who never knowingly received or fwd any.

well unless you are hitlery, there is no fking way you can make this statement with a straight face or tripping, but son, this is hilarious bubba. see this is the extreme tactic of the left. wow. Now you personally know what Hitlery knew and knows. when did you have the probes on her brain to know these thoughts? wow just fking wow.

uh-huh. every bit of what was investigated showed that. it was the conclusion of everybody involved. tutt tutt if you don't like it.

just like you won't be enjoying it when all the conspiracy ( not 'collusion' ) will be put to light & captain crazy pants et al will be doing a perp walk sort o' speak.

tic tock....
what was the conclusion on the 33k of emails that were deleted?
Hillary has nothing to laugh about.

she spent over a billion dollars of her backers money, to lose to a man even less qualified than her.

(and to be less qualified than her takes some doing)

as her book goes #1... she gets to say whatever she wants now, the way she wants to say it AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace... by either resigning, being impeached or taken away in a straight jacket.

oh yaaaaaaaa.............. i'm sure she is having a real good time now watching,waiting...anticipating. :popcorn:
AND she won't be the one that will be leaving a presidency in disgrace...


because she failed in her lifes dream miserably, 50 years or so working campaigns, and beat by an amateur.

lol.... she reached great heights & without fred drumf bankrolling her start.

She 'reached great heights' by hanging on to Bills coattails, and running on his popularity.

Hell, she had to carpetbag from Arkansas to NY to win an election.
And Trump reached "great heights" by riding the popularity of a reality TV show geared to dumb people.
yes, his accomplishments. glad you see the difference.

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