International bodies credibility tested over rebel atrocities

The real challenge facing Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Organization in Geneva and and the international Criminal Cout (ICC) led Chief Prosecutor Fatou B. Bensouda is the crimes against humanity committed by the rebels in North Kordofan.

Probing into these crimes will test the credibility of these organizations which have nothing to do than just direct charges at Sudan.

These organizations have to shoulder up their task vis a vis the documented crimes including crimes against humanity, genocide, torture and salient and grave human rights abuses committed by the Sudan Revolutionary Front rebels in Um Rawaba and Kershola in North Kordofan.

There is statistics about the bodies scattered about the streets, blood-shedding, rapes and the number of displaced and missing.

Within a few hours, more than 200 people were killed through indiscriminate shooting or ethically based field trials. More than 30 rape cases motivated by revenge and humiliation of the relatives of the victims were also documented.

The rebel attack has left more than 25,000 elderly, women and children without home.

The matter is more serious than just aiding the displaced people. The most important thing is to rehabilitate those people and help them overcome the shock they have experienced. Unfortunately, it will take a long time for international bodies to take serious action.

No one knows the reason behind the delay. Are the crimes committed by the rebels are unworthy of investigation or condemnation?

It is certain that these human rights bodies are politically oriented. They have lashed at the rebel acts so timidly, because they felt critical.

The national judicial authorities, therefore, have to work hard to bring the offenders to justice.

The prosecution will not be annulled even if the Sudan government and the rebels have arrived at peace agreement.

The rebels will be held responsible for killing innocent people and devastating vital public institutions. Accountability is valid even with the signing of the peace agreement.

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