Investigation into Joe Biden hits too close to home for the Swamp

It's hard to say all the things the Biden family has promised foreign governments arcoss the globe.

It could even be he is not done doing them whatever favors he promised them yet.

But one thing is for sure, they don't give millions to the Biden family for nothing, and certainly not for Hunter's lousy paintings.

And not paying taxes on the money does not help matters
So how can you guys say Biden broke the law if you can’t even say what he did?
It's hard to say all the things the Biden family has promised foreign governments arcoss the globe.

It could even be he is not done doing them whatever favors he promised them yet.

But one thing is for sure, they don't give millions to the Biden family for nothing, and certainly not for Hunter's lousy painting.

So you have NOTHING. Not one thing that Biden has done for ANY of these countries. But he MUST have promised something!!!

Wouldn't it behove Biden to do things for his "patrons" as soon as possible after he's elected since a 2nd term isn't assured????

Biden has been in office for 3 1/2 years and he's done NOTHING for all of the people who bribed him??????
Biden couldn't open and run an ice cream shop let alone a hotel. Seriously the Biden's can even take care of a dog, it's a joke people think Joe can run the country.
He is making GOP and especially MAGA look like idiots everyday...

Thanks for the impeach Biden thing... Democrats were saying that the crazies were in charge and you would be lucky to run a cricus...

But then MAGA does it for them... Big Thanks..

P.s. All helped by ill informed idiots like you and Votto.... Ye are the were it matters in MAGA, keeping ye stupid as dogshit and pointed in the one direction is vital...
While Biden is lower than pond scum, along with apparently everyone in his family, I'm still not sure how you can impeach the fellow for things he did while he was not an elected public official. It is clear to me that once he stepped down as VP, he and his family decided to exploit his political influence for financial gain, assuming that his political career was over. Little did they know that the Democrat bullpen would be so empty that he would be the best candidate for President in 2020.

As with the infamous January 6th committee, the hearings are exposing a lot of embarrassing shit, but only serious partisans are paying attention, and they (we) are beyond convincing one way or another.
The Democrat calling for the vote was right on the money, and pretty entertaining, too.

That pretty much says it all ... all they are doing is trying to smear the Bidens ... otherwise they would have impeached him ... how many months does it take to impeach a president ??? in October 8, 1998, the Republicans took Bill Clinton to task for impeachment ... by December 19 1998 voted to impeach... took them 2 months to vote to impeach because they felt they had evidence ... here we have had Comey dragging a charge against the president for 15 months with no actual crime they have committed all they are doing is trying to drag the Bidens name through the mud so they can get trump elected ... people see what they are doing ... thats why trump will lose the white house and the republicans will losae control of the house and senate ... there constant lying is only hurting the republican party witch is fine with me ...
I don't doubt the fact that the Swamp, which includes the GOP, has no intention of following through with any kind of impeachment. In fact, they could not even follow through with Trump.

No, it's just slinging poo, but the question stands, why is Trump singled out for more poo?

To look at the history of abuse within the Federal government and the lack of accountably for it is staggering.
you call it sling poo its Republicans slinging poo ... do you call trying to get a person to change the vote by adding votes poo ??? do you call taking classified documents then being asked if you have them then lie that you don't poo??? do you call having misguided people go after Congress to kill them by Slinging poo ??? yet they can't give us one crime the Bidens have done to deserve to have Joe impeached ... that's sling poo ... seems you have no clue who's full of shit ... if they had anything against Biden they would have impeached him by now ... you have to remember by October 8, 1998, to December 8, 1998, took them less then two months to impeach Clinton and 15 months later the still haven't voted to impeach Biden...
I don't doubt the fact that the Swamp, which includes the GOP, has no intention of following through with any kind of impeachment. In fact, they could not even follow through with Trump.

No, it's just slinging poo, but the question stands, why is Trump singled out for more poo?

To look at the history of abuse within the Federal government and the lack of accountably for it is staggering.
one more thing as following through with Trump was due to the Republicans not voting to impeach ... if they had done their job we wouldn't be talking about Trump's lies and his crooked ways of doing things ...
I don't doubt the fact that the Swamp, which includes the GOP, has no intention of following through with any kind of impeachment. In fact, they could not even follow through with Trump.

No, it's just slinging poo, but the question stands, why is Trump singled out for more poo?

To look at the history of abuse within the Federal government and the lack of accountably for it is staggering.

Because unlike Biden, we have ACTUAL evidence that Trump did ALL of the things he's accused of doing. Unlike Biden, nobody is making up shit about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has always been on the wrong side of the law, and morality.
While Biden is lower than pond scum, along with apparently everyone in his family, I'm still not sure how you can impeach the fellow for things he did while he was not an elected public official. It is clear to me that once he stepped down as VP, he and his family decided to exploit his political influence for financial gain, assuming that his political career was over. Little did they know that the Democrat bullpen would be so empty that he would be the best candidate for President in 2020.

