Interesting theory that of the Venetians - Vandals and Longobards of Protoslav lineage

All and nothing. There is a romantic tendency to bring most of the barbarian tribes to Germany, but also to Scandinavia, but this is in fact not plausible, especially if a methodology that is as rational and objective as possible is applied.

Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries of the last millennium, in the midst of historical reinterpretations on racial grounds, there were several scholars who hypothesized (wrongly), a Nordic (Teutonic) origin even of the ancient Romans, the ancient Greeks and the ancient Egyptians , as if the chronicles of Herodotus had been written with the ass at the mercy of amazing substances.

This obrory was written inside the manifest of the race, in the middle of the fascist era:

4. The population of present-day Italy is mostly of Aryan origin and its Aryan civilization. This population with Aryan civilization has inhabited our peninsula for several millennia; very little remains of the civilization of the Prearian people. The origin of the current Italians essentially starts from elements of those same races that constitute and constituted the perennially alive fabric of Europe.

5. The contribution of large masses of men in historical times is a legend. After the invasion of the Longobards, there were no other noteworthy movements of peoples in Italy capable of influencing the racial physiognomy of the nation. From this it follows that, while for other European countries the racial composition has varied considerably in modern times, for Italy, in its broad lines, the racial composition of today is the same as it was a thousand years ago: the forty-four million Today's Italians therefore make up the majority of families who have lived in Italy for at least a millennium.

Since once, in the wake of Germanocentrism, it was thought to be all Teutonic or Scandinavian, without taking into account the fact that both Germany and Scandinavia were Slavicized several times throughout their history.

The Goths were of Slavic lineage, as were the Lombards (Winnilowie), most of the Venetian tribes, the Vandals (Wandalowie) and Beyond.

Only some remarks. The Aryans are a mythos from Persia. Perhaps real existing people - perhaps not. And I heard the Teutones were not Germanics. To call Germans "Teutons" is only a wrong interpretation of the word "deutsch". To be "deutsch" means something like "to belong together". "United" is a more modern word. And an astonishing fact: In context with research for medicaments someone found out the people in the middle of Italy and Germans are genetically in average nearer together than others in Europe. One reason is perhaps: The ancestors of Germans are Germanics, Celts and Romans. Another reason are perhaps the Germanics in Italy (Goths, Vandals, Langobards and so on), who are also ancestors of modern Italians.

An attempt is always made to Germanize anything, when instead all the peoples living in the Italian peninsula are the result of innumerable ethnic mixtures. So much so that there are Germanic, Celtic phenotypes (bearing in mind that part of the Celtic tribes mentioned by Julius Caesar were of Protoslav lineage), Mesopotamian / Levantine, Slavic (especially in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, being close to Slovenia), but there are Slavic phenotypes also in Lombardy, as the longobards were of Slavic rather than Germanic lineage. In addition to the fact that native phenotypes, mainly Ligurian, are still found throughout the penisular territory.
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For example, despite being a native of the Lombardy region, my phenotypic characteristics recall those of the native Ligurians, which are found throughout the peninsula, from north to south. Among other things, I carry a surname of ancient Latin origin.

The stature is a characteristic feature to distinguish the autochthony of an Italian or his allochthonous origin. It could be said that the phenotypic characteristics that concern the medium-low stature of the pre-Alpine species is an inheritance deriving from the process of southernization of the pre-Alpine period starting from the pre-Roman era, which ended in the Roman / Latin era through the Romanization of Cisalpine Gaul.

Julius Caesar, in his De Bello Gallico, was keen to emphasize the dimorphism of stature between his legionaries and the Celtic peoples, through the war clashes with the Atuatuci, a people whom he himself believed was of Teutonic origin, while I favor more for an origin Slavic or Proto Slavic:

"At first, after the arrival of our army, the Atuatuci often made sorties and measured themselves with ours in little skirmishes; later, when they were surrounded by a wall of fifteen miles of perimeter with numerous reductions, they were held within the city walls. The vines had already been pushed forward and the embankment built; but, when they saw that we were preparing a tower, far away, from the walls they immediately began to mock us and to shout why never such a big device was built at such a distance: on what hands and what strength the Romans, small as they were (all the Gauls in fact, for the most part they despise our stature compared to the grandeur of their physique), did they count towards bringing such a heavy tower close to the walls?"


