Internment of Japanese-Americans During World War II

This is 1942 America

1. Blacks were still segregated in the south, lynchings were abundant
2. Women had recently gotten the right to vote
3. Immigrants were separated into neighborhoods

They were supposed to care if some sneaky Japs who had just attacked us at Pearl Harbor were rounded up for our safety?
It worked

There was no Japanese terrorism
Can't deny that.

Hey...FDR knew what he was doing

Before Japanese internment.....Pearl Fucking Harbor
After Japanese internment....No Japanese attacks
You know what I find amazing? How your ideology can switch, all because of a letter.

FDR was a freak'n military genius

He used interred Japanese as hostages

Hey Hirohito! Try that shit again and these Japs get it!
Notice how the Japanese didn't attack us again?

FDR was no military genius.
That's for sure, but he was a lying scumbag.
I've pondered this question briefly in the past myself. Why were Japanese interred but not Germans? The only thing I can come up with is national pride. The Japanese were very prideful of their mother country, where as the German's in general were ashamed? ~shrug~

You have to understand....times change and so do people

The Japanese of 1942 were sneaky, cunning and wanted to kill us in our sleep
Today, they make cool cars, nice Sushi and teach us wax on/wax off

Only as long as we occupy them, we leave and it's back to kamikaze time on Pear Harbor..

They are just waiting us out

I've pondered this question briefly in the past myself. Why were Japanese interred but not Germans? The only thing I can come up with is national pride. The Japanese were very prideful of their mother country, where as the German's in general were ashamed? ~shrug~

You have to understand....times change and so do people

The Japanese of 1942 were sneaky, cunning and wanted to kill us in our sleep
Today, they make cool cars, nice Sushi and teach us wax on/wax off
You and your buddies FDR and Truman have much in common...racism for one.
Japanese internment was bullshit. I cant believe the SC sided with it.
So you can assure us that without the internment, no harm would have come to Americans ? If so, please tell us how you can know that.
Remember this?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Remember this

Japanese internment was bullshit. I cant believe the SC sided with it.
So you can assure us that without the internment, no harm would have come to Americans ? If so, please tell us how you can know that.
Remember this?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Remember this

Are you so dumb that you easily get duped by propaganda?

I think you are.
I've pondered this question briefly in the past myself. Why were Japanese interred but not Germans? The only thing I can come up with is national pride. The Japanese were very prideful of their mother country, where as the German's in general were ashamed? ~shrug~

You have to understand....times change and so do people

The Japanese of 1942 were sneaky, cunning and wanted to kill us in our sleep
Today, they make cool cars, nice Sushi and teach us wax on/wax off

Only as long as we occupy them, we leave and it's back to kamikaze time on Pear Harbor..

They are just waiting us out


In 1942 you could not trust the Japanese. They had just attacked us. They were sneaky, hated America, and were spying behind our backs

Nobody complained about locking them up
Oh look stereo types... How lefty typical.

Todays Japs are not like the Japs of 1942


You want this guy running around your neighborhood?
I sure don't. Lets lock them up to be safe
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?

Americans were taught to fear the Japanese as want these monsters running around your neighborhood?
Oh look stereo types... How lefty typical.

Todays Japs are not like the Japs of 1942


You want this guy running around your neighborhood?
I sure don't. Lets lock them up to be safe
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.
This is 1942 America

1. Blacks were still segregated in the south, lynchings were abundant
2. Women had recently gotten the right to vote
3. Immigrants were separated into neighborhoods

They were supposed to care if some sneaky Japs who had just attacked us at Pearl Harbor were rounded up for our safety?

This is 2017 America

1. Blacks are still segregated in the North, Racism is still abundant in the north

2. Mexicans were separated into neighborhoods on their own and have no desire to Americanize

Their I fixed it for you, you're welcome

This is 1942 America

1. Blacks were still segregated in the south, lynchings were abundant
2. Women had recently gotten the right to vote
3. Immigrants were separated into neighborhoods

They were supposed to care if some sneaky Japs who had just attacked us at Pearl Harbor were rounded up for our safety?

This is 2017 America

1. Blacks are still segregated in the North, Racism is still abundant in the north

2. Mexicans were separated into neighborhoods on their own and have no desire to Americanize

Their I fixed it for you, you're welcome


Shit yea........and you guys want to lock them up
Just like 1942
Oh look stereo types... How lefty typical.

Todays Japs are not like the Japs of 1942


You want this guy running around your neighborhood?
I sure don't. Lets lock them up to be safe
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
Oh look stereo types... How lefty typical.

Todays Japs are not like the Japs of 1942


You want this guy running around your neighborhood?
I sure don't. Lets lock them up to be safe
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.
Whatever you may say about the internment of Japanese-Americans, you cannot say that it had no legitimate national security function. We will never know what would have occurred, if the internment had not happened.

The only way that a valid, objective assessment could be made, is if there was an internment, and no internment, and then compare the two side by side – which, of course, is impossible. We will simply never know.

What we CAN assess, is that if we had never allowed Muslims to immigrate here, or come here on visas, we would not have had many terrorist attacks, which, in total, have killed thousands of our people.

We can also assess that a Muslim ban is not only legal, it is required by the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2, Part 1)

Dunno, weren't they all US citizens ?
Todays Japs are not like the Japs of 1942


You want this guy running around your neighborhood?
I sure don't. Lets lock them up to be safe
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.

The sneaky Japs instigated it when they attacked us at Pearl Harbor

That is why they needed to be rounded up. To keep us safe
Todays Japs are not like the Japs of 1942


You want this guy running around your neighborhood?
I sure don't. Lets lock them up to be safe
More racism!!!

1942 America was blatantly racist
Why should the Japs be any different?
You justify racism imposed by force by the criminal FDR, because you are an idiot.

FDR was no criminal...he kept us safe from the Japanese
We were at war
A war he instigated and made sure to keep going, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands...but you think that admirable.
Japan started the war before FDR was even elected. They invaded China in 1931.

It is NEVER necessary to intern innocent American citizens.

Supporters make it sound so nice and respectable. Ignoring the fact that they lost everything - their savings, assets, jobs, property. That they were forced to live in substandard conditions. That despite the fact that their country turned on them, they did not turn on their country.

You don't do that to American citizens.

War is never respectable. Political correctness goes out the window when the bombs drop.

The country did not turn on them. That is an exaggeration. They rounded them up and put them in interment camps. They were treated well in the camps and some of them even served in the US Army. The government made some reparations after the war. That is a whole lot different than what the Japanese or the Germans did to anybody they felt was a threat.

It is easy for stupid politically correct brainwashed Americans nowadays to second guess the actions of the government during a time of a massive war. Like saying we should have dropped the atom bomb or fire bombed Dresden or whatever. Have you ever served in a war?

Roosevelt was a Liberal and a Democrat and he made the hard choices for the country. He would have felt that the Liberals nowadays are weak minded pussies.

If you want to bitch about treating Americans like shit during war then bitch about the Civil War. Among many other atrocities the filthy Union Army told all the Jews to get out of Tennessee.

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