As with the infamous January 6th committee, the hearings are exposing a lot of embarrassing shit, but only serious partisans are paying attention, and they (we) are beyond convincing one way or another.
Seriously, yesterday's hearing was just embarrassing for MAGA... They got nothing... AOC could have been clearer...

Personally I would have laid on the guy.
  1. Tell us a specific action of President Biden
  2. The evidence of the action
  3. The crime that it breaks
In that order... Keep it concise, so first the specific action....

But it wasn't AOC job to make a case... It was the MAGA job to make a case... They failed to make it.. Burden of proof is on them, they can't keep going with accusations..
Biden couldn't open and run an ice cream shop let alone a hotel. Seriously the Biden's can even take care of a dog, it's a joke people think Joe can run the country.
Sorry, I guess this is a no humor zone!

Watching the Biden family enrich themselves is symbolic of how the entire Swamp does the same thing.

This exchange with AOC and an eyewitness of the criminal past of the Biden family is a taste of how scared they are of this line of questioning. They hardly let the man talk.

Shortly after the event, a democrat made a quick demand to vote yes or no for impeachment, stating he won't sit around and let taxpayers waste any more money on the investigation into the Biden family.

That's right everyone, for the for time in US history the US Congress is concerned about spending money.

Meanwhile, they spent $30 million of taxpayer money going after Trump regarding Russian collusion that went nowhere.

Naturally, the GOP is probably sweating bullets as much as the democrats are on this one which is why there is no real unity within the GOP to do this.
he called for a vote because if the vote failed, it wouldn't be taken up again for a long time

Trump is now bankrupt.

Why is Trump so hated amongst those who are so corrupt?

I see the Trump persecution as a good thing. Time to make impeachment an every day occurrence rather than just a once in a life time event.

Time to bring their corrupt house down and drop the partisan crap.
I know the left are going to have an attack of diarrhea over this but I'll say it anyway

Trump is going through essentially what Jesus went through and what other Christians go through, those who stand up for truth and justice, as Trump definitely does.

Sorry, you soft Christians but we all have to have our own Calvary. There is no easy way to Heaven, as Jesus said.

It seems that only the Catholic Church teaches this, and we know how hated that Church is, but truth is always despised by those... it inconveniences

(which is kind of: everyone...)
Sorry, I guess this is a no humor zone!
no, it's a case of you haven't a clue about Biden have no idea what he has done for our country at this point... where his bills he passed every Republican are trying to take credit for it ... they all voted against it that's how worthless you republicans are ... if they aren't lying they are taking credit for someones else's idea...or they are lying their ass off or like you no idea what going on
he called for a vote because if the vote failed, it wouldn't be taken up again for a long time

When Bill Clinton was impeached it took them 2 months to do it they gave their evidence and being they were in the majority...Clinton got impeached in the house ... here they have been going after Biden and made all of these allegations about Biden but not a piece of evidence he ever did anything ... that's why they didn't try to impeach him this bull shit it wouldn't be taken up in a long time is bull shit ... look what they did to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas the very next day they tried again who you are kidding they can't bring it up because they have no proof and that's what it takes proof ...
no, it's a case of you haven't a clue about Biden have no idea what he has done for our country at this point... where his bills he passed every Republican are trying to take credit for it ... they all voted against it that's how worthless you republicans are ... if they aren't lying they are taking credit for someones else's idea...or they are lying their ass off or like you no idea what going on
I’m afraid you’re the one that doesn’t know what’s going on! Read with understanding before shooting from the hip. :rolleyes-41:
the russian collusion confirmed yesterday under oath by rudy's handler?

or the russian collusion confirmed by trump's hiring of russian asset manafort?

or the ongoing autocratic collusion of russia and republicans/trump vs ukraine and the free world?
say again how much money manofort got compared to the bidens from Russia
Please give us the figures or you're a fraud.
dear idiot.

a very interesting question. perhaps because muller is a repub?

normally i'd p;ut you on ignore, votto. we are neither morons nor idiots, and you have some interesting religion/ethics posts. i'd like to drop the insults. at least between you and i?
Don’t do it, it’s a trap….
I’m afraid you’re the one that doesn’t know what’s going on! Read with understanding before shooting from the hip. :rolleyes-41:
I read quite well's you who has no idea what the words of understanding mean ... sooooo clueless you are ...when you hear Republicans speak in matters of the Biden family ...they use the words "we believe"," instead of "they have'', it's always "might have "or "could have", never "they did this" ... just a lot of should have, would have, could have, ... that's my understanding ... that's all your precious republicans can say ... that's why there is no their there ... that's why they have pulled the trigger on impeachment cause ...they know they don't have the votes ...

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