In fact, it was most well found in ancient Roman art:







An attempt is always made to Germanize anything, when instead all the peoples living in the Italian peninsula are the result of innumerable ethnic mixtures.

In Rome lived in the best time about 1 million people from all over the Roman Empire - and in the worst times lived there only about 10,000 people, who used Rome as a stone quarry.

So much so that there are Germanic, Celtic phenotypes (bearing in mind that part of the Celtic tribes mentioned by Julius Caesar were of Protoslav lineage), Mesopotamian / Levantine, Slavic (especially in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, being close to Slovenia), but there are Slavic phenotypes also in Lombardy, as the longobards were of Slavic rather than Germanic lineage.

The Langobards spoke a Germanic language, so they were Germanics. Other Germanic tribes spoke with them without interpreter.

In addition to the fact that native phenotypes, mainly Ligurian, are still found throughout the penisular territory.

Celts and Germanics are the same phenotypes. The ancestors of the Germanics were Celts.

As far as I am able to see the Slaws came out of this region:


That's where the language of the Slaws came from during the 5th and 10th century. The center is somewhere near Kiev.

And tell me please what's the "phenotype" of a Slaw for you.
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For example, despite being a native of the Lombardy region, my phenotypic characteristics recall those of the native Ligurians, which are found throughout the peninsula, from north to south. Among other things, I carry a surname of ancient Latin origin.

Okay. The nearer people live together the more they see a difference. Specially if they are twins.

The stature is a characteristic feature to distinguish the autochthony of an Italian or his allochthonous origin. It could be said that the phenotypic characteristics that concern the medium-low stature of the pre-Alpine species is an inheritance deriving from the process of southernization of the pre-Alpine period starting from the pre-Roman era, which ended in the Roman / Latin era through the Romanization of Cisalpine Gaul.

Now I'm confused. Thought you are a human being.

Julius Caesar, in his De Bello Gallico, was keen to emphasize the dimorphism of stature between his legionaries and the Celtic peoples, through the war clashes with the Atuatuci, a people whom he himself believed was of Teutonic origin, while I favor more for an origin Slavic or Proto Slavic:

The mass-murderer Cesar said a lot of things when a day was long. He made a kind of "entertainment war" while he had murdered about 50% of the Celts in Gallia.

"At first, after the arrival of our army, the Atuatuci often made sorties and measured themselves with ours in little skirmishes; later, when they were surrounded by a wall of fifteen miles of perimeter with numerous reductions, they were held within the city walls. The vines had already been pushed forward and the embankment built; but, when they saw that we were preparing a tower, far away, from the walls they immediately began to mock us and to shout why never such a big device was built at such a distance: on what hands and what strength the Romans, small as they were (all the Gauls in fact, for the most part they despise our stature compared to the grandeur of their physique), did they count towards bringing such a heavy tower close to the walls?"


In fact, it was most well found in ancient Roman art:

View attachment 346057

I found by the way out that the Romans had called someone "Veneti" (in the North) who had nothing to do with the Veneti in Italy - they used this name only for a description. Perhaps like "strange speaking people" or so. The Veneti in Italy were Celts.
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In Rome lived in the best time about 1 million people from all over the Roman Empire - and in the worst times lived there only about 10,000 people, who used Rome as a stone quarry.

It was a society divided into castes and social classes, the empire used slaves as a workforce from other regions, but this does not go beyond the fact that the Roman legionaries had different phenotypes both as regards the Celts and as regards the Germans and the Slavs.

The Langobards spoke a Germanic language, so they were Germanics. Other Germanic tribes spoke with them without interpreter.

Even a Neapolitan speaks my own national language, although different phenotypic characteristics flow between me and him, but this also happens among many Lombards, since the Lombards form a group of peoples different from each other in appearance, anthropological characteristics, stature and traits different phenotypics.
Language is not a fundamental factor in determining whether one or more peoples belong to the same root, so much so that once they all spoke Latin (or almost), now the universal language is English, but this does not mean that we are all ethnically English.

