Investigate Baltimore Mayor, Not Baltimore Police


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Baltimore Mayor is calling on the US Justice Dept to investigate the Baltimore Police dept for excessive force and racial bias. At this point in time, there is little doubt that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings was well in cahoots with Barrack Obama and Al Sharpton (who she pals around with), and this is waht was a t the bottom of the stand down order that allowed the riots on April 27 to ensue.

Instead of the DOJ investigating the Baltmore Police, a better idea might be to have some agency outside the Obama administration investigate Mayor Rawlings, Obama, Sharpton, and anyone else of this rogues gallery to shed a full light on their activities, before we see more of these horrendous situations.

As for your call for the DOJ to investigate the Baltimore Police, STAND DOWN, MAYOR RAWLINGS.

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They are threatening to do just that from what I've been seeing. did you see her this morning?

she's a back peddling and throwing out all kinds of stuff that has been done just by having her in office and how dare anyone think of having her investigated

I had to turn her off.
Good idea, let's "investigate" any politicians that we disagree with, politically!

Maybe one of those guys in the House of Representatives could launch an investigation. Perhaps Rep. Issa or Gowdy could do the job.
Did the mayor arrest someone, and did that person receive a grave injury during transport?

Whatever you think of the mayor of Baltimore, idiot though she may be, the police officers involved in this arrest and transport of the prisoner should be investigated.
I understand your dislike for what the mayor did. I think her actions were stupid too.

But to suggest that the police officers involved not be investigated is ridiculous.

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