Zone1 Introduction to the Romani people (Gypsies)


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Leave a comment and tell me if you knew this or it is new... Do you think that is of any value as information? Or everyone knows that already and it is useless?

You have to be careful around gypsies. They have a long history of stealing everything in sight! They are not good people. They prey on their neighbors.

Even if many do, or that would be the norm (which i still would question because there are so many different groups and inviduals of gypsies speaking so many different dialects, languages, having different nationalities that it would be too hard to generalise) it still would be fair or ethical to give a gypsy individual (lets say me, Mortimer) the chance to prove he is a good person, even if you are prejudiced and think every gypsy is bad, you can still give a gypsy a chance. Treat individuals people with fairness, kindness, politeness etc. Wouldnt Jesus do that too? Are you saying discrimination starting from microaggressions up to the genocide on top of the racism pyramid is justified?
Introduction to gypsy grocery shopping on a budget. ..
Even if many do, or that would be the norm (which i still would question because there are so many different groups and inviduals of gypsies speaking so many different dialects, languages, having different nationalities that it would be too hard to generalise) it still would be fair or ethical to give a gypsy individual (lets say me, Mortimer) the chance to prove he is a good person, even if you are prejudiced and think every gypsy is bad, you can still give a gypsy a chance. Treat individuals people with fairness, kindness, politeness etc. Wouldnt Jesus do that too? Are you saying discrimination starting from microaggressions up to the genocide on top of the racism pyramid is justified?
Even if it was just 10% of them who steal, the result is an enormous amount of theft. Also, Gypsies dont treat their neighbors with fairness, kindness or politeness when they steal their shit. :dunno:
Gypsies dont treat their neighbors with fairness, kindness or politeness when they steal their shit. :dunno:

Thats a logical fallacy, if someone steals from his neighbours I think he should be prosecuted with the full force of the law and arrested of course. Now that you say gypsies, implies every gypsy or gypsies as a collective that sounds as if you think they should be lynched as a group, like children, old women, disabled every gypsy etc. What do you mean with what you say "gypsies" should not be treated with fairness?
Even if it was just 10% of them who steal, the result is an enormous amount of theft. Also, Gypsies dont treat their neighbors with fairness, kindness or politeness when they steal their shit. :dunno:

Listen man everyone is responsible for his own actions, dont blame someone as a ethnicity, i wont apologise for someone i dont even know who stole your wallet, i dont even know him, probably we do not even live in the same country, as example, would you apologise for slavery? should american apologise for slavery? would you apologise for dylan roof? and if someone does do you think that is ok, do you think you should be mistreated because of dylan roof? what do you imply with gypsies shouldnt be treated with fairness, if i replace gypsy with american, what would that mean? what does that sound like "americans do not treat iraquis with fairness should i treat americans with fairness" why the word american, or gypsy?
Organized crime not unlike the Italian Mafia, just more salt-of-the-earth and less rooted in America's cities.
Thats a logical fallacy, if someone steals from his neighbours I think he should be prosecuted with the full force of the law and arrested of course. Now that you say gypsies, implies every gypsy or gypsies as a collective that sounds as if you think they should be lynched as a group, like children, old women, disabled every gypsy etc. What do you mean with what you say "gypsies" should not be treated with fairness?
When people complain about gypsie theft, gypsies like you defend them. People have the right to complain about cultures that are troublesome and destructive.
It's a Roma woman living in Germany, who shoplifter the fuck out of some poor merchant.
When people complain about gypsie theft, gypsies like you defend them. People have the right to complain about cultures that are troublesome and destructive.

I dont defend thieves I reject just the idea that gypsy culture means theft or crime. Do you think white culture can be viewed under certain aspects as destructive and troublesome, if we consider for example the history in the past 500 years? Do you think it depends on the viewpoint? Do you see anything positive about gypsy culture? Why the one sided picture you portray, that is why i defend it and why it is racist, i dont defend thieves or criminals.
Organized crime not unlike the Italian Mafia, just more salt-of-the-earth and less rooted in America's cities.

The Italian mafia is not equated with the italian people as a whole or in general though. With italians as a ethnic group or biological reality. No one discriminates italians for the italian mafia.
Rare moment of a couple gypsies willing to earn an honest buck.

The Italian mafia is not equated with the italian people as a whole or in general though. With italians as a ethnic group or biological reality. No one discriminates italians for the italian mafia.
Well, actually they DO....even though it isn't right.

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