Celts and Germanics are the same phenotypes. The ancestors of the Germanics were Celts.

This too is an all too exaggerated statement, if you think that the Celts were not all ethnically equal and when we talk about them we must think of a set of different tribes among them: part of them were of Germanic lineage, another part it was of Proto-Slavic lineage, others were of Liguere lineage, as the ancient Ligui (autochthonous Cisalpine), in pre-Roman times controlled a large part of the Cisalpine and the French coast, even went to what is now called Germany.

As far as I am able to see the Slaws came out of this region:


That's where the language of the Slaws came from during the 5th and 10th century. The center is somewhere near Kiev.

In Ukraine, I know, my grandmother's caregiver is Ukraine. The Kievan Rus did not originate in Scandinavia, according to the imaginative and allegory Panscandean allegory, but were Proto-Slavs.

And tell me please what's the "phenotype" of a Slaw for you.

These are all Slavs: the ancient Romans (with phenotypes that I showed you above), used to fight against these people:




This instead is Bergamo like me, only that its phenotypes and its characteristics are completely different from mine, being its more Slavic, despite the fact that we both speak the same language.

These instead are Germanic phenotypes: the one on the right is an Italian journalist, the one on the left a German journalist invited to an Italian television broadcast, note the similarity.

Now I'm confused. Thought you are a human being.

I have only underlined the fact that a cisalpino of medium-low stature has a different ethnic origin (liguere / southern) compared to another cisalpino with medium-high stature. The fact is that these phenotypes are found very much in Cisalpine, and although they are also tall in stature they recall by far the Levantine Middle East:


I found by the way out that the Romans had called someone "Veneti" (in the North) who had nothing to do with the Veneti in Italy - they used this name only for a description. Perhaps like "strange speaking people" or so. The Veneti in Italy were Celts.

The ancient Adriatic Venetians were not Celts, Germans and Scandinavians, but Proto-Slavs.
About the ancient Ligurians, my country was founded by them, then the Celts Cenomani
took over and so on..
In Rome lived in the best time about 1 million people from all over the Roman Empire - and in the worst times lived there only about 10,000 people, who used Rome as a stone quarry.

It was a society divided into castes and social classes, the empire used slaves as a workforce from other regions, but this does not go beyond the fact that the Roman legionaries had different phenotypes both as regards the Celts and as regards the Germans and the Slavs.

The Langobards spoke a Germanic language, so they were Germanics. Other Germanic tribes spoke with them without interpreter.

Even a Neapolitan speaks my own national language, although different phenotypic characteristics flow between me and him, but this also happens among many Lombards, since the Lombards form a group of peoples different from each other in appearance, anthropological characteristics, stature and traits different phenotypics.
Language is not a fundamental factor in determining whether one or more peoples belong to the same root,

Not so in Germany. Who speaks a German language is a German.

so much so that once they all spoke Latin (or almost), now the universal language is English, but this does not mean that we are all ethnically English.

Celts and Germanics are the same phenotypes. The ancestors of the Germanics were Celts.

This too is an all too exaggerated statement, if you think that the Celts were not all ethnically equal and when we talk about them we must think of a set of different tribes among them: part of them were of Germanic lineage, another part it was of Proto-Slavic lineage, others were of Liguere lineage, as the ancient Ligui (autochthonous Cisalpine), in pre-Roman times controlled a large part of the Cisalpine and the French coast, even went to what is now called Germany.

As far as I am able to see the Slaws came out of this region:


That's where the language of the Slaws came from during the 5th and 10th century. The center is somewhere near Kiev.

In Ukraine, I know, my grandmother's caregiver is Ukraine. The Kievan Rus did not originate in Scandinavia, according to the imaginative and allegory Panscandean allegory, but were Proto-Slavs.

And tell me please what's the "phenotype" of a Slaw for you.

These are all Slavs: the ancient Romans (with phenotypes that I showed you above), used to fight against these people:

View attachment 346493

View attachment 346495

View attachment 346496

This instead is Bergamo like me, only that its phenotypes and its characteristics are completely different from mine, being its more Slavic, despite the fact that we both speak the same language.

