Internet Stalkers

I belonged to a message board once where there were a couple of hackers. This was more than 10 years ago, when the internet was a lot more open.

Anyway this board was full of militant animal activists/environmentalists and a girl found out my first and last name, the tiny town I lived in and where I worked and posted it on the board.
Then what happened?

Hell if I know. She was banned, she probably came back, but the tolerance level for that sort of shit plummeted and the mods were on it. I think they reported her to her ISP.
Who knows. I get hang up calls all the time, always have.

But no, nobody showed up on my doorstep or hassled me except for said freak, and she faded into the sunset. Or changed her persona, who knows.

I'm more used to the internet now. If you want to find someone, you can generally find them.
I have had people annoyingly follow me around on message boards but nothing more than that, I would be pretty easy to stalk as my info isnt hard to find, as long as they cant hack into my bank and credit card accounts it doesnt bother me nor do I fear someone taking it to the next level and stalking me in real life as you would have to be a pretty pathetic character to do such.

I WANT them to show up at the house.:evil:

How come all youse guys get stalkers and I don't?

Thats just not fair.

I want a stalker too!
si modo....he is flat out lying, i never did anything of that, nor did i ever write a letter

it has actually been him that stalked me and threatened not only my employment, but my person and my family....he has been banned at multiple boards for his threats and his posting of personal information.... and has been banned here for his threats and posting of personal information just a couple of months ago....i have numerous PM's saved, at the request of multiple board owners, to catalog his threats as one board owner was getting ready to bring in the authorities over maineman's threats....i said i didn't think it has risen to that level yet, so he got banned....

trust me
I understand.

However it may have happened and whoever's information was posted, it is a good example of it going beyond the 'just electrons' stage and into affecting one's real life.

It's whacked.

he is clearly lying. and his acting all surprised about my occupation on another thread on THIS very site proves it. He does know my real name and the identity of my employer... and he has threatened to contact them and to visit them... I have no idea for certain that it was yurt who contacted my employer, but I DO know that it was yurt who first made my identity a matter of public record.

he is an amoral slimeball and, if karma is just, he will get his bowl of ice cold gazpacho delivered when he least expects it.

Both of you knock the shit off. I don't care who did what. Not here. If any member of THIS board is threatened in any way, somebody gets squashed. Period. But, keep your squabbles from other boards off this one, please.

Thank you.
I understand.

However it may have happened and whoever's information was posted, it is a good example of it going beyond the 'just electrons' stage and into affecting one's real life.

It's whacked.

he is clearly lying. and his acting all surprised about my occupation on another thread on THIS very site proves it. He does know my real name and the identity of my employer... and he has threatened to contact them and to visit them... I have no idea for certain that it was yurt who contacted my employer, but I DO know that it was yurt who first made my identity a matter of public record.

he is an amoral slimeball and, if karma is just, he will get his bowl of ice cold gazpacho delivered when he least expects it.

Both of you knock the shit off. I don't care who did what. Not here. If any member of THIS board is threatened in any way, somebody gets squashed. Period. But, keep your squabbles from other boards off this one, please.

Thank you.

he just threatened me again in the post:

he will get his bowl of ice cold gazpacho delivered when he least expects it.

you know quite well he is specifically referring to contacting my employer, his revenge for what he wrongly believes i someone going to get squashed?

and in case you missed it, he's on ignore, i'm done with his shit, but i'm not going to sit here while he continues to threaten me and you know damn well he is
I said it's done. Period. Y'all want to do this shit, do it elsewhere. I don't know who did what elsewhere and I don't care. It AIN'T happening here. End of story.

You've BOTH been around a long time. You know me, and I know you. Don't fuck with me. Keep it off THIS board, period.

If YOU can't, I can.
i haven't brought shit to this board...i'm not the one making threats

i have no idea why you even think i'm continuing anything or even talking about any other board....i'm talking about this board know for a fact what his words mean, if you choose to let it the admin that is your choice....and i will not publicly question your decisions

as i said, he is on ignore, i'm tired of this age old shit, but i'm not going to keep quiet when he threatens me like that....i notified you and you've made your choice...

i'm done with it, let's get back to normal posting


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