Invest In Israel's Booming Economy

Speaking of a booming economy, Ashton Kutcher is in Israel again. He's investing in Israel's cutting-edge high-tech industry, and attending some financial conferences in Tel-Aviv. He's also taking some Kabbalah classes. :cool:
No end to investment opportunities in Israel. Great way to retire young.

Speaking of a booming economy, Ashton Kutcher is in Israel again. He's investing in Israel's cutting-edge high-tech industry, and attending some financial conferences in Tel-Aviv. He's also taking some Kabbalah classes. :cool:
What can you do with these guys? You show them great investments for an early retirement & you get a brilliant reply --- "Israel go boom boom."

Israel go boom-boom.

Long time.

All of us do not desire to sell our souls to Satan!
I think that the matching set of horns that Mr. Lucifer had made for Frau Sherri were a little too tight that they are giving her a headache. Can you ask him for a larger size, Frau Sherri?
Can you imagine what life is like for poor Princess living here in the USA with all those Zionists all around him?

And we thank you Princess for arming Israel with your tax dollars. Makes me feel proud to be an American. Don't you agree Princess?

...with the best weapons the U.S. can buy. :thup:

Israel do Princess long time. Go boom boom.

Princess liky peace. Pay bocoup dollar.
Can you imagine what life is like for poor Princess living here in the USA with all those Zionists all around him?

Yeah, ironically, it must have been similar living as a sympathizer to the Jews in Nazi Germany.

On the bright side, it's better to be scorned by the brainwashed masses than to one day be listed among those who stood on the wrong side of history.
Actually it's the opposite.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Can you imagine what life is like for poor Princess living here in the USA with all those Zionists all around him?

Yeah, ironically, it must have been similar living as a sympathizer to the Jews in Nazi Germany.

On the bright side, it's better to be scorned by the brainwashed masses than to one day be listed among those who stood on the wrong side of history.
Actually it's the opposite.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

I thought better and deleted that post, because in reality it's a bit disrespectful US citizens with the 'nads to openly sympathize with the Palestinians, that is.

Let's get something straight from the get-go, Roudy: you and I will NEVER see eye to eye on ANY aspect of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, but this is especially true WRT the unwarranted monetary support (both direct and indirect) that's been squeezed from my country's lifeblood by some of the worst lobbyist groups and most corrupt politicians in American history.

More people are waking up over here every day, and the tide is beginning to turn...
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Yeah, ironically, it must have been similar living as a sympathizer to the Jews in Nazi Germany.

On the bright side, it's better to be scorned by the brainwashed masses than to one day be listed among those who stood on the wrong side of history.
Actually it's the opposite.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

I thought better and deleted that post, because in reality it's a bit disrespectful US citizens with the 'nads to openly sympathize with the Palestinians, that is.

Let's get something straight from the get-go, Roudy: you and I will NEVER see eye to eye on ANY aspect of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, but this is especially true WRT the unwarranted monetary support (both direct and indirect) that's been squeezed from my country's lifeblood by some of the worst lobbyist groups and most corrupt politicians in American history.

More people are waking up over here every day, and the tide is beginning to turn...
Do some research before you philosophize. Israel has been a close ally of the US, and point of national security since it declared statehood over 65 years ago, just like S. Korea, Taiwan, Japan, UK, and many other countries. All American presidents have been ardent supporters of Israel and so have both Houses of congress. In fact if there's one thing that there is usually unanimous agreement, it would be support for the state of Israel, which is currently enjoying record high approval rating among Americans according to the polls. So the politicians are just listening to the will of the people.

If you still have a problem with that, then maybe you can write your local congressperson why we have given over 20 billion since 2001 to the Bin Laden hiding Pakistanis, or why is the US the biggest donor to the America-hating flag-burning Hamas terrorist loving Palestinians who receive 800 million a year.
Well, if you & Princess are so up set about this, why do you stay here & suffer in the USA when you can go live somewhere else?

Yeah, ironically, it must have been similar living as a sympathizer to the Jews in Nazi Germany.

On the bright side, it's better to be scorned by the brainwashed masses than to one day be listed among those who stood on the wrong side of history.
Actually it's the opposite.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

I thought better and deleted that post, because in reality it's a bit disrespectful US citizens with the 'nads to openly sympathize with the Palestinians, that is.

Let's get something straight from the get-go, Roudy: you and I will NEVER see eye to eye on ANY aspect of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, but this is especially true WRT the unwarranted monetary support (both direct and indirect) that's been squeezed from my country's lifeblood by some of the worst lobbyist groups and most corrupt politicians in American history.

More people are waking up over here every day, and the tide is beginning to turn...
Well, if you & Princess are so up set about this, why do you stay here & suffer in the USA when you can go live somewhere else?

I thought better and deleted that post, because in reality it's a bit disrespectful US citizens with the 'nads to openly sympathize with the Palestinians, that is.

Let's get something straight from the get-go, Roudy: you and I will NEVER see eye to eye on ANY aspect of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, but this is especially true WRT the unwarranted monetary support (both direct and indirect) that's been squeezed from my country's lifeblood by some of the worst lobbyist groups and most corrupt politicians in American history.

More people are waking up over here every day, and the tide is beginning to turn...
I always ask the same question. They constantly bitch and moan about the US this and US that, yet they are still here.
Amazing how we find here that Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies. And the scary part is they actually live here on our American soil.
Amazing how we find here that Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies. And the scary part is they actually live here on our American soil.
Many of them actually LIVE OFF America, and haven't worked or paid taxes in decades, yet they keep complaining about "where the tax money is gong", ever notice that? It's always the bums that never pay taxes that are always bitching. Ha ha ha.
And instaed of going after them we go after Mexicans who want to work here & provide for their families & don't burn our flags & bitch about the USA.