View attachment 346498

And you think between this people and Germans or Germanics and/or Celts exists a difference in the phenotype?

Now I'm confused. Thought you are a human being.

I have only underlined the fact that a cisalpino of medium-low stature has a different ethnic origin (liguere / southern) compared to another cisalpino with medium-high stature. The fact is that these phenotypes are found very much in Cisalpine, and although they are also tall in stature they recall by far the Levantine Middle East:

View attachment 346503

I found by the way out that the Romans had called someone "Veneti" (in the North) who had nothing to do with the Veneti in Italy - they used this name only for a description. Perhaps like "strange speaking people" or so. The Veneti in Italy were Celts.

The ancient Adriatic Venetians were not Celts, Germans and Scandinavians, but Proto-Slavs.

When I took a look now I got the feeling the best is to call them "Proto-Italians". Their Este-culture was indeed not Celtic. They lived between the Illyrians and the Celts and were assimilated from the Latin culture. Their arts had Ertruskian and Greek elements. Special for their arts were so called "situla". They were assimiliated from the Roman empire and spoke Latin since the first century BC. Their own language seemed to have common roots with the Latin language - or was totally independent.

I find nothing what I could call "Proto-Slavs" in context with this ancient culture.
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In Rome lived in the best time about 1 million people from all over the Roman Empire - and in the worst times lived there only about 10,000 people, who used Rome as a stone quarry.

It was a society divided into castes and social classes, the empire used slaves as a workforce from other regions, but this does not go beyond the fact that the Roman legionaries had different phenotypes both as regards the Celts and as regards the Germans and the Slavs.

The Langobards spoke a Germanic language, so they were Germanics. Other Germanic tribes spoke with them without interpreter.

Even a Neapolitan speaks my own national language, although different phenotypic characteristics flow between me and him, but this also happens among many Lombards, since the Lombards form a group of peoples different from each other in appearance, anthropological characteristics, stature and traits different phenotypics.
Language is not a fundamental factor in determining whether one or more peoples belong to the same root,

Not so in Germany. Who speaks a German language is a German.

so much so that once they all spoke Latin (or almost), now the universal language is English, but this does not mean that we are all ethnically English.

Celts and Germanics are the same phenotypes. The ancestors of the Germanics were Celts.

This too is an all too exaggerated statement, if you think that the Celts were not all ethnically equal and when we talk about them we must think of a set of different tribes among them: part of them were of Germanic lineage, another part it was of Proto-Slavic lineage, others were of Liguere lineage, as the ancient Ligui (autochthonous Cisalpine), in pre-Roman times controlled a large part of the Cisalpine and the French coast, even went to what is now called Germany.

As far as I am able to see the Slaws came out of this region:


That's where the language of the Slaws came from during the 5th and 10th century. The center is somewhere near Kiev.

In Ukraine, I know, my grandmother's caregiver is Ukraine. The Kievan Rus did not originate in Scandinavia, according to the imaginative and allegory Panscandean allegory, but were Proto-Slavs.

And tell me please what's the "phenotype" of a Slaw for you.

These are all Slavs: the ancient Romans (with phenotypes that I showed you above), used to fight against these people:

View attachment 346493

View attachment 346495

View attachment 346496

This instead is Bergamo like me, only that its phenotypes and its characteristics are completely different from mine, being its more Slavic, despite the fact that we both speak the same language.

View attachment 346498

And you think between this people and Germans or Germanics and/or Celts exists a difference in the phenotype?

Apart from the fact that the territory of the saxony was slavicized several times throughout history, not to mention that East Germany was Russian, even if for a short period, but in that period of time, especially close to the entrance in germany of the red army, many germanic women were defiled by the russian slavic solati and had children.

To the allegorical and imaginative theory of Germanising the whole of Europe, I am inclined towards what you see populations of Slavic and proto-Slavic descent who, dropping from Eastern Europe, colonized much of Europe in ancient times.

