Interesting speculation.

In my missile crew days it was common knowledge we could put a nuke on Moscow in a little over thirty minutes flight time. Moscow is a similar distance to Pyongyang.

From what I read the gooks icbm had a more vertical trajectory, flew fourty minutes and travelled 400 miles. This could indicate they are not much interested in guidance accuracy as they are EMP detonation. Many experts are speaking out of the immense danger of such a detonation. Mortal wound to our economy. Would China be sad if this happened?

It's time to put an end to this venture.

Nuke em now!

I'm guessing it's more like 2-5 minutes of flight time to Pyongyang.... after all we have a bunch of Ohio Class Submarines sporting 24 missiles with 8 warheads each on 'em and we can park those right off the NK coast. :p

Those missiles are not suited for any type of attack on NK. Those missiles are long range and have MIRVed warheads for striking military targets and civilian population centers. It is a waste of assets. It is like using an anti-tank rocket to kill a spider in your bathroom. You won't have a bathroom left either!
Let me help you out, you would gave been saluting him.

Now stop trying to impress me, it isn't working, Popeye
the admiral knows what he's talking about...that's easy when you say absolutely nothing. Typical libtard.

Oh, I have said a lot and you have not countered a single thing. Calling me a "libtard" is really over the top for someone who professes to know something about missiles but cannot figure out a simple concept such as ballistic flight. That's physics 101!.
Fuck you admiral. You hide behind elementary bs about trajectory to avoid having to confront the possibility of an emp launch in the near future. But teach school...and that makes you an expert in all things. GFY.

Explain to me how an EMP nuclear device is going to be used over the US when they currently struggle to get their missiles more than a few hundred miles downrange. The theoretical range of this new "ICBM" puts Alaska and the west coast under the gun, but to be effective the missile must be at an altitude in order to function over a wide area.

1) There is no evidence that they have an EMP capable device.
2) The yields of their nuclear weapons are suspect and are likely huge and thus heavy.
3) Their missiles cannot reach the vast majority of the continental US.
4) These same missiles have no conformed ability to lift any warhead that far.

I know more than most teachers on this subject. I am a graduate of the Navy Nuclear Weapons School, and the Navy Guided Missile School. I was a Nuclear Weapons Security Officer, Nuclear Weapons Courier, Nuclear Weapons Handling Officer, and was the only officer on my ship capable of actually employing the nuclear weapons we could neither confirm nor deny having.

I am also a college graduate with extensive courses in physics, chemistry and a double major in math.

Now, is this dick measuring contest over?

Already given up on the topic? That's probably a good thing as we merely added to the list of things of which you are unaware.

Address the topic or I will report your trolling. You are boring!
What is the Boring.
In my missile crew days it was common knowledge we could put a nuke on Moscow in a little over thirty minutes flight time. Moscow is a similar distance to Pyongyang.

From what I read the gooks icbm had a more vertical trajectory, flew fourty minutes and travelled 400 miles. This could indicate they are not much interested in guidance accuracy as they are EMP detonation. Many experts are speaking out of the immense danger of such a detonation. Mortal wound to our economy. Would China be sad if this happened?

It's time to put an end to this venture.

Nuke em now!

I'm guessing it's more like 2-5 minutes of flight time to Pyongyang.... after all we have a bunch of Ohio Class Submarines sporting 24 missiles with 8 warheads each on 'em and we can park those right off the NK coast. :p

Those missiles are not suited for any type of attack on NK. Those missiles are long range and have MIRVed warheads for striking military targets and civilian population centers. It is a waste of assets. It is like using an anti-tank rocket to kill a spider in your bathroom. You won't have a bathroom left either!
What the fuck targets you want to hit? Gay bars?
In my missile crew days it was common knowledge we could put a nuke on Moscow in a little over thirty minutes flight time. Moscow is a similar distance to Pyongyang.

From what I read the gooks icbm had a more vertical trajectory, flew fourty minutes and travelled 400 miles. This could indicate they are not much interested in guidance accuracy as they are EMP detonation. Many experts are speaking out of the immense danger of such a detonation. Mortal wound to our economy. Would China be sad if this happened?

It's time to put an end to this venture.

Nuke em now!

I'm guessing it's more like 2-5 minutes of flight time to Pyongyang.... after all we have a bunch of Ohio Class Submarines sporting 24 missiles with 8 warheads each on 'em and we can park those right off the NK coast. :p

Those missiles are not suited for any type of attack on NK. Those missiles are long range and have MIRVed warheads for striking military targets and civilian population centers. It is a waste of assets. It is like using an anti-tank rocket to kill a spider in your bathroom. You won't have a bathroom left either!
What the fuck targets you want to hit? Gay bars?

Are you simply incapable of following the thread?

Would you use a Trident missile on that piss-ant in North Korea?

A conventional Tomahawk or two would likely take him out, but therein lies the rub. NK would rain artillery on the south and a full blown conventional war would break out with no guarantee that it would not go nuclear.
Oh, I have said a lot and you have not countered a single thing. Calling me a "libtard" is really over the top for someone who professes to know something about missiles but cannot figure out a simple concept such as ballistic flight. That's physics 101!.
Fuck you admiral. You hide behind elementary bs about trajectory to avoid having to confront the possibility of an emp launch in the near future. But teach school...and that makes you an expert in all things. GFY.

