Internment of Japanese-Americans During World War II


Oh my goodness. All of a sudden the RIGHTS of INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS becomes "Political Correctness".

You mean like when the filthy ass Liberals take away my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? How about stealing my hard earned money and give it away to the filthy welfare queens?

Do you have firearms? I do. I'm exercising my Constitutional right.

Why do you want to remove basic rights and freedoms from American citizens?

The fucking oppressive government can do anything it wants any time it wants. Nobody in the government has ever really cares about protecting the rights of innocent Americans, especially during a world war.

Really...are you free to walk around your neighborhood? Drive to another city? Apply for a job? Do you own a gun? Can you stand in front of your town courthouse and pray out loud? Can you hand out pamphlets? Can you demonstrate outside your local PP clinic protesting abortion?

You're so oppressed.

Let me know when you volunteer to have everything confiscated and be interned.

You really need to reassess your convictions. First you argue that the government was oppressive then you argue that it ain't.

Grow a backbone and stick to your convictions.

Oh my goodness. All of a sudden the RIGHTS of INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS becomes "Political Correctness".

You mean like when the filthy ass Liberals take away my Constitutional right to keep and bear arms? How about stealing my hard earned money and give it away to the filthy welfare queens?

Do you have firearms? I do. I'm exercising my Constitutional right.

Why do you want to remove basic rights and freedoms from American citizens?

The fucking oppressive government can do anything it wants any time it wants. Nobody in the government has ever really cares about protecting the rights of innocent Americans, especially during a world war.

Really...are you free to walk around your neighborhood? Drive to another city? Apply for a job? Do you own a gun? Can you stand in front of your town courthouse and pray out loud? Can you hand out pamphlets? Can you demonstrate outside your local PP clinic protesting abortion?

You're so oppressed.

Let me know when you volunteer to have everything confiscated and be interned.

You really need to reassess your convictions. First you argue that the government was oppressive then you argue that it ain't.

Grow a backbone and stick to your convictions.

You seem to be arguing it's always oppressive. It's not. It cycles. Interning American citizens is an example of oppressive government.
We can also assess that a Muslim ban is not only legal, it is required by the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2, Part 1)

And by 'we' you mean those of you who adore the idea of pissing on the U.S. Constitution- in particular the Bill of Rights

You seem to be arguing it's always oppressive. It's not. It cycles. Interning American citizens is an example of oppressive government.

You stupid Libtards love government oppression when it furthers your vile Left agenda and you sound like fools with your hypocritical bullshit when you complain about things like Japanese interment.

The Liberals put Roosevelt in power and he did the oppressive Liberal thing. Don't bitch about it Moon Bat.

What you should be bitching about if you really believe in Liberty is women killing children on demand, tremendous government regulations that controls every aspect of our lives, anti Constitutional laws and high taxation, which is just another form of slavery.
Liberals are batshit crazy I tell you. Rounding up American citizens who had done NOTHIING wrong is OK. Rounding up illegal aliens whose first act in our country was to break our laws..... immoral.
We have not learned much in 75 years

We still want to punish Mexicans and Muslims for the actions of a few

You seem to be arguing it's always oppressive. It's not. It cycles. Interning American citizens is an example of oppressive government.

You stupid Libtards love government oppression when it furthers your vile Left agenda and you sound like fools with your hypocritical bullshit when you complain about things like Japanese interment.

The Liberals put Roosevelt in power and he did the oppressive Liberal thing. Don't bitch about it Moon Bat.

What you should be bitching about if you really believe in Liberty is women killing children on demand, tremendous government regulations that controls every aspect of our lives, anti Constitutional laws and high taxation, which is just another form of slavery.

You are pathetic if you are going to whine about "government oppression" in this country. Visit Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, China, North Korea and then come back.

I don't CARE who put Roosevelt in power - conservatives and liberals alike supported the internment- the effing court upheld it. AND IT WAS WRONG.

A handful of people opposed it and their voices were drown out by the fearful who were perfectly willing the strip the rights from other American citizens, but not themselves.
Locking up Japanese was patriotic

What passed for patriotism in 1942
Ignoring all the deflection and diversion:

I will repeat. The Japanese in my neighborhood who were interned actually held no anger over it. In fact, they all thought it was to be expected and knew that Europeans in Japan were treated far worse. While those in Japan lost everything, the Japanese here returned to their homes and businesses.