Amazing how we find here that Israel's greatest enemies are also America's greatest enemies. And the scary part is they actually live here on our American soil.
Many of them actually LIVE OFF America, and haven't worked or paid taxes in decades, yet they keep complaining about "where the tax money is gong", ever notice that? It's always the bums that never pay taxes that are always bitching. Ha ha ha.
You two are among the most transparent flame-baiters of all time. It's actually kind of funny to watch.

But what the hell, I'll bite.

First off, dissenting opinions regarding Israel have been in no short supply from the very beginning. Passage of the UN resolution drafted in the impending wake of the British Mandate ...required a two-thirds majority of votes. The vote was initially postponed for a reason, because according to multiple sources, had the vote been held on schedule, the resolution wouldn't have garnered the necessary votes for passage. Following a last minute high pressure campaign, during which a telegram signed by only 26 (of 96) US senators was sent to wavering countries dependent on US foreign aid, the resolution passed!

Of course, the pressure campaign wasn't limited to foreign nations. In the words of President Truman, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me." (Harry S. Truman, Memoirs 2, p. 158.) And while the names have changed over the years, the tactics of the pro-Zionist lobbyists have remained the same.

Secondly, you guys can quote your bought-and-paid-for polling results 'til you're blue in the face (Romney almost pulled it off, right?), but it won't change the reality that the tide of dissension is rising all around you.

As for the goofy suggestion that I leave the country of my birth because of all the foreign leeches attached to its body, well, I wouldn't put down my dog if he returned from a romp in the woods loaded with ticks; so why on Earth would I abandon my country in its time of need?! :dunno:

Now, regarding tax-payer funded social programs, while I might not be the biggest fan of the system overall, at least those funds are directed and spent domestically and the US economy actually benefits in several key respects from THAT sort of spending.

Lastly, I really don't have the time or patience to waste on characters like you, so I'm only too happy to allow you to continue your flame-baiting stroke fest unabated. Have at it!

In 3, 2, 1... :321:
OH no. Please don't leave us. So little else left for us to laugh at while those you support continue to kill us infidels all over the world today.

You two are among the most transparent flame-baiters of all time. It's actually kind of funny to watch.

But what the hell, I'll bite.

First off, dissenting opinions regarding Israel have been in no short supply from the very beginning. Passage of the UN resolution drafted in the impending wake of the British Mandate ...required a two-thirds majority of votes. The vote was initially postponed for a reason, because according to multiple sources, had the vote been held on schedule, the resolution wouldn't have garnered the necessary votes for passage. Following a last minute high pressure campaign, during which a telegram signed by only 26 (of 96) US senators was sent to wavering countries dependent on US foreign aid, the resolution passed!

Of course, the pressure campaign wasn't limited to foreign nations. In the words of President Truman, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me." (Harry S. Truman, Memoirs 2, p. 158.) And while the names have changed over the years, the tactics of the pro-Zionist lobbyists have remained the same.

Secondly, you guys can quote your bought-and-paid-for polling results 'til you're blue in the face (Romney almost pulled it off, right?), but it won't change the reality that the tide of dissension is rising all around you.

As for the goofy suggestion that I leave the country of my birth because of all the foreign leeches attached to its body, well, I wouldn't put down my dog if he returned from a romp in the woods loaded with ticks; so why on Earth would I abandon my country in its time of need?! :dunno:

Now, regarding tax-payer funded social programs, while I might not be the biggest fan of the system overall, at least those funds are directed and spent domestically and the US economy actually benefits in several key respects from THAT sort of spending.

Lastly, I really don't have the time or patience to waste on characters like you, so I'm only too happy to allow you to continue your flame-baiting stroke fest unabated. Have at it!

In 3, 2, 1... :321:
You two are among the most transparent flame-baiters of all time. It's actually kind of funny to watch.

But what the hell, I'll bite.

First off, dissenting opinions regarding Israel have been in no short supply from the very beginning. Passage of the UN resolution drafted in the impending wake of the British Mandate ...required a two-thirds majority of votes. The vote was initially postponed for a reason, because according to multiple sources, had the vote been held on schedule, the resolution wouldn't have garnered the necessary votes for passage. Following a last minute high pressure campaign, during which a telegram signed by only 26 (of 96) US senators was sent to wavering countries dependent on US foreign aid, the resolution passed!

Of course, the pressure campaign wasn't limited to foreign nations. In the words of President Truman, "The facts were that not only were there pressure movements around the United Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political threats—disturbed and annoyed me." (Harry S. Truman, Memoirs 2, p. 158.) And while the names have changed over the years, the tactics of the pro-Zionist lobbyists have remained the same.

Secondly, you guys can quote your bought-and-paid-for polling results 'til you're blue in the face (Romney almost pulled it off, right?), but it won't change the reality that the tide of dissension is rising all around you.

As for the goofy suggestion that I leave the country of my birth because of all the foreign leeches attached to its body, well, I wouldn't put down my dog if he returned from a romp in the woods loaded with ticks; so why on Earth would I abandon my country in its time of need?! :dunno:

Now, regarding tax-payer funded social programs, while I might not be the biggest fan of the system overall, at least those funds are directed and spent domestically and the US economy actually benefits in several key respects from THAT sort of spending.

Lastly, I really don't have the time or patience to waste on characters like you, so I'm only too happy to allow you to continue your flame-baiting stroke fest unabated. Have at it!

In 3, 2, 1... :321:
Meh, what's your point? A meaningless opinion piece derived from a Nazi website probably, having nothing to do with the subject. And next time post a link.

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