However my brother speaks Swedish despite being an Italian (language classified as Germanic), since he lives and works in Stockholm, but this does not mean that he must be identified as a German of origin.
This tendency to Germanize every people is part of imaginative and allegorical reconstructions that have a purely propagandistic and pangermanic purpose.

As well as the fact that asserting that both the Celts and the Slavs belong to a large family that belongs to the Germanic one, in the wake of the racist-based historical revisionism that the Nazis did, followed later by the fascist regime.
Now I'm confused. Thought you are a human being.

I have only underlined the fact that a cisalpino of medium-low stature has a different ethnic origin (liguere / southern) compared to another cisalpino with medium-high stature. The fact is that these phenotypes are found very much in Cisalpine, and although they are also tall in stature they recall by far the Levantine Middle East:

View attachment 346503

I found by the way out that the Romans had called someone "Veneti" (in the North) who had nothing to do with the Veneti in Italy - they used this name only for a description. Perhaps like "strange speaking people" or so. The Veneti in Italy were Celts.

The ancient Adriatic Venetians were not Celts, Germans and Scandinavians, but Proto-Slavs.

When I took a look now I got the feeling the best is to call them "Proto-Italians". Their Este-culture was indeed not Celtic. They lived between the Illyrians and the Celts and were assimilated from the Latin culture. Their arts had Ertruskian and Greek elements. Special for their arts were so called "situla". They were assimiliated from the Roman empire and spoke Latin since the first century BC. Their own language seemed to have common roots with the Latin language - or was totally independent.

I find nothing what I could call "Proto-Slavs" in context with this ancient culture.

Nothing to do with the Celts, least of all with the Germans: in the Cisalpine Celtic wars against Rome the Venetians have always been allies with them against the Cisalpine Celts, together with the neighbors
Celtic Cenomani.

You refer to the official and traditional historiography, which, as in all stories, there is a good part of myth, while I rely mainly on the venetska teorija which sees all peoples with similar etymology, united not only by a single language , but also from a single culture and ethnicity, that is the Slavic one.
And you think between this people and Germans or Germanics and/or Celts exists a difference in the phenotype?

If there are any similarities, it certainly depends on the fact that it was ancient populations of Proto-Slavic descent from Eastern Europe (today's Russia and Ukraine) to colonize much of Europe known to us today, certainly not an aggravated population belonging to a large Germanic and Scandinavian family.
In Rome lived in the best time about 1 million people from all over the Roman Empire - and in the worst times lived there only about 10,000 people, who used Rome as a stone quarry.

It was a society divided into castes and social classes, the empire used slaves as a workforce from other regions, but this does not go beyond the fact that the Roman legionaries had different phenotypes both as regards the Celts and as regards the Germans and the Slavs.

The Langobards spoke a Germanic language, so they were Germanics. Other Germanic tribes spoke with them without interpreter.

Even a Neapolitan speaks my own national language, although different phenotypic characteristics flow between me and him, but this also happens among many Lombards, since the Lombards form a group of peoples different from each other in appearance, anthropological characteristics, stature and traits different phenotypics.
Language is not a fundamental factor in determining whether one or more peoples belong to the same root,

Not so in Germany. Who speaks a German language is a German.

so much so that once they all spoke Latin (or almost), now the universal language is English, but this does not mean that we are all ethnically English.

Celts and Germanics are the same phenotypes. The ancestors of the Germanics were Celts.

This too is an all too exaggerated statement, if you think that the Celts were not all ethnically equal and when we talk about them we must think of a set of different tribes among them: part of them were of Germanic lineage, another part it was of Proto-Slavic lineage, others were of Liguere lineage, as the ancient Ligui (autochthonous Cisalpine), in pre-Roman times controlled a large part of the Cisalpine and the French coast, even went to what is now called Germany.

As far as I am able to see the Slaws came out of this region:


That's where the language of the Slaws came from during the 5th and 10th century. The center is somewhere near Kiev.

In Ukraine, I know, my grandmother's caregiver is Ukraine. The Kievan Rus did not originate in Scandinavia, according to the imaginative and allegory Panscandean allegory, but were Proto-Slavs.