Explain to me how an EMP nuclear device is going to be used over the US when they currently struggle to get their missiles more than a few hundred miles downrange. The theoretical range of this new "ICBM" puts Alaska and the west coast under the gun, but to be effective the missile must be at an altitude in order to function over a wide area.

1) There is no evidence that they have an EMP capable device.
2) The yields of their nuclear weapons are suspect and are likely huge and thus heavy.
3) Their missiles cannot reach the vast majority of the continental US.
4) These same missiles have no conformed ability to lift any warhead that far.

I know more than most teachers on this subject. I am a graduate of the Navy Nuclear Weapons School, and the Navy Guided Missile School. I was a Nuclear Weapons Security Officer, Nuclear Weapons Courier, Nuclear Weapons Handling Officer, and was the only officer on my ship capable of actually employing the nuclear weapons we could neither confirm nor deny having.

I am also a college graduate with extensive courses in physics, chemistry and a double major in math.

Now, is this dick measuring contest over?

Already given up on the topic? That's probably a good thing as we merely added to the list of things of which you are unaware.

Address the topic or I will report your trolling. You are boring!
What is the Boring.

Were my comments directed at you? No. Learn to read the thread please!
In my missile crew days it was common knowledge we could put a nuke on Moscow in a little over thirty minutes flight time. Moscow is a similar distance to Pyongyang.

From what I read the gooks icbm had a more vertical trajectory, flew fourty minutes and travelled 400 miles. This could indicate they are not much interested in guidance accuracy as they are EMP detonation. Many experts are speaking out of the immense danger of such a detonation. Mortal wound to our economy. Would China be sad if this happened?

It's time to put an end to this venture.

Nuke em now!

I'm guessing it's more like 2-5 minutes of flight time to Pyongyang.... after all we have a bunch of Ohio Class Submarines sporting 24 missiles with 8 warheads each on 'em and we can park those right off the NK coast. :p

Those missiles are not suited for any type of attack on NK. Those missiles are long range and have MIRVed warheads for striking military targets and civilian population centers. It is a waste of assets. It is like using an anti-tank rocket to kill a spider in your bathroom. You won't have a bathroom left either!
What the fuck targets you want to hit? Gay bars?

Are you simply incapable of following the thread?

Would you use a Trident missile on that piss-ant in North Korea?

A conventional Tomahawk or two would likely take him out, but therein lies the rub. NK would rain artillery on the south and a full blown conventional war would break out with no guarantee that it would not go nuclear.
We need to tell the noko generals that any movement by their forces on the south will meet with annihilation with tactical nukes. Their choice.
In my missile crew days it was common knowledge we could put a nuke on Moscow in a little over thirty minutes flight time. Moscow is a similar distance to Pyongyang.

From what I read the gooks icbm had a more vertical trajectory, flew fourty minutes and travelled 400 miles. This could indicate they are not much interested in guidance accuracy as they are EMP detonation. Many experts are speaking out of the immense danger of such a detonation. Mortal wound to our economy. Would China be sad if this happened?

It's time to put an end to this venture.

Nuke em now!

I'm guessing it's more like 2-5 minutes of flight time to Pyongyang.... after all we have a bunch of Ohio Class Submarines sporting 24 missiles with 8 warheads each on 'em and we can park those right off the NK coast. :p

Those missiles are not suited for any type of attack on NK. Those missiles are long range and have MIRVed warheads for striking military targets and civilian population centers. It is a waste of assets. It is like using an anti-tank rocket to kill a spider in your bathroom. You won't have a bathroom left either!
What the fuck targets you want to hit? Gay bars?

Are you simply incapable of following the thread?

Would you use a Trident missile on that piss-ant in North Korea?

A conventional Tomahawk or two would likely take him out, but therein lies the rub. NK would rain artillery on the south and a full blown conventional war would break out with no guarantee that it would not go nuclear.
We need to tell the noko generals that any movement by their forces on the south will meet with annihilation with tactical nukes. Their choice.

They don't need to move! That is why they have artillery!

Do you have any idea how much of a hornet's nest you are proposing by using nuclear weapons? It simply is NOT an option. Why can't you see that?
I would presume an artillary attack would precede an invasion. In any case I would make it clear that aritillay fire would be included in our definition of movement of forces.
In my missile crew days it was common knowledge we could put a nuke on Moscow in a little over thirty minutes flight time. Moscow is a similar distance to Pyongyang.

From what I read the gooks icbm had a more vertical trajectory, flew fourty minutes and travelled 400 miles. This could indicate they are not much interested in guidance accuracy as they are EMP detonation. Many experts are speaking out of the immense danger of such a detonation. Mortal wound to our economy. Would China be sad if this happened?

It's time to put an end to this venture.

Nuke em now!

I'm guessing it's more like 2-5 minutes of flight time to Pyongyang.... after all we have a bunch of Ohio Class Submarines sporting 24 missiles with 8 warheads each on 'em and we can park those right off the NK coast. :p

Those missiles are not suited for any type of attack on NK. Those missiles are long range and have MIRVed warheads for striking military targets and civilian population centers. It is a waste of assets. It is like using an anti-tank rocket to kill a spider in your bathroom. You won't have a bathroom left either!

Uh-huh, which is one of the things the federal government is really good at it. :p

At any rate I was just being facetious, I don't want the moronic warmongers in Washington to start popping off nukes ANYWHERE, heck if I had my way those jabbering idiots wouldn't even have 'em.

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