And never forget, thousands of young Japanese in the internment camps leaped at the chance to enter the army and form one of the most highly decorated of all units serving against the Axis Powers.
Ignoring all the deflection and diversion:

I will repeat. The Japanese in my neighborhood who were interned actually held no anger over it. In fact, they all thought it was to be expected and knew that Europeans in Japan were treated far worse. While those in Japan lost everything, the Japanese here returned to their homes and businesses.

And never forget, thousands of young Japanese in the internment camps leaped at the chance to enter the army and form one of the most highly decorated of all units serving against the Axis Powers.

So I'm assuming you are willing to have all your assets and property confiscated, your family rounded up and sent to live for an undetermined number of years in a converted horse stall?

They didn't do it because of...but despite the fact we treated them like shit.
Looking back 75 years....yea, it was a horrible thing to do

Looking at it in terms of 1942 America a few months after Pearl made a lot of sense
Military officials and especially commanders were immediately subjected to investigations and commissions to ascertain whether any of them were culpable for negligence or dereliction of duty after Pearl Harbor. While this was going on, and blame was being aimed at some of those top commanders, Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt held the position of being the military commander in charge and responsible for keeping the west coast of the United States secure from attack and sabotage during a time of declared war and hostilities.
Blaming various politicians, ideologies, concepts, and sociological circumstances are kind of irrelevant. Gen. DeWitt had one major consideration. That consideration was ensuring the security of the west coast and all the military operations that would depend on his actions to keep those operations safe from Japanese interference, sabotage, etc. The General was in favor of removal and internment. He was the only opinion that really mattered. No one, not even FDR would argue with the commander on the ground and in charge of the west coast's security would dare go against his opinion and decision.
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How many people did Dylan Roof kill? Do you think we should intern crazy rightwing gun nuts? only some flavors you want to intern?

Bull. Interning didn't do a thing, by destroy the lives of INNOCENT AMERICAN citizens. If you think it's so great, please feel free to have all your assets confiscated, your property taken, and live in a horse-stall refurbished into an apartment for an undertermined number of years.

I'm waiting.
1. That wasn't the question. I AM the one who is waiting - for your answer to >> Do you think it is proper for Obama to have allowed Major Nidal Hasan to carry on all his open jihadist rantings, for months prior to the massacre ?.. against the will of all the Army brass, who requested his dishonorable discharge (at the very least)

2. No, it is NOT "bull" (and you know it)

3. I didn't say it was great (you said that). I only said there is no way to determine what would have occured if there had been no internment. That is a FACT, and you cannot dispute it.

I'm waiting.
Looking back 75 years....yea, it was a horrible thing to do

Looking at it in terms of 1942 America a few months after Pearl made a lot of sense
75 years does not make a horrible but sensible thing become only horrible. It was sensible then. It is sensible now. Just as the Muslim ban is sensible.
Ignoring all the deflection and diversion:

I will repeat. The Japanese in my neighborhood who were interned actually held no anger over it. In fact, they all thought it was to be expected and knew that Europeans in Japan were treated far worse. While those in Japan lost everything, the Japanese here returned to their homes and businesses.

And never forget, thousands of young Japanese in the internment camps leaped at the chance to enter the army and form one of the most highly decorated of all units serving against the Axis Powers.

So I'm assuming you are willing to have all your assets and property confiscated, your family rounded up and sent to live for an undetermined number of years in a converted horse stall?

They didn't do it because of...but despite the fact we treated them like shit.

Their property WAS NOT confiscated. Their time in the camps was not comfortable but they were treated with respect.

Provide one single link proving different.

Just curious. Were you alive then?
Ignoring all the deflection and diversion:

I will repeat. The Japanese in my neighborhood who were interned actually held no anger over it. In fact, they all thought it was to be expected and knew that Europeans in Japan were treated far worse. While those in Japan lost everything, the Japanese here returned to their homes and businesses.

And never forget, thousands of young Japanese in the internment camps leaped at the chance to enter the army and form one of the most highly decorated of all units serving against the Axis Powers.

Well that is a bit of revisionist history.

The internment order was a blight on FDR's record. But I do know it was popular on the West Coast at the time.

But most Japanese were not able to return to their homes and business's- because most of them lost their homes and business's while they were interned. A few lucky ones were able to make arrangements with friendly neighbors to help pay their property taxes and mortgages while they were interned, but even those who managed to keep their property, often returned to find them in ruins.

And yes- thousands of patriotic Americans of Japanese descent did jump at the chance to volunteer to defend America.

But they were Americans- not Japanese.

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