And tell me please what's the "phenotype" of a Slaw for you.

These are all Slavs: the ancient Romans (with phenotypes that I showed you above), used to fight against these people:

View attachment 346493

View attachment 346495

View attachment 346496

This instead is Bergamo like me, only that its phenotypes and its characteristics are completely different from mine, being its more Slavic, despite the fact that we both speak the same language.

View attachment 346498

And you think between this people and Germans or Germanics and/or Celts exists a difference in the phenotype?

Apart from the fact that the territory of the saxony was slavicized several times throughout history,

Saxony? That's in history the North of Germany. Hamburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen and so on. Which tribes live in the federal state of Germany, which is called Saxony since a younger history, I don't know in the moment. For what or why is this important?

not to mention that East Germany was Russian,

The East of Germany never was "Russian" - it was a socialistic Soviet state under the dictatorship of communistic leaders. Wide German areas which are now Poland and the Russian area around Königsberg are now an area ful of Slaws, because the Germans who had lived there were murdred and/or displaced after world war 2. Silesia and Bohemia are dead too. Even in Transsylvania don't live Germans any longer, although they lived there for hundreds of years. The most Germans, who had lived in Russian areas, also had left this country in the size of a continent.

even if for a short period, but in that period of time, especially close to the entrance in germany of the red army, many germanic women were defiled by the russian slavic solati and had children.

That's true: Millions of German women were brutally raped - some murdered - from the allies in and after world war 2. Lots of this women did do suicide. But this makes not any German to a Slaw.

To the allegorical and imaginative theory of Germanising the whole of Europe,


I am inclined towards what you see populations of Slavic and proto-Slavic descent who, dropping from Eastern Europe, colonized much of Europe in ancient times.

Again: The Slaws came from an area direction Kiev. This started as far as I know in the 5th century. I heard in the area of Prague lived for a minimum of 500 years Germanics, before the first Slaws arrived there. And Slaws have with Italy to do nothing at all as far as I know.

However my brother speaks Swedish despite being an Italian (language classified as Germanic), since he lives and works in Stockholm, but this does not mean that he must be identified as a German of origin.

Why should anyone identify an Italian in Sweden as a "German of origin"?
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And you think between this people and Germans or Germanics and/or Celts exists a difference in the phenotype?

If there are any similarities, it certainly depends on the fact that it was ancient populations of Proto-Slavic descent from Eastern Europe (today's Russia and Ukraine) to colonize much of Europe known to us today, certainly not an aggravated population belonging to a large Germanic and Scandinavian family.

What a nonsense.
What a nonsense.

I am not the one who claims that the ancient Celts - Slavs and Germans belonged to a single Germanic stock, just as I was not the one to affirm a Celtic origin of the ancient Venetians. For posterity the arduous judgment on who between us is rubbing nonsense.
In Rome lived in the best time about 1 million people from all over the Roman Empire - and in the worst times lived there only about 10,000 people, who used Rome as a stone quarry.

It was a society divided into castes and social classes, the empire used slaves as a workforce from other regions, but this does not go beyond the fact that the Roman legionaries had different phenotypes both as regards the Celts and as regards the Germans and the Slavs.

The Langobards spoke a Germanic language, so they were Germanics. Other Germanic tribes spoke with them without interpreter.

Even a Neapolitan speaks my own national language, although different phenotypic characteristics flow between me and him, but this also happens among many Lombards, since the Lombards form a group of peoples different from each other in appearance, anthropological characteristics, stature and traits different phenotypics.
Language is not a fundamental factor in determining whether one or more peoples belong to the same root,

Not so in Germany. Who speaks a German language is a German.

so much so that once they all spoke Latin (or almost), now the universal language is English, but this does not mean that we are all ethnically English.

Celts and Germanics are the same phenotypes. The ancestors of the Germanics were Celts.

This too is an all too exaggerated statement, if you think that the Celts were not all ethnically equal and when we talk about them we must think of a set of different tribes among them: part of them were of Germanic lineage, another part it was of Proto-Slavic lineage, others were of Liguere lineage, as the ancient Ligui (autochthonous Cisalpine), in pre-Roman times controlled a large part of the Cisalpine and the French coast, even went to what is now called Germany.

As far as I am able to see the Slaws came out of this region:


That's where the language of the Slaws came from during the 5th and 10th century. The center is somewhere near Kiev.

In Ukraine, I know, my grandmother's caregiver is Ukraine. The Kievan Rus did not originate in Scandinavia, according to the imaginative and allegory Panscandean allegory, but were Proto-Slavs.

And tell me please what's the "phenotype" of a Slaw for you.

These are all Slavs: the ancient Romans (with phenotypes that I showed you above), used to fight against these people:

View attachment 346493

View attachment 346495

View attachment 346496

This instead is Bergamo like me, only that its phenotypes and its characteristics are completely different from mine, being its more Slavic, despite the fact that we both speak the same language.

View attachment 346498

And you think between this people and Germans or Germanics and/or Celts exists a difference in the phenotype?

Apart from the fact that the territory of the saxony was slavicized several times throughout history,

Saxony? That's in history the North of Germany. Hamburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen and so on. Which tribes live in the federal state of Germany, which is called Saxony since a younger history, I don't know in the moment. For what or why is this important?

not to mention that East Germany was Russian,

The East of Germany never was "Russian" - it was a socialistic Soviet state under the dictatorship of communistic leaders. Wide German areas which are now Poland and the Russian area around Königsberg are now an area ful of Slaws, because the Germans who had lived there were murdred and/or displaced after world war 2. Silesia and Bohemia are dead too. Even in Transsylvania don't live Germans any longer, although they lived there for hundreds of years. The most Germans, who had lived in Russian areas, also had left this country in the size of a continent.

even if for a short period, but in that period of time, especially close to the entrance in germany of the red army, many germanic women were defiled by the russian slavic solati and had children.

That's true: Millions of German women were brutally raped - some murdered - from the allies in and after world war 2. Lots of this women did do suicide. But this makes not any German to a Slaw.

To the allegorical and imaginative theory of Germanising the whole of Europe,


I am inclined towards what you see populations of Slavic and proto-Slavic descent who, dropping from Eastern Europe, colonized much of Europe in ancient times.

Again: The Slaws came from an area direction Kiev. This started as far as I know in the 5th century. I heard in the area of Prague lived for a minimum of 500 years Germanics, before the first Slaws arrived there. And Slaws have with Italy to do nothing at all as far as I know.

However my brother speaks Swedish despite being an Italian (language classified as Germanic), since he lives and works in Stockholm, but this does not mean that he must be identified as a German of origin.

Why should anyone identify an Italian in Sweden as a "German of origin"?

Notwithstanding the fact that I don't want to be here to answer all your counter-responses, I reiterate the concept that Germanocentrism, on the objective and rational level, is totally devoid of any truthfulness. Therefore, I remain firm on the theories that make the Longobards a people of Proto-Slavic lineage, as well as the Goths and vandals, not to mention the set of tribes belonging to the Slavic family of the Venetians.

Saxony and the neighboring territories were invaded by Slavic populations on several occasions throughout history, were subsequently Germanized from a linguistic point of view, but Slavs still remain. Ever heard of Polabian Slavs?

There have been some claims (during the Soviet-era especially) that East Germany was originally inhabited by Slavic people and that modern Eastern Germans in the Republic of Germany are actually more Slavic than Germanic, but just how Slavic is East Germany anyways? Believe it or not, there may actually be more truth to this claim than one may think and there is a plethora of historic, genetic and linguistic evidence for the influence of old Slavic tribes on various groups of German-speaking people, and the modern Slavic peoples who still live within the borders of Germany and other Germanic countries to this day. Thanks for watching!


It is just as interesting as how the Germans, and other so-called Nordic peoples called the Slavs their own Wends, which refers to the Venetians etymologically as well as semantically: this etymological similarity also applies to the Longobards since they were originally called (and were called) precisely Winnili or Winnilowie.

In addition to these sources, in that part of Germany there are still toponyms of Slavic origin, as well as many surnames that recall Slavic etymes, as it is written in the links I posted.
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